

Benefits To Using Telephone Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

Although many people may be familiar with counselling, not everyone has heard of or even taken advantage of telephone counselling. Doing a counselling session over the telephone can offer great benefits such as additional privacy and mobility in addition to confidentiality and access to a full counselling session. If any of these benefits seem to appeal to you and you are in need of some counselling or guidance, you might consider a session over the telephone.

Telephones offer a certain amount of privacy in and of themselves. When you speak over the telephone, you don't necessarily need to see the face of the person that you are talking to. In that respect, doing telephone counselling allows you to retain a certain amount of anonymity with your counselor. If you are not comfortable meeting with a counselor face to face, but still wish to get the help that you need, your telephone might be a great way to complete a session.

If you decide to use a mobile phone, you also have the added benefit of basically carrying out your session wherever you please. You can stay inside your home, if you want. At the same time, if you want to take a walk or complete your session from somewhere such as the park, you can do that if you want. It's not going to matter to your counselor where you are or where you go so long as you stay on the phone for your session.

Even if you are completing your counselling session over the phone, you can still expect the same amount of confidentiality that you would receive if you were meeting with your counselor face to face. Of course, it's always safe to check on your counselor's privacy policies, but in general your counselor should let you know about the confidentiality of your sessions.

You also still have access to the same length of a session through telephone counselling as you would get by meeting with the counselor in person. You shouldn't feel slighted just because you prefer counselling over the phone. You should expect the same length of a session as any other client would receive.

There are many benefits to taking advantage of telephone counselling. This method of counselling offers added privacy, mobility, confidentiality, and access to full counselling sessions. You should be able to try this counselling out through a free mini session from your desired counselor. If you are in need of some help, then get some counselling right away. With the benefit of being able to do it over the telephone, you might just be glad that you did.

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NLP and the Law of Attraction (redmartin john)

In the book, 'The Secret' the authors pointed out that your body reacts to what your mind focuses on. This is known as the law of attraction.

Some people believe that Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is generally based on this same law.

The law of attraction states that if you want to achieve any goal and if you focus on that goal, your ambition will lead you along the right path. This leads some psychologists to say that your thoughts give you the energy you need to achieve your goals.

The theory goes that when you constantly focus on something, you are sending your energy to the world to help you attain your goal. If you think about your goals positively you'll be able to accomplish the goal.

This also means that your negative thoughts will have the same impacts that your positive thoughts do. How the Law of Attraction Works

According to experts, the law of attraction moves your body in direction of your mind. For example, most diets fail because diets cause you to constantly think about the food. As a result you don't lose weight.

On the other hand when you focus on thinking about being strong and healthy, then the law of attraction will cause your new eating habits to make you strong and healthy.

People who smoke struggle to quit smoking. This is because they focus on what they are giving up. When smokers start to focus on what they will receive when they quit, such as a longer, healthier life, they become smoke free much more easily and quickly.

Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques help to modify your mind to think about what you want rather than what you don't want. If you want the law of attraction to work, you need to focus your thoughts on what you want.

You can use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to teach your subconscious mind to move you in the direction of your goals. By harnessing the power of your subconscious mind you harness your body movement also.

First of all learn to focus on the things you have and do not always think about the things that you have not. Focus on what you want and do not think about what you do not want. Then you can use your energy to achieve your goal. You will see that the goal you have strongly held in your inner mind will lead the direction to achieve it. Learning to Use Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques

You can learn about Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques online or you can take courses offered by NLP trainers around the world. These courses are offered to help you shift your thinking so you can achieve your goal.

Learning how to use Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques can be done easily and quickly. From developing your self confidence so you can speak in public to getting rid of phobias like the fear of flying, Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques can greatly improve your life.

Use Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques to Attain Your Wishes Quickly and Easily

If you are interested in shifting your thinking you can use Neuro Linguistic Programming to help you find the solution to overcoming your problem entirely. NLP has been shown to be effective for many people... isn't it about time you tried using Neuro Linguistic Programming techniques to help you?

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Various Characteristics of a Substance Abuser (Drugteststrips)

Substance abuse is one of the primary matters of concern that remains an obstacle for healthy lifestyle both in adults as well as in teens today. Substance abuse is not only dangerous for the abuser, but also affects the people around them severely. So it is important to keep an eye out for drug abusers around us. Substance abusers exhibit some characteristics that disrupt their physical and social life. Here, we will know some of those characteristics:

Problems at school or work
Unhealthy habits such as substance abuse create many problems at school or workplace. Youth addicted to drugs or alcohol miss their classes regularly. Sudden drop in grades and quitting the extracurricular activities are some of the consequences of substance abuse in students. In the same way, substance abuse among employees results in frequent absenteeism and poor performance at work. Many of them will be involved in accidents at workplaces. Thereby, it affects the career of the substance abuser.

Neglect grooming
Change in the physical appearance is one of the characteristics of substance abusers. They neglect the regular grooming activities such as brushing hair, showering, and so on as their priorities shift to the constant need for the drug. Drug abuse therefore affects their personal hygiene. It is also associated with many health issues.

Health issues
Some of the health effects among the substance abusing people include irritability, change in weight, lack or excessive amount of energy, impaired coordination, raising heartbeat etc. The functions of various important organs such as brain, heart, lungs, liver, and others get impaired. Strokes, lung or bronchial disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and mental disorders are some of the major health issues related to the substance abuse. The dangerous health effects due to long-term practice of this unhealthy habit may also result in death of the abuser.

Unhealthy lifestyle
The practice of substance abuse entertains an unhealthy lifestyle. Drug abusers may be involved in use of infected needles, smoking, ignore diet and exercise which may lead to several serious health effects. Many physical as well as psychological effects arise due to frequent use of illegal drugs.

Physical characteristics
Certain physical signs and symptoms help detect the substance abusers. They are red eyes, large or small pupils, unusual skin color, runny nose, bags under eyes, frequent sore throats, puffy face, frequent bruises from falls etc. Needle marks on the body are a clear indication of substance abuse. Certain skin abscesses may be formed due to the needle marks making it much easy to identify them.

Behavioral changes
Many changes in behavior and attitude are observed among the drug abusers. Certain typical behavioral alterations and characteristics of substance abusers include decrease in work performance, hanging out with new friends, sudden personality changes, and mood swings. They also prefer to spend longer time in self-imposed isolation. They often tend to lie when questioned regarding their activities and whereabouts. They are more prone to anger, irritation, and violence. Suicidal thoughts and inability to control temper or anger are the indications of drug addiction.

Involvement in crime
The most serious characteristic of substance abusers is their involvement in crime related activities. They may steal money or other valuables from home or workplace. Out of anger, they may get into violent activities including fighting with friends or family members and may even attempt to kill others. This affects the abuser as well as others in the society.

If you find any of the above mentioned characteristics in your family members, friends, children employees or any other person, you need to first confirm that they are involved in substance abuse. You need to realize that early drug abusers using right drug detection tools such as drug testing kits help in implementing necessary treatment measures at a right time.

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Counselling Options You May Have (Caroline Bronte)

Some people might not realize that when it comes to seeking out help and guidance through counselling that there are different options available. Every person is different, and one type of counselling option might not be the best choice for every person that needs help through counselling. Some of the options that you might have when it comes to seeking out counselling services include face to face counselling, online counselling, and telephone counselling. Each type has its own advantages, so it is important for you to decide which will best meet your needs.

Face to face counselling lets you meet with your counselor in his or her office. It allows you to get personal interaction and the ability to discuss your thoughts, problems, or issues directly to another person. Some people prefer this method because it offers personal interaction with the counselor. For some people, it is beneficial to be able to see the person that they are talking to. You can still expect your session to be confidential, and you may get the added benefit of getting to know your counselor in person.

If going to a counselor's office puts you a little on edge, then you might have the option to complete online counselling. Some counselors might offer certain sessions through chat, but others might prefer a more visual method, such as using a video service to still complete the session face to face. You still get the advantage of meeting with your counselor face to face, but you can do so from the comfort of your own home.

Telephone counselling has some of the same advantages as online counselling. You can complete the session from the comfort of your own home, if you so desire. If you happen to have a mobile phone, you may be able to do your session wherever you choose--even somewhere outside. Telephone counselling offers a certain amount of freedom, but also a level of anonymity in that your counselor doesn't have to see your face and you don't have to go into your counselor's office if you don't want to.

There are actually a few different types of counselling options that you might have if you are looking for help. Some counselors will offer free sessions for you to get an idea of whether or not that counselor is right for you. You might also be able to try out a counseling method to see if you prefer it. Some of these methods include face to face counselling, online counselling, and telephone counselling. One method does not necessarily work for every person; so don't be afraid to choose what will best help you in the end.

