

Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Insomnia (Cathryn Harper)

Nothing contributes more to a good day than a good night's sleep. Sometimes, however, you just cannot fall asleep. Worse yet, sometimes your children just cannot fall asleep. And when mom and dad don't get rested, the rest of the crew usually pays for it as well.

When children have difficulty falling asleep, sometimes parents are aware, sometimes they are not. Symptoms are not always conclusive, but take a variety of forms. The most common symptoms include:

Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep
Waking too early
Sleepy during the day
Error or accident prone
Trouble at school (academic or social)
Mood swings
Difficulty remembering things

Children sometimes work to avoid bedtime any way they can, including asking for things to eat or drink, asking for another story, or to play one more video game. If a particularly entertaining environment, such as a parent's party or a good movie, is beckoning from another room, that may further aggravate the situation.

It is hard to diagnose whether a child has insomnia since the symptoms are so general and could be caused by so many things. Keeping a sleep diary for a few weeks may help decide whether this is just a temporary problem or turning into a permanent one.

Talking with your pediatrician may also shed light on the situation, helping to eliminate other issues and isolating the true problem. A physical exam to rule out other possibilities is also a good idea, helping to identify whether a child has primary or secondary insomnia. Secondary insomnia is due to a distinct cause such as an underlying disease or condition, where primary is not.

Insomnia may be either of the short-lived acute variety, or the long-term chronic type. The acute type lasts only a few nights or a few weeks and may not require treatment. Chronic insomnia, however, rears its ugly head three or more nights a week for a month or more.

Some patients are referred to a sleep center, where they spend the night with observers and electrodes attached at vital points to set some baselines and provide some insight for doctors in assessing the condition.

Causes are many, from stress, to medication side effects, ADHD, asthma, allergy and muscle cramps. More serious causes running from autism and Asperger's, to neurodevelopmental and bipolar disorders, may also be the culprits. Simpler causes may be too many caffeinated drinks, colas, or energy drinks.

Treatment ranges from initiating a good sleep regimen and some options when sleep is hard to come by, to behavioral therapy and indirect hypnotic suggestions, such as guided fantasy stories embedding a personal fairy tale that helps to put the child in control, giving a feeling of security and relaxation. Other solutions include teaching children how to relax, and providing quiet things for them to do when they wake, like reading, that may, in turn, send them back to their pillow, happily snoozing till dawn.

Cathryn is a working mother of three. A self-professed health and fitness nut, Cathryn loves to research and write about health and wellness related topics. For further inquiries please visit at
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Is Depression Built in Stages? (

Depression, in simplistic terms, is the situation of being in a state of sadness over a lengthy period of time. Of course, it is already mentioned that this is a simplistic definition, because if it were that simple; the world would have been a happier place to live in for many people with depression! Depression is not something similar to a cold or a headache. It is not something that appears quickly and goes away as quickly.

Symptoms are not exclusive
Depression is a deeply rooted psychological malady that is difficult to understand in simple terms. Of course, people who have depression do exhibit a few common symptoms like sadness, listlessness, anxiety, moroseness, disinterest in matters of daily living and the like; but so do normal people. We all experience what may be called a bad day in office (not literally speaking though, because we should include home too here).

Difficult parameters
So, how is a person who has depression different from the rest if these symptoms and behaviors exist in all kinds of people? It is said that depressed people are in this state of mind over a long period of time. But how long? That should be the defining parameter. The medical profession is not clear if a person who has been through a low for a couple of weeks should be called a depressed person and be bracketed with someone who has been though it for a couple of years. And how does it feel to 'graduate' from the two-week period to the two-year period? Is the behavior the same over this period of time, or it is graded? These are the real challenges psychiatrists encounter while treating people with depression.

Some stages
Based on the pace at which depression builds up in a person's mind; medical science usually classifies depression according to the following stages:
oManic or bipolar;

What are these stages for?
These are what may be called the various phases, but we have to be clear about what these stages really mean: These are more of a frame of reference for doctors than something that is irrefutable. This is certainly not a watertight compartmentalization of the condition. There is no reason to believe that one could be less treatable or more severe than another.

For whose benefit?
These gradations are made to give doctors a kind of benchmark with which to approach the problem. To the patient himself, absolutely no difference is made. A person with chronic depression has more things to worry about and feel down than to estimate the stage he is in. For the patient, his family and the lay public alike; there is no serious sense out of these stages. They do serve a limited, academic purpose, which is to help doctors slot the patient and use as an assessment tool, nothing more; nothing less.

GlobalCompliancePanel is a training source that delivers diverse, high quality regulatory & compliance trainings. These trainings are simple while being relevant and cost-effective while being convenient.


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Emigrar no es tan fácil

No sé cómo me he hecho de una página de Facebook, españoles en Costa Rica, y sin querer, voy leyendo, las fatigas que están pasando los que se vinieron un poco a la aventura, valga como muestra lo que sigue:
Aguien desde España dice: Estoy cansado del consumismo y de los políticos de este país, y me gustaría que me contarais que posibilidades tengo de trabajar en el sistema sanitario costarricense.
A lo que, entre otros, le contestan: uffff ja ja ja ese es otro cantar.. yo llevo 3 años de turista ja ja saliendo cada 3 meses.
También leí el de una residente española, que decía que ganaba 2000 $ y que no le llegaba al día quince del mes. ¿Dónde coño se cree esta que está?, me pregunté. Un albañil, los que tanto ganaron en España, trabajando diez horas diarias, no llega a 20€ (el domingo no cuenta).
Lees las noticias, de los medios oficiales, llámese EL País o El Mundo, y dan por hecho que la única salida que le queda, en especial a la juventud, es emigrar. No digamos nada de TVE, que ya que estamos en Costa Rica y con el dichoso programa españoles por el mundo o algo parecido, ponen la cosa como para engatusar al más listo. Míralo aquí.
No soy yo solo el que lo digo, porque en otro blog, encuentro: Cualquiera diría que en toda España hay una campaña para que todos aquellos que pueden hacerlo emigren. Tenemos a españoles por el mundo mostrándonos que bien les va en cualquier lugar exótico, a políticos recomendando que nos vayamos de España y ahora a la Junta de Andalucía ofreciendo puestos de trabajo fuera de España.
No es tan fácil. Baste decir que yo para renovar la residencia por haber estado fuera del país más tiempo del que la ley te permite, y habiéndome traído todos los justificantes, he tardado más de un año en renovarlo (aun no lo tengo en el bolsillo como explico dos entradas más abajo). .
Explicar lo que me costó conseguirla, habría para escribir un bloc temático sobre el asunto, y eso que yo tenía todo lo necesario para conseguirla.
La ley de Migración en Costa Rica se cambió hace poco, como es lógico endureciéndola. Está en el mismo caso que estaba España con las pateras de los negrillos, solo que los nicas aquí lo tienen más fácil para pasar la frontera, es cuestión de volar machete por los bosques para abrirse camino.
Lo voy a decir tal y como nos lo dijeron a nosotros en Migración: para estar legal en el país, solo se pueden coger uno de estos tres caminos: Casarse con una tica, tener un hijo tico, o tener contrato de trabajo (con los dos primeros casos, se puede obtener la residencia, con el último no).
¿Qué hacen la mayoría de los que residen aquí, en especial los gringos? Estar como turistas tres meses, salir fuera del país (Nicaragua o Panamá) un mínimo de tres días y volver a entrar. De todas formas lo mejor es lo que yo hice, seguir lo que decía la página de Migración, porque esa es otra, como no caigas en manos de un mal abogado, te estafará.
Estamos hablando de Latinoamérica, que tiene la gran ventaja de no tener que saber hablar, checo, ruso o alemán.
No he mencionado los costes de todo esto.

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How to Handle Drug Abusing Teen As a Parent (Drugteststrips)

It is shocking to know that your teen is using drugs. It is an unpleasant experience for you when you think of the future of your kid. As you already know that your kid is using drugs, think of finding a way out by personally speaking to him about the consequences of drugs on his health and career. This article discusses on how to handle a drug abusing teen as a parent.

Watch out for any changes, for example, change in friends, change in appetite, unruly attitude, stealing things, drop in academic performance, lack of interest in grooming and social isolation. If you find any of these, don't ignore, try to find out the reason behind the sudden change. If you find for sure that your teen is using drugs, this is how you should handle the situation:

Don't panic, don't be harsh:

As a parent, it is really scary for you to face the truth and you may panic, not knowing what to do. Wait a second, this is not the way to react when such situation arises. It's time to take action, by being calm and patient while talking to your teen.