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El río Pánica casi inunda Tambor

Me desperté con el ruido de la lluvia, y la verdad es que salvo algunas paradas, así estuvo todo el día. Extraña lluvia por este sitio del mundo, porque no hubo, o al menos yo no la escuche, rayería. Estaba solo (habían ido a San José a por una moto nueva) y aquí estuve todo el día. Ni siquiera a ver el atardecer, me acerqué. Ya al oscurecer, pongo las noticias de Tambor (Facebook, como no) y leo lo que sigue (copio literalmente):

17:05 Atencion vecinos de Tambor, estar pendientes del caudal del rio Panica ya que esta llegando casi al limite del muro, estar muy pendiente principalmente aquellos que viven cerca de la desembocadura y alrededores.

17:53 Se informa que viene en camino la policia de Cobano y el intendente de la Munipalidad de Cobano a verificar el nivel del Rio Panica ya que esta subiendo bastante.

18:24 Ya llego la policia a inspeccionar el rio, igualmente ya se informo a la comision nacional de emergencias informandole de la situacion, espero pronto empieza a bajar.

18:37 Se informa a los vecinos del pueblo de Tambor , el Muelle y Panica que en caso de cualquier emergencia ya sea inundacion de rios, algun puente caido o algun desastre natural comunicarse con el señor Eduardo Gonzalez Cordero de Cabinas Cristina al Tel 26-83-00-28 que actua como enlace con la Comision Nacional de Emergencias.

19:02 Ya se abrio con un back hoe para que salga mejor el agua en la desembocadura y esta fluyendo mejor, igualmente estar pendiente la proxima marea alta y cualquier cosa estar informando de alguna novedad para activar la voz de alerta.

Ya era noche y no era como para acercarse, porque entre otras cosas, el camino por el que hacerlo no hace falta muchas lluvias para que esté inundado.
Hoy he esperado a la marea alta y he comprobado que no solo es Javier el exagerado de este pueblo. También es verdad que lo han abierto con un backhoe (retroexcavadora). La naturaleza es muy sabia, y cuando llega la época seca, las olas cierran la desembocadura, o casi, manteniendo con agua lo más dulce posible el manglar.

Son bastantes veces lo que lo he visto con más caudal, pero al igual que en todos los medios de comunicación oficiales (¿?) hay que creerse la mitad de la mitad, sino es justo lo contrario, que te están desinformando.

Otrosí: Me han traído un perico, paro rápidamente he dicho que se lo lleven. En un momento y estando yo en la computadora, me ha sacado dos teclas del mismo, teclas que no soy capaz de armar. Si echo de menos a la ardilla

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Why is it Necessary to Conduct Nicotine Test at Home? (Drugteststrips)

Nicotine, alcohol and illegal drug abuse is found to be more causative factor for deaths than any other problem in the United States. Nicotine is a nervous system stimulant and is addictive both physically and psychologically. With increase in tobacco consumption, there has been a necessity to detect the abusing individuals. Earlier, Nicotine testing was possible only in sophisticated hospitals and commercial laboratories. However, these days there are special home drug test kits that help you to detect nicotine abuse at home. Here is some information which helps you know the importance of Nicotine testing at home.

Tobacco-leading preventable cause of premature death
Tobacco abuse causes health problems such as bronchitis, pneumonia, brain and heart strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases. It is also responsible for mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, pancreas and stomach cancers that may lead to death and hence is considered a leading preventable cause of premature death. Tobacco smoking results in more than 400,000 deaths in the United States every year. It is hence important to prevent Nicotine abuse among people. Conducting Nicotine test at home regularly can help reduce tobacco abuse.

Millions of smokers in US
Nicotine abuse in US has become common. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health states stated that there were about 58.7 million cigarette smokers aged 12 or above in 2009. This contributed to about 23.3 percent of the population. Cigarette smoking was found to be more common among unemployed adults aged 18 or older and constituted about 41.9%.

Effects of Tobacco abuse

The chief component of tobacco, activates adrenaline that in turn stimulates the central nervous system. This increases blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate. Nicotine also affects brain pathways that control pleasure and reward.

Tobacco smoking causes lung diseases such as pneumonia, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It also increases the risk of heart diseases. Different hazardous chemicals including carcinogens in the smoke cause mouth, liver, and stomach cancers. Increased risk of diseases at earlier stages of life due to the abuse leads to premature deaths. Nicotine abuse also affects the personal and social life of the individuals. It is hence important to identify the abusers at primitive stages.

How to identify the abusers?
Tobacco abuse among your family members can be identified by certain signs and symptoms. Some of them include:

Smell of tobacco
Stained teeth or fingers
Shortness of breaths
Loss of appetite
Frequent cough
Sleep disturbances

Once you identify these signs, conduct a nicotine test at home to confirm the abuse.

How to conduct the test?
It is very easy to conduct a Nicotine test at home. Different types of kits are available for conducting urine, saliva and hair tests that detect the presence of Cotinine
a metabolite of Nicotine.

Urine test
Urine test is the most common method for testing Nicotine. It can detect cotinine for two to four days after tobacco use. The concentration of cotinine is higher in urine compared to saliva or blood. So, many home test kits are designed to detect cotinine in urine. The testing materials of the kit react with cotinine of the sample and give a positive or negative result.

Saliva test
It is a cheap and non-invasive method. A saliva sample is taken from the individual through a mouth swab. The saliva test kit checks for the presence of nicotine and cotinine. They can be detected for up to two to four days after use. As it is difficult to cheat the test by adulteration, it is considered to be ideal test that can be conducted at home.

Hair test
In this method, hair taken from any part of the body is checked for the presence of cotinine. The detection time for cotinine using hair test is more when compared to the fluid tests. The test is capable of detecting nicotine use for up to 90 days.

How reliable are drug test kits?
Home Nicotine test kits provide quick and accurate results. Some of them are sold in the market only after the approval of Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Hence, they are found to be more reliable and can be used safely at home.

It is most important for parents to detect tobacco abuse in their children. Nicotine test kits serve this purpose well by enabling them to conduct the test in privacy and comfort.

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Simple Ways to Get Out of Unhealthy Habits (Drugteststrips)

Many people today are suffering from unhealthy habits such as smoking, alcohol or illegal substance abuse. Unhealthy habits often result in health related issues. They can also negatively impact professional, social and economic well-being of an individual. Being aware of the harmful effects of unhealthy habits, many people are continuing with them assuming that getting out of these habits is very difficult. Some even think that it is impossible. In this article, we have mentioned some simple tips to help them come out of the unhealthy habits.

Do you want to change your unhealthy habit?:
If your answer is 'yes', then you can easily come out of unhealthy habits! It's true! The desire to break your bad habits itself is the primary step to achieve it. There are many people who do not even think of stopping these habits in spite of being aware of their harmful effects. You are at least better than that kind of people. But, don't just limit it to imagination. Make a proper planning and employ right measures to make your wish come true.

Take a firm decision:
A strong decision to quit bad habits can bring a positive change in your life. It is very difficult to achieve success if you don't have commitment. So, make firm determination to get out of substance abuse. Take it as a challenge and define specific goals to achieve success in a step-wise process. Practice healthy habits in your daily routine to detach yourself from unhealthy habits.

Stay away from substance abusing friends:
You may encounter many obstacles in the process of quitting unhealthy habits. It will be very difficult for you to break these habits in the company of substance abusing friends. It is better to avoid them. Simply reject any invitations from them and be bold to make them know that you are not interested in those habits.

Spend more time with family:
Emotional support from your family can help you get rid of drug or alcohol abusing habits. Instead of going out with your drug abusing friends, go for a walk or an outing with your family members. Get involved in family-related responsibilities, functions or activities.

One of the common reasons for drug abuse in many individuals is stress. Abusing drugs in order to reduce stress aggravates the situation. Individual may suffer from compound effects of stress and substance abuse. Therefore, this unhealthy habit of managing stress should be replaced with healthy options. You can have a simple and open chat with your family members. Share your feelings on substance abuse and accept their suggestions to give up the habit.

See the positive side of life:
Look at the benefits of healthy lifestyle. Inculcate healthy habits like regular exercise. Include nutritional food in your diet. They are known to reduce the risk of serious health issues like heart attacks and cancer.

Breaking unhealthy habits like substance abuse is possible. In fact, you can successfully get rid of unhealthy habits with the help of the above mentioned tips. So, be prepared to enjoy your healthy life by quitting unhealthy habits.

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Advantages of 6 Panel Oral Drug Test (Drugteststrips)

Saliva drug test or Oral drug test is the ideal process for drug testing both at home and work place. These tests are equal to urine drug test in accuracy, process, quick results etc. This is an efficient form of drug testing and enables to employ the random drug testing programs. This is one of the popular drug test methods, which are used to find out any instant drug abuse.