Talk to the teen and help out:

You need to openly talk to your teen about drugs. By doing so, you can strengthen your relationship and communication will be much easier. First, listen to what he says about drugs and you can then tell him about how it ruins his life. This will help him understand better.

Explain about the harmful effects of drug abuse:

Explain to your teen about the negative consequences of drugs. Drug abuse causes damage to vital organs such as heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Drug abuse causes significant changes in normal functioning of the brain.

Keep your teen busy. For this, you could assign him a piece of job, for example, gardening. Such activities are likely to instill confidence in them.

Tell him that healthy life leads to better performance in academics and consequently there will be better prospects in career. Take examples of your friends, relations who are healthy and successful by staying away from drugs.

Consider taking to rehabilitation center:

Contact a health counselor to make a plan on how to proceed, and make necessary follow up. If your teen has gone to an advanced state of addiction, take him to a good rehabilitation center. These centers will take adequate and necessary measures to prevent him from using drugs in future.

Taking care of these things will make sure that your teen would recover as a normal individual soon. is an online store offering reliable, easy to use and FDA approved marijuana drug test kits at affordable prices. Thc test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine.
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Detox Your Negative Emotions and Learn How To Manage Stress (Suzanna Kauai)

Being human means feeling emotions. (E) motion = energy in motion. To stay healthy, let emotional energy wash through you like a wave. Do not hold on, resist or deny the energy. Welcome it as a response to life and let it move through by expressing it in the moment it arises.
You may argue that there are negative emotions that should not be expressed. From our early childhood, we have been taught to be nice and polite. So the idea of expressing all our so-called negative emotions seems foreign and impossible. We fear disapproval or abandonment if we dare speak the truth about what we are thinking or feeling.

Instead of thinking of emotions as either negative or positive, let us view them as energy that moves at different speeds. We call the speed of moving energy its frequency. If an energy moves at a slow speed, it has a low frequency. If it moves at a faster speed, it has a high frequency.

The emotional energy of anger, for example, moves slowly and has a low frequency and it does not feel good. When anger arises and you do not express it, it is trapped in your body and affects you physically and mentally. If you do not express your emotions, they start accumulating in and around you body. You may not feel them all the time, but these accumulated emotions can burst out from you during adverse conditions. Often these accumulated toxic feelings change your genetic structure, causing illness and toxic thinking.

You learned how to deal with your emotions as a child, by observing your family. Everything you observed and absorbed in your early childhood went into to your subconscious mind. Since this programming is subconscious, you do not have control of yourself. You respond automatically in a way that is not aligned with what you truly think and feel. Constantly reacting in a way that is unnatural for you causes you to feel stressed out. Unexpressed accumulated anger can turn into depression. You may try coping with depression, but all your efforts go in vain. For this, you actually need to know how to manage stress.

One of the best ways of managing stress and coping with depression is emotional detoxification. The process involves the detoxification of low frequency emotions and thought-patterns that depress your immune system, causing illness.

Apart from this, these toxins do not allow you to express your true emotions. You often live a pretending life being nice and happy to others. There is anger within you but the desired social attitude makes you to suppress it, which often converts into feelings of hatred, stress and depression.

The principle of emotional detoxification:

Emotional-mental detoxification process involves a unique combination of breathing, relaxation and guided visualization. The process is in the form of a guided meditation. So all you have to do is listen to a recording and follow along. There are 8 recordings; each one addressing a different set of toxic thoughts and emotions. The recordings come with an instruction manual, that will guide you step-by-step through the process. You can go through the process at your own pace.

After going through the process of emotional-mental detoxification, you will return to a state of balance and well-being with a better ability to focus and feel confident. You will behave as the real YOU leaving, behind that artificial life imposed by other people.

The day when you will complete the process, you will live your TRUE LIFE.