The drugs detected in 6 panel oral drug test: 6 panel oral drug testing is a system that detects the six most commonly abused illicit and prescription drugs using saliva specimen. Drugs that are detectable using the 6 panel drug test are marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamines and phencyclidine. Saliva testing methods gives test results as per the guidelines of NIDA and SAMHSA cutoff levels.

Advantages of 6 panel oral drug test:
6 panel oral drug tests is an easy process and there are many advantages of using this particular test specifically for corporate drug testing-

It is the best method to determine the current use of any of the above 6 drugs at a time.
It is a simple and discreet drug abuse testing without any inconvenience, embracement or biological hazard risks for the donors, which are usually associates with urine drug testing.

Completely eliminates the possibility of sample contamination, adulteration or any manipulation.
Qualitative results are interpreted in ten minutes.
Does not require any highly skilled training for monitoring the test.
No need to go for six different types of tests for knowing about 6 different drugs in the body.
The design permits a convenient collection in a lateral flow of immunoassay screening.
It has been proven that the accuracy of the saliva drug test is equivalent with any kind of urine test that is being done in the laboratory or to the results of blood drug test.

Saliva drug testing is simple and fast processing test that can be conducted by anyone. It is donor friendly system, which can detect multiple drugs in a single test. The above information illustrates about saliva drug test and its advantages, which are helpful for everyone, who needs to choose a right type of the drug testing method that is accurate and affordable.

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Importance of Using Alcohol Breathalyzers at Home (Drugteststrips)

Alcohol usage is one of the most common problems in the United States. National Survey on Drug Abuse and Health states that about 130.6 million people aged 12 or above were alcohol drinkers in 2009. This implies that more than half (51.9 percent) of 12 or older Americans are current alcohol drinkers. Many health implications are associated with alcohol abuse. It increases the risk of health problems such as liver and heart diseases. It also affects mental health. Alcohol abuse in drivers results in fatal accidents and crashes.

These lethal effects make it necessary to conduct alcohol testing. The first and the best place to conduct alcohol testing is 'home'. Among various testing tools available, alcohol breathalyzers are easy and efficient to use at home. Here is some information that helps you know the importance of using alcohol breathalyzers at home.

Drinking and driving is dangerous
Driving under the influence of alcohol is very dangerous. Many vehicular accidents and traffic fatalities are associated with drunk driving. This is because alcohol affects the parts of the brain that control vision, skill and judgment. Blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08% is found to affect driving skills of alcohol abused persons. Anything above this is considered unsafe and illegal. So, it is always better to check BAC at home using alcohol breathalyzers.

How alcohol breathalyzers work?
Alcohol breathalyzers are the devices which analyze alcohol content in the air expelled from your lungs. Different technologies such as infrared absorption spectroscopy, fuel cell and semiconductor oxide are used by them. These days infrared absorption spectroscopy is used often to detect alcohol content.

Special devices called spectrographs analyze interactions between particulate matter and radiation. Alcohol breathalyzers measure the absorption of infrared light by the molecules in breath sample. Reaction to the infrared light is different for different molecules. This helps the device detect the chemical composition of the sample. The analyzers can therefore detect the alcohol content present in your breath sample. The blood alcohol content is then calculated from it and presented as result.

Helps you decide whether you are in a condition to drive or not
It is known that alcohol abuse is the most probable reason for car accidents. BAC of suspected drunk drivers is therefore checked by traffic and police officials. However, in order to detect your driving risk, you can conduct a self-test at your home by using an effective alcohol breathalyzer. It helps you to decide your driving condition. Using this, you can avoid any legal hassles that are linked with driving under the influence of alcohol.

Detects alcohol drinking habit in kids
The other major use of alcohol breathalyzers at home is to detect drinking habit among kids. Kids are more susceptible to alcohol abuse because of their peers. They try to hide the drinking habits from family members. Poor academic performance and behavioral problems are also associated with alcohol abused children. So it is necessary for parents to monitor their activities and prevent them from alcohol consumption. Home breathalyzers help you to detect the abuse easily.

Affordable and easy to use
Different models of portable alcohol breathalyzers are available in the market at affordable prices. They are efficient in providing quick and accurate results. They are designed in such a way that they can be handled and used by anyone. Hence, they are more preferred for alcohol testing at home. It is better to buy alcohol breathalyzers which are approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) for reliability and safety.

It is therefore beneficial to use alcohol breathalyzers to detect alcohol abuse among your family members. They also help you to reduce the risk of traffic problems associated with alcohol abuse.

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Para comentarios en Blogger hay que pertenecer a Google+

Estoy de Google hasta los cojones, y creo que esta frase no es la primera vez que la pongo en este blog cuando trato este tema.
Que las redes sociales se van imponiendo es una cosa que ya daba por hecha, pero no hasta los extremos que están llegando, y por supuesto esto será hasta que llegue el próximo niñato, y en su garaje por supuesto, descubra algo que las sustituya.
Para hacerte un correo en Gmail, en los tiempos que yo me lo hice, había que tener invitación y algo he leído por ahí de que ahora Google se quiere quitar de en medio el citado correo. La pela es la pela, y poca publicidad es la que se puede hacer en ellos. También es verdad que pocos mensajes recibo ahora por ellos, todo el mundo lo hace por Facebook. También es verdad que poca gente sabe que Gmail te permite tener en la Web2 hasta 15 Gb almacenados, por lo que bien ordenados, tienes tu información desde cualquier computadora y en cualquier parte del mundo.
A lo que iba, El gigante Google, no iba a ser menos y ha echado todo el resto en otra, la dichosa Google+, a la que al principio ni puñetero caso, pero estos tíos te van llevando a ella quieras o no quieras, desde su puñetero Hangout (el cual no he estrenado, pero pronto todos lo haremos) que ya te aparece hasta en Gmail, hasta Google en que te dirigen a él desde una pestaña, pero los que más estamos sufriendo las consecuencias somos los que utilizamos Blogger. Ni con mucho, voy a explicar aquí todas las putadas que nos han hecho para de alguna forma casarlos; si voy a decir algo sobre los comentarios.
Son meses los que hace, que veo que en este blog no me hacen ninguno, es más, el gadget donde aparecían lo han quitado los hijos de la gran…, pero ni se cómo puñetas, llego a uno que me hacen en una entrada que escribí hace tiempo, y es reciente. Investigo y me voy encontrando cosas como estas:
Comentarios de Google+ en Blogger
Comentarios de Blogger en Google+, análisis y consejos
Resumiendo, para hacer un comentario en los blog de Blogger, hay que haberse dado de alta en Google+
Si quieres hacerlo (un comentario) y aun no lo has hecho (darte de alta en Google+), aquí puedes hacerlo:
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¡Hah!, que no nos creamos que Facebook y Twitter, son las únicas redes sociales, hay cientos, y aquí te dejo algunas de ellas por si quieres perder más la cabeza.

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Physical and Mental Effects of Abusing Sleeping Pills (Drugteststrips)

Sleeping pills act as sleeping aid for sleeping disorders, mainly insomnia and sleep apnea. Sleeping pills have some amount of hypnotic drug, which helps in creating a tranquilizing effect on the mind. Due to this, the mind of the person calms down, thus promoting sleep. They are always recommended by doctors in smaller dosages, for shorter periods, however chronic the problem may be. This is because, excess intake of sleeping pills exaggerate the problem further instead of curing it. Excess usage of sleeping tablets makes the individual get addicted to it leading to numerous and severe side effects on the body, sometimes proving to be fatal.

Symptoms of Addiction
A person suffering from sleeping pill addiction shows some symptoms, which are to be identified in order to provide timely medication. Regular consumption and overdose of sleeping tablets makes an individual addicted to it. They get into a situation of drug dependency, leading to severe restlessness on ceasing the intake of the drug. Some of the main symptoms shown by sleeping pill abusers are - deep and uncontrollable craving for drugs, dry mouth, drowsiness, headache, constipation, forgetfulness (on prolong usage may lead to severe amnesia also), anxiety, mood swings, loss of appetite, loss of weight, nausea, negative changes in personal behavior, poor performance at work, short temper, hallucinations, tremors and seizures, etc.

Physical Effects
Sleeping pills abuse causes many ill-effects on major parts of the body. Some of the physical side effects of sleeping pills abuse are:

Addiction: Sleeping pills have very less amount of drug which is used to bring a calming effect on the mind, thus helping the person to fall asleep. Consuming high amounts of pills at once, or continuously using these pills to get euphoric effect may lead to addiction. The abuser cannot think of any other way of curing his disorder - makes himself drug dependent. The major symptoms of drug addiction include uncontrollable desire to consume drug, anxiety, restlessness and uncontrolled anger on forcing to stop drug abuse.