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Identifying The Warning Signs Of Depression In NYC (George Schae)

Depression is something that has an effect on a great part of the population all around the globe. It can appear to be more prevalent in bigger cities, for example NYC. One key to acting on and treating depression in NYC is the ability to recognize the signs. Whether you have a good sense that you have depression or someone close to you does, taking the time to learn what the signs of depression are is a big help to anyone. We now know that depression is manageable, and in present-day times, there's no reason anyone needs to try to suffer through it without help. Keep reading to learn more about the signs of depression.

Some people think that depressed people are merely being lazy or they simply need more sleep. This isn't far from the truth, as many people who suffer from depression do, in fact, feel tired. A depressed person may be more forgetful and inattentive of things they are usually more mindful of. Depression sufferers usually have sleep disturbances that keep them from getting good sleep and they may sleep more than usual. Depression may cause a person to sleep much longer than the usual seven to eight hours, and despite the extra sleep, they will often still be very tired when they wake up. Depressed people might likewise suffer from insomnia and sleep very little to not at all. While a depressed person may sleep longer because they choose to in order to try to feel better, they will typically continue to be tired and forgetful.

Irritability is an additional indication of depression. You might notice a person getting quite upset over something which seems rather trivial. Their irritation or anger can seem to happen in a split second or out of nowhere. If being easily annoyed seems out of place for you or a person that you know, it could be a sign of depression, especially if it seems to be occurring more and more often.

Loss of interest in activities that a person once enjoyed is a huge sign of depression in NYC. When a person loses the capacity to enjoy things that they typically like, this is a big flag. If you notice someone not being able to enjoy things that they normally would enjoy, you might inquire about them or encourage them to get some help from a medical professional.

Although many people are aware of the symptoms shared above, not every person realizes that some depression systems can look like something else entirely. Headaches and various other bodily pains that do not ease from being treated may be a sign of depression. Even digestive problems like acid reflux can occasionally indicate depression. It is important to pay attention to what the body is trying to tell us.

Depression sufferers often state they feel empty, lost or that they are living in a darkness. Some may even think about suicide. Even if someone is only thinking about suicide, it's important that they get help immediately. Don't ignore it if a person mentions suicide.

Anyone in NYC who is struggling with depression shouldn't have to go through it on their own. A wide range of treatments is available for any depression sufferer, and there's no one-size-fits-all treatment method, so the treatment will be different for each individual. It is essential to know the signs of depression to enable you to encourage a loved one to get help or so that you can get help personally. Don't ignore the warning signs of depression. Making an effort to pay attention to the symptoms, letting someone know you're there for them and encouraging them to obtain help can mean everything to someone's life.

People that have problems with depression in NYC can seek out help by visiting TMS Medical Associates of New York. For more info on TMS Medical Associates of New York are obtainable on the business' web page,
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Refugio de bichos. Ahora le toca a una ardilla

Ya en su día escribí que esto se había convertido en un refugio de iguanas, pero la cosa se va agravando.
Pichi, ya ha abandonado a Carlos, y aquí está de guardia las veinticuatro horas del día. Si le hecho comida ya es mío, me digo, así que esperaré a que tenga hambre y ya se ira, pero cuando pasan tres días, acabo comprándole pienso y se sale con la suya.

Pichi se debía encontrar demasiado solo y se ha echado un amigo. Tres cuartos de lo mismo, ya se ira, pero no hay forma de que lo hagan, ni el uno ni el otro. Aquí no acaba la cosa, hoy van a Cóbano, y cuando vuelven lo hacen con una ardilla, se la ha dado Randall, me dicen. Muy bonita, me digo, pero pienso que Randall ha sabido lo que ha hecho.
Ya tuve una, que también compré en Sudamérica, entre otras cosas, me hizo un destrozo de libros de narices. Me enteré que al igual que los conejos, no para de crecerle los dientes y se los tienen que afilar/desgastar con lo que sea. Aquella lo hizo con los libros, pero no con uno, sino que hacia un hueco y cogía otro, así hasta no dejar uno sin mutilar.
La verdad es que esta es de lo más nervioso que uno se pueda imaginar. No para. Va de persona en persona y se sube hasta la cabeza, supongo que en su instinto busca lo más parecido a los árboles, porque doy por hecho de que esta se ha criado desde pequeña en una casa. Se han ido todos, y observo que cada vez que me muevo, viene detrás de mí como si de un perro se tratara. Ahora mismo la tengo en mis hombros me imagino que durmiendo.
Veremos a ver en que queda la cosa. La primera putada es que tenemos que tener la puerta cerrada, porque aunque creo no se fuera, ahí están, como dije, Pichi y su compa que no la tratarían como un juguete, sino como un bocado especial.