Digestive troubles: Sleeping pills addiction causes many negative effects on digestive system, mainly being loss of appetite, diarrhea, acidity, etc. Due to the irregular sleeping timings, the eating habits and timings also change, leading to the problems in digestive system. Decreased appetite ultimately results in malnutrition, putting the abusers total health at risk.

Nausea: Nausea is seen as a common problem in most of the drug addicts of any kind. This is one of the effects on digestive system. It is sense of uneasiness and also an involuntary urge to vomit. Generally, after an overdose of pills and heavy sleep, the person suffers from the sensation of vomiting, as the stomach of individual is empty, due to loss of appetite.

Drowsiness: Overdose of sleeping pills cause drowsiness or hangovers. After the intake of sleeping pills, the individual suffers from the sleeping effects even during day times. He/she feels sleepy and drowsy all through the day leading to hangover, which results in loss of concentration, lack of coordination, poor performance at workplace, excess tiredness, loss of memory etc.

Constipation: Constipation is a result of poor diet, very common in sleeping pills abusers. Improper eating habits and taking less fluids may lead to constipation. This results in flatulence and laziness.

Emotional Effects
Sleeping pills drug abuse impacts the emotional status of abuser severely. Some of the common emotional effects are as follows:

Parasomnias: Parasomnia is a stage in which the individual does not have any control over his actions, such as walking, talking, eating, and driving in sleep. During this stage, the person has no knowledge of what he is doing.

Delirium: Excess dosage of sleeping tablets results in delirium. Delirium is having a confused state of mind, during which the person undergoes serious delusions, hallucinations, clouded thinking, day dreaming, etc.

Tremors and seizures: Tremors and seizures are mostly occurred after an overdose of sleeping pills. These are sudden and uncontrollable shaking of some of the body parts like legs, arms and fingers. Sometimes the whole body becomes numb and the abuser loses the sense of touch.

Daytime effects: After heavy dose of sleeping pills during night, the effect still continues during daytime too. The effects may be like feeling sleepy, drowsy, and tired, loss of memory, and loss of concentration.

Dependency: There are high chances of an individual being addicted to the sleeping pills, due to the tranquilizing effect they create. A person whenever feels like having a sleeping problem goes for these pills immediately without having a second thought, in order to get relieved. Thus, he becomes addicted and highly dependent on the drug, which causes many side effects and may also lead to death on forcing to stop its intake.

As seen above, addiction of sleeping pills has very dangerous effects on human body. One of the best ways to avoid the harmful effects of abusing sleeping pills is by detecting the symptoms in the early stages and providing medication. Delayed recognition of these symptoms may increase the severity of the problems leading to many physical and emotional side effects on the body and may even result in more dangerous and incurable consequences such as, heart attacks, nervous breakdowns or death.

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Benefits To Using Telephone Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

Although many people may be familiar with counselling, not everyone has heard of or even taken advantage of telephone counselling. Doing a counselling session over the telephone can offer great benefits such as additional privacy and mobility in addition to confidentiality and access to a full counselling session. If any of these benefits seem to appeal to you and you are in need of some counselling or guidance, you might consider a session over the telephone.

Telephones offer a certain amount of privacy in and of themselves. When you speak over the telephone, you don't necessarily need to see the face of the person that you are talking to. In that respect, doing telephone counselling allows you to retain a certain amount of anonymity with your counselor. If you are not comfortable meeting with a counselor face to face, but still wish to get the help that you need, your telephone might be a great way to complete a session.

If you decide to use a mobile phone, you also have the added benefit of basically carrying out your session wherever you please. You can stay inside your home, if you want. At the same time, if you want to take a walk or complete your session from somewhere such as the park, you can do that if you want. It's not going to matter to your counselor where you are or where you go so long as you stay on the phone for your session.

Even if you are completing your counselling session over the phone, you can still expect the same amount of confidentiality that you would receive if you were meeting with your counselor face to face. Of course, it's always safe to check on your counselor's privacy policies, but in general your counselor should let you know about the confidentiality of your sessions.

You also still have access to the same length of a session through telephone counselling as you would get by meeting with the counselor in person. You shouldn't feel slighted just because you prefer counselling over the phone. You should expect the same length of a session as any other client would receive.

There are many benefits to taking advantage of telephone counselling. This method of counselling offers added privacy, mobility, confidentiality, and access to full counselling sessions. You should be able to try this counselling out through a free mini session from your desired counselor. If you are in need of some help, then get some counselling right away. With the benefit of being able to do it over the telephone, you might just be glad that you did.

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Know About Integrated E-Z Test Cups (Drugteststrips)

Illicit drug abuse is increasing day by day and is one of the major health concerns in the United States. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), around 21.8 million Americans were abusing illicit drugs in 2009. Compared to the year 2008, illicit drug abuse has increased in 2009 where it reached 8.7 percent from 8.0 percent among the persons aged 12 years and above. These statistics clearly state that drug abusers can be anywhere, whether it is home, school or workplace.

Drug abuse has many negative effects on the abuser, which include, physical, mental, social and financial. Drug abuse is dangerous not only for the abusers, it also poses a great threat to others around them. Therefore it is very important to identify and help them to stay away from drugs. One of the easiest ways of identifying drug abusers is by using drug detection tests. There are many drug testing kits available in the market, of which integrated E-Z test cups are considered as one of the best options to identify the drug abusers.

Many people including parents, school administrators and employers prefer E-Z test cups to detect the drug abusers because they are easy to handle, efficient to conduct on-site, cost effective and accurate. Many people choose it over the other testing methods because its eliminates urine handling and donor tampering. Integrated E-Z test cups provide accurate and quick results too.
Integrated E-Z test cups can detect the elevated levels of multiple drugs at a shot, using a single sample. They can detect combination of different drugs such as Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana(THC)

Opiates, Phencyclidine, Barbiturate, Benzodiazepine, Methadone, Ecstasy, Oxycodone and Buprenorphine.

Process of the test
The process of conducting the integrated E-Z test cups to identify the drug abusers is very simple. Anybody without any training can administer this test. The suspect himself fills urine in a test cup and replaces a cap firmly. The administer just has to insert a key provided. Within minutes, results will appear on the test card. Results are generally taken after five minutes.

Interpretation of results
Reading the results using integrated E-Z test cups is as easy as using it. For a positive result (if there are any elevated levels of illicit drug), you will observe a red line in the control region and the test region will be empty (no line). For a negative result, two lines will appear on the test card. One in the control region and another in test region. If there is no line in the control region, the result of the test can be considered as invalid. If the result is positive, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) tests should be used to confirm the result.

The above mentioned advantages make integrated E-Z test cups very popular among the administers to conduct drug testing. However, there are many shady companies offering low quality test cups. Therefore, one should be very careful while purchasing integrated E-Z test cups. One should always choose FDA approved test cups, which provide 95% to 98% accurate results just within minutes. Remember, they should be set to the SAMSHA Cut-off levels also.

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Dangerous Effects of Smoking on Human Body (Drugteststrips)

Tobacco is considered as the greatest cause of preventable deaths in the United States and throughout the world. According to the American Heart Association and the National Health Interview Survey of 2008, 24.8 million men and 21.1 million women in the United States are smokers. Tobacco smoking causes many diseases affecting major organs of the body including heart, brain, and lungs.

Nicotine is the most active and important chemical component that causes dangerous effects in human body. It is a major risk factor for heart attacks; lung and mouth cancers and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Here, we will discuss about some of the dangerous effects of smoking on human body.

Oral cancer:
It was revealed by the National Institutes of Health that a variety of cancers including cancers of oral cavity, esophagus, larynx, and lungs are caused by cigar smoking. It was observed that around 90% of the patients with oral cancer are smokers. Laryngeal cancer is caused about 20 to 30 times more in smokers than non-smokers. Smoking causes inflammation around the teeth which is termed as periodontitis. Adherent white plaques and patches occur on the membranes of oral cavity and is called as leukoplakia.

Effect on heart rate and blood pressure:
Increase in rate of heartbeat and a sharp rise in blood pressure are the immediate effects of smoking on heart and blood circulation. The heart rate increases by about 30 times during the first 10 minutes of smoking. Nicotine causes the blood vessels to get narrowed resulting in rise of blood pressure. The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood is decreased by carbon monoxide which increases heart rate. Long term effects of smoking include increase in levels of fibrinogen and cholesterol in blood increasing risk of heart attacks. Coronary heart disease (CHD), Peripheral vascular disease (PVD), aneurysm, artherosclerosis, and others are caused by the heart and circulation attacks.

Effect on lungs:
More than 80% lung cancer cases are accounted by tobacco. Inability of cilia to remove the tar content of cigarette smoke leads to lung and laryngeal cancer. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is caused by smoking and is characterized by shortness of breath; persistent cough with sputum; and damage to lungs including emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Effect on liver:
Numerous toxins are present in the cigarettes that lead to chronic inflammation and scarring of liver. This may increase the risk of diseases such as liver cancer, liver fibrosis, and Hepatitis B and C. Chemicals such as N-Nitrosodiethylamine, N-Nitrosopyrrolidine, and arsenic present in cigarettes are responsible for cause of liver tumors. The ability of liver to detoxify dangerous substances gets diminished by smoking.

Effect on brain dysfunction:
Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds after inhalation. Carotid artery is the main artery that supplies blood to the brain. Fatty substances are built up in the carotid artery due to cigarette smoking. This decreases the supply of blood to the brain cells and results in stroke called as cerebral thrombosis. The risk of this stroke in smokers is about 1.5 times to that of non-smokers. Thickening and clotting of blood in brain may also be caused due to smoking.

Effect on digestive system:
Harmful effects of smoking can be seen on all parts of the digestive system. The decrease in strength of lower esophageal valve allows the acids of stomach to reflux into esophagus. This situation is termed as heartburn. The movement of bile salts from intestine to stomach is also promoted by smoking. Smoking increases the rate of formation of peptic ulcers.

Effect of skin and hair:
Collagen, a protein in skin, keeps the skin elastic. As nicotine affects collagen, elasticity of the skin is reduced. The tiny capillaries which nourish the skin are also constricted by nicotine, leading to formation of wrinkles. Healing process also gets affected by smoking and longer time is taken to heal a wound. The immune system is suppressed by the nicotine which leads to increase in susceptibility of viral infections of skin.

Premature thinning and graying of hair is seen in smokers. The chances of people becoming bald are twice in smokers than in non-smokers. Premature graying of hair is also 3 to 6 times common in smokers.

Effect on bone and muscle:
Healing of fractures is delayed by smoking. Blood flow to all tissues is restricted by nicotine. Mostly it is restricted in newly forming tissues, which are involved in bone repair. The chemicals of tobacco are responsible for inhibition of development of new muscle and bone tissue cells. The risk of osteoporosis is increased by smoking. Significantly lower bone densities are seen among women smokers and are more likely to suffer fractures. The risk of osteoporosis among women is 50% more in smokers than non-smokers.

Effect on respiratory system:
Entry of chemicals of tobacco into mouth and trachea causes irritation and chemical burns. It causes sore throat and pain. Cancer causing properties of certain chemicals may cause burns on trachea resulting in throat cancer. Many fatal diseases are caused by smoking including cancers of mouth, nasopharynx, larynx and lung. Increased risk of asthma, cough, bronchitis and pneumonia are seen in children who are exposed to passive smoking.

Psychological effects:
The feeling of euphoria and calmness are considered as the root cause for addiction to cigarettes. Nicotine triggers the release of dopamine in brain giving pleasure reaction. The psychological effects of smoking are dependent on the physical effect of nicotine on brain. When a person quits smoking, the psychological desire for cigarettes can last for many years, whereas the physical desire can be overcome within 2 weeks.

Smoking causes many dangerous effects on human body. American Cancer Society estimated that 168,000 Americans died of cancer due to tobacco smoking in 2007. Yearly smoking causes 1 in 5 deaths in America. Hence, it is necessary to take serious steps for eradication of smoking habits. Many educational programs have to be conducted to make people aware of the harmful effects of smoking on human body.

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How to Prevent Your Teen From Getting Into Unhealthy Habits? (Drugteststrips)

Teenagers are more prone to risk taking because their brain is not fully developed. They tend to get attracted to unhealthy habits easily. Teenage is the critical period for the onset of unhealthy habits such as substance abuse. According to a recent report by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, 9 in 10 addicted people began smoking, drinking and/or using other drugs before the age of 18 years.

Substance abuse during the teenage has some crippling consequences on the individuals. Some of the consequences may include lower grades, unemployment, traffic accidents, risky sex, chronic health problems, crime and violence. It may also lead an individual to suicide or death.

As a responsible parent, it is your duty to make sure that your teen does not get into these devastating unhealthy habits. Here are few tips that can help you guide your teen away from unhealthy habits.

Your kid is getting older:
You need to accept the fact that your kid is growing and he/she may change. Once they get into teenage years, they change physically and psychologically. They feel independent and try to form their own social circles. They believe that teenage is a freedom from all the rules and regulations set by parents and teachers. This is the time when the possibility of making wrong choices is more. As a parent, you should monitor their activities and guide them in a right direction.

Maintain open communication:
As discussed above, many teenagers like to be independent. But maintaining an open and trusting communication with your teen is essential to help your teen make right choices. Communicate with your teen regularly and encourage him to talk about his interests, dreams, problems and fears.

Remember, strict monitoring and pestering or yelling at their activities will result in a communication gap. If you are setting certain restrictions, explain their importance so that they do not take it in a negative sense.

Help your kid choose friends wisely:
The influence of friends on teenagers is very powerful. Many teens simply follow their friends without bothering about the consequences. Teens many times use drugs or alcohol to fit in their friends circle. Many teens start with experimentation due to peer pressure and end up in addiction.

Teach your kid in the early stages on how to choose a friend. Help your kid develop a sense of identity in which he feels secure. This makes him create a set of standards for himself and choose friends who match those standards.

Offer tips on how to avoid peer pressure:
Peer pressure is often a result of not choosing friends wisely. There are enough teens in our society, who can encourage your kid to get into unhealthy habits. Teenagers who lack confidence and self-esteem are more likely to join these groups for emotional support.

Teens do not turn to bad peers if they get enough support from parents. So spend time with your kid and offer tips on how to avoid peer pressure. In this way, you can teach him how to stay away from unhealthy friends and strengthen your relationship.

Explain about risks associated with unhealthy habits:
Preventing teens from unhealthy habits requires constant monitoring and proper corrective measures, which your kid may dislike. Instead, you can achieve your objective by continuously explaining them about the risks associated with unhealthy habits. Tell him how it negatively impacts his physical, financial and social well-being. Give examples, of people who are suffering due to their unhealthy habits. Keep him busy with healthy activities such as physical exercises, sports, yoga, etc.

Set yourself as an example:
The environment in which the kid has been brought up determines his habits. Try to be a good role model for your kid. What you practice is a more powerful message than what you teach. Set right your behavior and attitudes towards unhealthy habits. Remember, you cannot expect your kid to stay away from bad habits to which you are addicted.

Help your kid understand the nature of addiction and risks associated with teen substance use. Remember, prevention is better than cure. It is better to prevent your teen from getting into unhealthy habits, than making him quit them later.

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Stay Healthy to Look and Feel Younger (Drugteststrips)

Who on the earth does not want to look and feel young? Many people use artificial anti-aging products to look young. But they are all temporary. Though these products may make you look young, they definitely will not be able to make you feel young. If beauty products available in the market do not help, then what will make you look and feel healthy? Here is the answer - stay healthy.

Young mind and body are the result of healthy lifestyle. A healthy mind and body are always active, and are not influenced by age. Healthy body leads to fresh thoughts making the person feel younger. Healthy mind and body project a fresh and livelier look, no matter what your age is. Here are few tips which make it possible for you to look and feel younger for life time.

Drink enough water
Water is the basic essential to human body. The cells in the body live only if they have water. It also cleans away all the toxic and wastes from the body, making it pure and problem free. Water helps in transporting the nutrients throughout the body. Due to all the above activities, all the body cells remain alive and perform better, thus making the skin look younger and body feel lighter. Dead cells make the body look dull. Hence, it should be seen that the body is never deprived of the water. One should drink at least 6-8 glasses of water each day.

Exercise daily
One should exercise daily in order to maintain a fit body. A body which is physically active is always young and lighter. It is projected out both physically and mentally. Exercise also makes the body prepared to deal with any kind of pressures, as it improves the psychological wellbeing. It enhances the mood, making a person look happier and attractive. It also helps to maintain the body in a good shape.

Quit smoking
Kicking out bad habits is as essential as embracing healthy habits. Smoking is one of the most commonly seen bad habits. Smoking impairs the functioning of all body organs and kills the cells in the body. It makes the person inactive and dull. Smokers look much older compared to their age. Smoking is one of the main factors that cause wrinkles on the face. Hence, smoking is a disastrous habit and should be avoided in order to look young and healthy.

Quit alcohol or drug abuse
The other major important step in making yourself healthy is to quit alcohol or drug abuse. This habit results in all the negative effects and possible illnesses in the body. They destruct both mind and the body, thereby destroying the life on a whole. If one needs to be healthy, these addictions have to be seriously prevented. Alcohol and drug abusers become physically weak. Drug or alcohol abusers do not focus on personal grooming as their main focus will be only to abuse drugs.

Maintain proper diet
A healthy body needs proper diet. It is very important to have a correct and balanced diet. That means your routine diet should have all the necessary nutrients in adequate quantities. Your daily diet should include fibers, minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. A balanced and healthy diet is a combination of vegetables, fruits, cereals, beans, dairy products, meat, fish etc.

All the above mentioned tips, when followed sincerely, lead to a healthy body. Healthy body is what is needed for one to feel younger and thereby look younger. Unlike, the artificial anti-aging process, maintaining the body fit is the best way to remain younger forever.

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Alcohol Use Can Affect Your Insurance Premium Rates (Drugteststrips)

Alcohol abuse leads to increased health risks and even death. There will be decrease in life expectancy in alcohol abusers by 10 to 15 years. The insurance companies distinguish between the abusers and non-abusers. Alcohol abusers have to pay huge insurance premiums when compared to non-abusers.

Now-a-days, alcohol abuse has become common among all age groups. Many people are abusing alcohol despite being aware of its harmful effects. More than half of the Americans are abusing alcohol. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 50 percent of adults are current regular drinkers (at least 12 drinks) and 14 percent of adults were infrequent drinkers (1-11 drinks) in 2008. National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) stated that 51.6 percent of Americans abused alcohol in 2008.

Alcohol abuse leads to increased health risks including coronary heart diseases, heart attacks, obesity, chronic pancreatitis, fetal damage, hardening of liver, chronic liver diseases, blackouts and memory lapses, severe cognitive effects, lack of co-ordination, irregular heart beat, coma and even death. There will be decrease in life expectancy in alcohol abusers by 10 to 15 years. Since the alcohol abuse impacts the life expectancy of the abuser, the insurance companies distinguish between the abusers and non-abusers. Alcohol abusers have to pay huge insurance premiums when compared to non-abusers.

Anything more than social drinking may result in higher life insurance premiums

If a person is a heavy drinker, he has to pay high insurance premiums. Generally, more than two-three drinks a day will knock a person out of regular life insurance rates. When a person applies for a insurance premium, he is inquired about alcohol consumption. The person has to undergo few medical examinations in order to make sure that he/she is not an alcohol abuser. The person has to undergo liver function test called Carbohydrate Deficient Transferrin (CDT) test. By CDT test, one can know the liver enzyme level. If a person is a heavy drinker, then the CDT test would show elevated liver enzyme levels. The policy of that person would be denied or the policy will be issued, but with higher policy rates.

DUI conviction results in higher life insurance rates

DUI (Driving Under Influence) fatality is a serious issue in the United States. All of the 50 states in United States and the District of Columbia prohibits driving with Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of 0.08 percent or more. If violated, the person will be under DUI conviction. Once a person gets convicted under DUI, he/she should wait at least a year to get life insurance policy offer - that too with high insurance premiums. Insurers will also check if the person has successfully completed the drug treatment program, usually ordered by the court after DUI conviction.

It's an uphill battle even for recovering alcoholics

Even recovering alcoholics or those who left alcohol long back, may still find it difficult to find a low cost life insurance policy. The person may be denied insurance or would have to pay high insurance rates because of high health risks associated with alcohol for many years. Generally, an insurance application will be either declined or postponed within first two years of recovery from alcohol.

As we discussed above, alcohol abuse can have a major influence on your insurance premium rates. Either the applicant's insurance policy will get rejected or has to pay high life insurance premiums rates. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid much alcohol intake to enjoy the benefits of insurance.

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How to Turn Away from Substance Abuse (Drugteststrips)

Staying away from drugs is the most challenging task ever. It calls for a great deal of determination to prevent any sort of substance abuse. It is neither achieved in one day nor through a single process. Staying away from substance abuse needs consideration of various factors which include mental, physical and environmental factors. Good understanding of these factors is very crucial as it helps in taking away this problem right from its roots. Let us understand in detail about the things to be followed to stay away from drug abuse.

Understand how it develops
The very first step to keep yourself away from substance abuse is to be aware of "how actually one develops this habit". This habit in most of the cases is unconsciously developed. By the time a person realizes that he is addicted to a drug, the damage is already done. And this damage is entirely irrevocable. Hence, it is wise on part of an individual to be proactive and understand the actual cause of this problem and prevent the habit before it develops. The basic reasons for getting into drug addiction include mental illness, work pressure, depression, bad company, temptation, etc.

Avoid temptations and peer pressure
This is the major cause for drug addiction, as temptation and peer pressure are very hard to overcome. These are the probable motivators for substance abuse for any individual. Drugs make the individual habituated to them. This tunes the mind of the drug abuser towards it and the temptation to abuse it regularly starts immediately.

Another aspect that affects drug abuse is peer pressure. This is very common among teens. Most teens, even adult drug abusers provoke others to abuse drugs. They tend to tease the persons who refuse to abuse, which makes the non-abusers to take up drugs in order to fit into the crowd. It is very hard to overcome peer pressure, it needs great courage to say 'NO' and stand by your own principles.

Stay away from substance abuse hangouts
One of the best ways to turn away from drug abuse is to stay from the substance abuse hangouts. They are the potential starters for drug abuse in a society. These places encourage temptation and peer pressure will be high. Avoiding these hangouts will be of great help in preventing and overcoming the drug abuse. Especially, it is very much useful in cases of out-of-city parties or rave parties.

Practice healthier living habits
The most positive way of turning away from substance abuse is to practice healthier lifestyle. Healthy living ensures good habits, mental strength, good health and most importantly averts the negative influence. Being a part of social activities, being in a good company, exercising physically and mentally, and good diet is a part of healthy lifestyle. Healthier lifestyle imparts positive energy and increase confidence to overcome any kind of wrong temptations.

Keep a balanced life
The main reason for developing drug addiction is lack of mental strength. An individual most often succumbs to pressures associated with life and work. These pressures result in imbalances leading to addiction of drugs. One of the best possible ways to ensure a well-balanced life is to be in a good company. This enhances the positive outlook on life which leads to good mental health. Hence, for a good living one needs to balance all the phases of his/her life well, which results in ultimate happiness, thus depriving from the negative habits.

Staying away from drug abuse may sound impossible, but nothing is impossible before strong determination and will power. All the above points provide a clear understanding on how to deal with the problem of substance abuse. Hence, by concentrating on these aspects, one can lead a healthy and happier life.

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Myths and Facts about Nicotine Addiction (Drugteststrips)

Use of tobacco as an intoxicant is a highly preventable cause of deaths in America. Approximately 440,000 Americans succumb to diseases related to tobacco use every year (Source: National Institute on Drug Abuse). Smoking harms almost every organ in the human body, causes many diseases, and compromises smokers' health in general. According to NIDA, cigarette smoking accounts for 90 percent of lung cancer cases in the U.S., and about 38,000 deaths per year can be attributed to secondhand smoke. Nicotine, a component of Tobacco is one of the most heavily abused addictive drugs. It is also the primary reason that Tobacco is addictive.

Myths about Nicotine:
Many people in U.S. use tobacco products. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), almost 71 million Americans used a tobacco product at least once a month in 2008. Many people totally misunderstand Nicotine addiction today. This is the reason millions of smokers around the world are suffering from Nicotine addiction and destroying their health as well as their life. There are many myths that conceal the truth about Nicotine addiction. Some of the common myths and actual facts about Nicotine addiction are:

Myth #1: Nicotine is not addictive, and even if it is, it is not as bad as illegal drugs
Fact: You should clearly understand that nicotine is highly addictive, regardless of the cigarette manufacturer or brand. Many people use tobacco regularly because they are addicted to nicotine. Nicotine's pharmacokinetic properties enhance its compulsive drug seeking and abuse. It is easier to quit other illegal drugs than cigarettes. Nicotine addiction is similar to the addiction of cocaine or heroin. Most smokers are aware that it is harmful and express a desire to reduce or stop using it. According to NIDA, nearly 35 million of smokers want to quit each year but more than 85 percent of them relapse, in most cases, within a week.

Myth #2: Nicotine could not be a poison or they could not sell it
Fact: Exposure to Nicotine is extremely toxic causing vomiting, tremors, convulsions and death. In fact, one drop of pure nicotine can kill a person. It is generally used in pesticides and insecticides and even a small drop results in respiratory failure caused by paralysis and eventually death. It is being sold because it is administered in such minute quantities that it doesn't kill immediately. But it will definitely kill slowly through years of consumption.

Myth #3: Gums, patches and other cessation products are the only way to quit
Fact: Many people think that gums, patches and other cessation products are the only way to quit. The cessation programs which use nicotine replacement methods, such as the patch or gum are no more effective to reduce craving than a commitment to stop by the smoker along with some professional treatment. Awareness of harmful effects of nicotine on the body and mind is the most effective way by which a person can stop nicotine abuse.

Myth #4: Nicotine is not an addiction
Fact: As it is not illegal, some people believe that it is fine to use. They believe that nicotine is not addiction and is not as harmful as other illicit drugs. But the truth is nicotine addiction is as real as any other addiction. Some researchers even believe that it is one of the most addictive substances because it is considered less addictive.

Nicotine addiction is a very serious health concern. Cessation of nicotine is not easy, but is possible with commitment, awareness and help from others. Remember, we all have the ability to quit smoking and bring lasting freedom from nicotine addiction to our lives.

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Effective Way to Deal with Hypertension (Max Adam)

Hypertension is another word for prime force per unit area. High blood pressure is usually measured in millimeters of mercury and is written as 2 totally different numbers. These are the pulsation and also the blood pressure. The previous is measured once your heart is thrashing whereas the latter is measured once your heart is resting. Traditional force per unit area is 120/80 (120mmHg is that the pulsation live whereas 80mmHg is diastolic).

If an individual's blood pressure rises to more than 140 pulsations and 90 on pulse, it's thought of that the person are under the affect of high blood pressure.

There are varied contributory factors and also the triggers of high blood pressure will disagree from person to person. Let's perceive what these are:

* Brain Symptoms- There is varied brain-related factors. In some cases high blood pressure might end in less supply of blood to brain. The symptoms may be headaches, issue in seeing or suffer from blur suddenly and walking, overall depression, giddiness or convulsions. These symptoms are possibilities and will not surface the least bit or may be a sign of another health issue. If you expertise any of those problems on a daily basis, it's essential that you simply see a doctor directly so it does not turn into a bad health symptoms.

* Physical Symptoms- usually, an individual having high blood pressure problem can terribly suffer from hypertension. The person can tire in no time and even tiny movements like walking or climbing on stairs would make a person feel lack of energy. If this happens, it implies that the patient is in impact doing of heart problems. It weakens the center that will increase the chance of a significant heart failure. Continually keep track of your fitness levels and if you sweat overly or breathe too heavily even once they are considered as initial stages of high blood pressure.

* Different Symptoms- There is numbers of symptoms which will occur in a man or women who is affected by blood pressure. Tests can have to be conducted on a person so to determine. If it's terminated that the person suffers from high blood pressure, immediate steps can have to be compelled to be taken to cut back the blood pressure. Frequent evacuation implies that the body has fewer electrolytes. This can eventually lead to dehydration and might lend a boring and lifeless look to the skin. High blood pressure can affect the functioning of eyes. In advanced cases, the person would possibly begin developing lesions behind the eyes, which might cause cecity.

All the symptoms that are mentioned in this article is generally associated with high blood pressure symptoms, however this problem is also indicated as a "silent killer" as some folks might have only a few or less frequent symptoms but it good if you notice them at the initial itself. It's necessary to remember that any health issues can cause major health issues. So constantly staying in check with medical checkup is best policy.

Max Adam is health consultant and writer with Angelmeds Health Blog so people who are suffering from health problem and they can gain information for health solution.
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Drug Testing Regulations In US And Its Requirements (Drugteststrips)

The US government has provided certain regulations to prevent the illegal drug usage in various situations. They permit and regulate the drug testing programs for every individual including, employees, motor drivers, convicts, and others in various situations. As per the regulations given by the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Federal Transmit Administration (FTA), drug testing can be performed at roadside to check the drivers using rapid testing devices.

Drug Testing Regulations of DOT
The DOT rules include procedures for urine drug testing and breathe alcohol testing. In the coming years, the implementation of drug and alcohol testing requires various aspects including the changes in testing technology, and the issuance of a number of written interpretations, required OST (Office of the Secretary) to review and revise the rules. The latest rules of the OST were published in the year 2000, which included these aspects with the involvement of public sector.

Regulations of OTETA (Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act)
The regulations under OTETA requires drug and alcohol testing for the transportation employees in aviation, truck, railroads, mass transit, pipelines and other transportation industries for their safe and sensitive driving. DOT publishes rules on who should conduct drug tests, how to conduct those tests and what procedures to use when testing. These regulations cover all transportation employers, safety-sensitive transportation employees and service agents, which counts about 12.1 million people.

Requirements of Drug Testing Regulations
The following are some of the drug testing regulations that are provided by the government bodies of US:
* Before suspecting an employee in an organization, the supervisors have to undergo a minimum of 1-hour training program on signs and symptoms of drug abuse. In case of alcohol testing regulation they have to undergo additional 1-hour training.
* Every candidate applying for an interview has to take a pre-employment drug test and will be qualified if they pass the test.
* The existing employees are required to get the drug testing, to perform their safe and sensitive proceedings. It even states that an employee will be tested randomly when they are on duty.
* The person who gets a drug-test should empty their pockets and show all their belongings to assure that there are no substances that may tamper the test sample.
* For some jobs the applicants has to provide background verification. The company contacts their previous employers and asks to provide paperwork and releases.
The transportation employees require to take the alcohol and drug testing, who are required to have a CDL (Commercial Driving License).

This information gives you an idea about drug testing regulations and their requirements in United States. These regulations are collected from certain organizations like, DOT, OTET, FTA and etc.

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Know About the Different Stages of Substance Abuse (Drugteststrips)

Substance abuse is a pattern of harmful usage of any substance to get mood-alterations. It includes both illegal substances like Marijuana, Cocaine, Opioids etc., and abuse of legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco. Substance abuse also includes misuse of prescription medications which have sedative, analgesic or stimulant properties. Depending on the substance of abuse, it will lead to health problems, social problems, financial problems, injuries, violence, accidents, suicides, physical dependence or mental addiction. Despite of numerous negative effects, many people are getting addicted to substance use.

According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) 2008 report, 20.1 million Americans aged 12 or more were illicit drug abusers representing eight percent of the population. The report also stated that 51.6 percent of Americans were currently alcohol drinkers -which represents more than half the Americans aged 12 or more and around 70.9 million Americans aged 12 or more were current tobacco users. These statistics clearly state that many people are suffering from substance abuse, which is considered a disease these days. This disease has different stages which are described as follows.

There are five different stages of substance abuse. They are experimentation, regular use, risky use, dependence, and addiction.

Many of the abusers start taking a substance without knowing the future effects of it. Experimentation generally starts at a very early age when they are young. People start experimenting with a substance because of peer pressure, stress or by watching others doing it. It might also start because of marital conflicts or work pressure. The users feel resolution of their problem and start using it regularly. Few of them probably may stop using on their own but few of them get into the next stage.

Regular use
After experimentation, they get into regular use. They start feeling that substance or drug use is the answer to their problems. In this stage, they start deciding on when to take the substance or drug, say, before bed or on weekends. Their want for the substance increases before the decided or planned time. They start being dishonest with their friends and family members depending on amount of usage. Then slowly, they tend to increase the use of the substance. Some people in this stage can also stop using the substance based on his/her personal effort. Or else, the person will get into risky use.

Risky use
The transformation from regular to risky will be totally dependent on the individual, and it differs from one individual to another. In this stage, the person will have negative consequences like not caring relationships with friends, family and spouse. These negative consequences start hindering the daily activities. The heavy users start feeling that they cannot sustain on seeing the drug and start craving for it. They get involved in crimes such as stealing or cheating for getting money to purchase the substance. If this actions are left unchecked, the person will slip into next stage. People easily and unknowingly pass from risky use to dependence stage.

There is just a thin gap between risky use and dependence. People will be preoccupied with use and development of tolerance. In this stage, people will have a strong urge to use the drugto stop the illnesses like nausea, headache, body pains etc. In this stage, they fail to fulfill family, school, college or work responsibilities. There will be increase in dangerous and risk-taking drug-related behaviors. They start committing serious crimes to get the abusing substance. This, finally, leads to addiction.

This is the last stage of substance abuse. This involves serious psychological and physical changes because of heavy intake of the substance abuse. The symptoms of addiction include irresistible craving or seeking substance of abuse. The person will be emotionally and physically dependent on drug. The severity of drug abuse depends on the personality of the addict. In this stage, there is a great possibility of substance overdose which would result in death or serious damage. If a person is not treated at this stage, it will get much worse. Once a person is brought out of addiction through treatment there are many chances of relapse.

Substance abuse is a complex problem which may result because of combination of hereditary, psychological and environmental factors. It is important for everyone to avoid substance use. Even one use can lead to addiction. If treated in early stages, there are better chances of recovery with less effort and spending. There will also be less chances of relapse when treated in early stages.

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Cure for insomnia (ethan chong)

Do you know the cure for insomnia? There are many types of cures in the market but today, in this article I am going to talk about the most effective conventional cures for insomnia. This conventional cure for insomnia has been proven to be an effective method for curing insomnia. But before we talk about the cure for insomnia, let's talk about the various signs and symptoms of insomnia first.

Signs and symptoms of insomnia
Insomnia is often characterized by the three main symptoms. These three main symptoms that I am going to tell you next give rise to 3 different types of insomnia.
These three symptoms are:
* You may have an inability to fall asleep
* You may awaken frequently during the night and have trouble returning to sleep
* You may awaken too early in the morning and find yourself unable to fall back to sleep
A bit confusing don't you think? Well, in fact, I don't understand any of them at first! But after I experience insomnia personally myself, I feel that I should tell you this. Although the types of insomnia are different, all these will eventually lead you to being tired easily the next day. In fact, you will be so tired that you may be irritable and have difficulty concentrating on your work.

So are there any conventional treatments to treat these three symptoms of insomnia? Actually, there are a few conventional insomnia cures that are commonly used among doctors. The conventional insomnia cures are stated below.

Conventional treatments
Transient insomnia and intermittent insomnia are normally not treated as they only disrupt your sleep occasionally. However, if they impact your daily activities, you should ask your doctor to prescribe some short-acting sleeping pills for better sleep.

So what about chronic insomnia? Is there any treatment or methods that can treat that?

In fact, there are a few methods for treating chronic insomnia. Here's what your doctor will normally do. Your doctor will probably begin by looking for any medical or psychological causes. Sometimes, when these are addressed, the insomnia stops acting on that patient. For example, if your insomnia is caused by depression, then treating the depression may end the insomnia. Or if your insomnia is a result of menopause-related symptoms, as it is in many women in their late forties and fifties, hormone replacement therapy may be advised. Similarly, if your insomnia is a result of anxiety, treating the anxiety may improve your sleep. Also, your doctor will attempt to determine if any of your behaviors such as smoking at bedtime or drinking alcohol, may be contributing to the situation.

Ethan Chong is a sleep expert who has been training and teaching people professionally on how to cure and treat their sleep disorders easily and instantly. Have a question related to sleep insomnia? Ask Ethan Chong at The author grants full reprint rights to this article. You may reprint and electronically distribute this article so long as its contents remain unchanged and the author's byline remains in place.
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Del bienestar a la esclavitud

No sé exactamente el por qué, seguramente porque Carlos que cada vez que viene por aquí, se traga unos, para mi intragables, programas de televisión y me pareció oír el himno de la caballería que tantas veces había escuchado en las películas de indios de los gringos, y se me vino a la cabeza la guerra de secesión de Estados Unidos a la que a todos nos han metido que fue para la liberación de la esclavitud por aquellos lugares y que entre otras cosas no se llevó a cabo hasta dos o tres años después de acabar la misma.
Fueron varias las causas, el norte se estaba industrializando, el sur permanecía agrícola, pero entre otras, los del norte alegaban que debido precisamente a la esclavitud, la mano de obra era barata. Nada que ver, pero no tengo ganas de extenderme sobre este tema.
Lo que si es cierto que mi puñetero cerebro que parece un molinillo me llevo a la crisis actual. Está claro que aparte de las tan sobadas subprime, lo que está llevando a la clase trabajadora a la puta miseria es gran culpa de China. Nos venden los productos a un precio con los que nosotros no podemos competir y la causa la he relacionado con la esclavitud, porque más o menos así es como trabajan los obreros en aquel país.
Piensan los que dirigen el mundo, llámese Iluminatis, masones, alienígenas o club Bilderberg: Repitamos lo de la Guerra de Secesión, y quedamos como dioses, diciendo que lo hacemos en nombre de los derechos humanos. Un pequeño inconveniente, China ya es la tercera potencia mundial en los que a armamento se refiere y subiendo como la espuma, así que nos lo pensaremos dos veces. No sale, dice uno. Fácil dice otro, convirtamos a nuestros ciudadanos en chinos (o sea en esclavos) y por ahí andan las cosas y bien que lo están consiguiendo.

No hay que ser un genio, que todo el que quiera que le den trabajo, pongamos en España, por su alto nivel de desempleo, tendrá que hacerlo por 752 € y bajará, y teniendo en cuenta que el precio medio del alquiler en este mismo país es de 667 €, que alguien me diga si ya no hemos bajado de la esclavitud. Al menos como los describe Aristóteles en su La Política.
Pero también reconozcamos que la mayoría de los humanos estamos en la parte más baja de la campana de Gauss, porque según mis últimos datos, con esto de la puta crisis, el número de millonarios está aumentando en el mundo. ¿Qué aquí no aparece España?, pues aquí la tienes.

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Know About Benzodiazepine Drug Abuse And Importance Of Testing For It (Drugteststrips)

Drug abuse became a common health concern all across the globe. In spite of many restrictions on the availability of harmful drugs, both illicit and prescription, the number of drug abusers is found increasing. Among the harmful prescription drugs having widespread availability, benzodiazepines are considered as the foremost. Benzodiazepines are highly toxic and are available in numerous forms. Benzodiazepine abuse is proved to be highly hazardous to health. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the ill effects of the drug and the importance of early detection of its abuse.

What are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, commonly called as 'benzos' are known to be hypnotic drugs and brain tranquilizers. These central nervous system depressants are generally prescribed to treat sleep disorders, anxiety, acute stress reactions, panic attacks and convulsions. This drug is available in many forms with various strengths. Benzodiazepines in any form are found to be highly toxic and addictive, so they should be used only as prescribed.

The main centers of action of Benzodiazepines in the human body are cells of nervous system. Benzodiazepines are involved in the augmentation of a specific neuro transmitter called GABA (gamma - aminobutyric acid). GABA is an inhibitor hormone, which passes from one cell to another transmitting the message to reduce the activity of a particular process. As benzodiazepines increase the activity of these hormones, the overall brain activity is slowed down.

Effects of abuse
Benzodiazepines are found to act on the neural activities of the human body. As these are found to control the activities of nervous system, the person abusing the drug is prone to suffer from mental and personality disorders. It is also found that some symptoms of Benzodiazepine drug abuse are non - specific and may relate to any part of the body. Some of the effects of this drug abuse on the human body are:

Difficulty in breathing
Over sedation (drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, lack of coordination, confusion)
Deep or permanent coma

Apart from the above effects, Benzodiazepine drug abuse is also found to create severe personality disorders such as suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressive behavior which includes violent behavior, physical abuse, assaults, homicides and many anti-social activities at home and at workplace.

The effects of Benzodiazepines does not stop with the above list, more drastic effects are found when taken with other addictive drugs like opiates, hypnotics, anti-depressants, etc. making the individual more tolerant and dependent to other drugs, finally leading to fatality.

Importance of drug testing
Early detection of drug abuse is necessary as it is difficult for an individual to withdraw the drug use after a certain period of time. Some of the symptoms associated with chronic abuse withdrawal are insomnia, gastric troubles, irritability, delirium, tremors and seizures. Apart from these, forceful withdrawal may also develop suicidal tendencies in abuser.

The number and the severity of ill effects of Benzodiazepines on the body are not easy to analyze. Hence, it is on the part of the individual and his companions to go for the early detection of drug through testing. This helps in avoiding the serious consequences associated with the prolonged usage of drug. It is especially necessary to conduct Benzodiazepine drug tests at workplaces and homes to identify drug abusing employees or teens. In many cases drug tests are found to be life savers. Hence, it is necessary to conduct a drug test immediately on identifying the symptoms of drug abuse.

Types of testing
Various types of drug tests are conducted to detect the drug abusers. These drug tests help in identifying the elevated levels of Bezodiazepines and their metabolites in any given sample. The most commonly used samples for conducting Benzodiazepine drug test are saliva, hair and urine. The drug tests can be conducted in laboratories or on-site (home or workplace) by using drug test kits.

Drug tests in laboratories
The drug tests conducted in laboratories are highly accurate. These tests not only detect the presence of Benzodiazepines and their metabolites, but also detect the levels of drug abuse by analyzing the sample. The laboratories can use any sample like saliva, blood, urine or hair for identifying the drug presence.

Drug tests using testing kits
Various drug testing kits are available in the market making it easy for the people to conduct the test at their convenience. Unlike laboratory tests, they can be conducted at any place and at any time. These drug test kits are very useful for employers and for parents for conducting onsite drug tests, in regard with the easy collection of sample. These drug testing kits are inexpensive as well as accurate.

Benzodiazepine drug abuse is found to be chronic drug abuse of all. Creating awareness about the negative effects and the methods to control this drug abuse is the only way to combat this problem. Early rectification of this problem will help in establishing a good society with high values.

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