A ver si mi hermano, se entretiene y le hace una jaula como la de sus pajarracos, aunque lo difícil va a ser mandarla, así que ya sabes, te vienes, se la haces y después te vuelves.

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Tips to Stay Away From Drugs of Abuse (Drugteststrips)

Drug abuse is impacting lives of millions in the United States. As per NIDA statistics, 22.5 million people aged 12 years and older were affected by illicit drug abuse related issues in 2011. In view of the destructive effects of the abuse, it is significant to know tips that might help you stay away from these substances.

Tips to stay away from drugs of abuse:

These tips would guide you on how to stay away from illicit substances, if such a situation arises. Here we go:

Stay away from drug abusing friends and relatives:

Be cautious while befriending teammates and peers. Watch out for any abnormal trends in any of them, such as staying absent from sessions for no reason, smelly breath and clothes, difficulty in understanding common everyday problems. All these are symptomatic of illicit substance abuse. Keep off such people.

*Decline if offered: The easiest way is to say 'no' when anyone offers you drugs. Your peers, teammates could offer you to 'try' in the name of getting rid of issues. Declining the offer would keep you away from the abuse.

*Don't go to parties that involve drugs: You might be invited by your friends/colleagues or one who is dear to you to a party. It is important to know whether the party is worth visit for you. For this, try to know beforehand on the matter. If you get any indication of drug use at party, avoid it.

Don't get tempted, educate yourself about harmful effects of drug abuse:

Many times your friends/peers/teammates might give the idea that drugs of abuse give pleasure and they do enjoy it. They might tempt you to follow them.

Be aware that the pleasure, the 'high' or whatsoever is transitory. Later, you will need more and more of the substances. Hence, don't get carried away by the words.

Keep yourself busy with your chore and refreshing activities:

You might be in high school or may be working for making an earning. Back home, engage yourself in watching soccer tournament on television, play music, or play music on your iPod and dance! Or do gardening. Options are numerous. Choose one that you like most. By doing such activities, you will be able to keep yourself busy, and away from use of drugs of abuse.

Above all, you must have self-control:

You are an informed, responsible and responsive individual. You are responsible for the future of your career. If you go by the norms of self-control, it will bring rich dividends in the long run, in the form of good health, accomplishment of work skills, and therefore excellent earning potential and social esteem.

Have faith in yourself. Failure in life is momentary. After all, life is a mix-up of success and failure. Learn from failure. Don't lose hope and faith in yourself. Have confidence so that you can face the realities and challenges in life.

Drug Test Strips is an online store offering reliable, easy to use and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Our marijuana drug testing strip is a rapid urine screening test that can be performed without the use of an instrument. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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Sending your Pets to a Pet Resort (Margaret Barton)

Many of us view our pets as family members and worry about them a lot while we are away on holiday. There is no need to worry though - you can book your pets into pet resorts Brisbane that will look after them properly so you can relax whilst away.

Pet Resorts are Fun

Our biggest concern is usually that our pets are going to miss us. They will, of course, miss you but if you take them to a proper boarding kennel, they will be entertained and will be allowed to play with other pets and generally have fun. The time will pass a lot faster for them in this way and they won't have as much time to feel sorry for themselves.

Scheduled Feeding and Care

Having someone come by your home to feed your pets is an option when you are on holiday but you can never be sure that the person you choose will do the job properly. What if they are delayed or just forget?

At a pet resort, a routine is set that allows pets to settle down. They get their food on time every day and get plenty of water and care.

Proper Grooming

This is especially important for the more high maintenance pets - some pets require daily brushing in order to look and feel good. You simply can't just leave them for weeks on end. Even your everyday mutt needs some occasional grooming - a pet resort will bath and brush your pets so that they come home looking and smelling great.

Safe Housing

Whenever you leave your pets at home by themselves, there is always a chance that they will be able to get out of the yard or that they will hurt themselves trying to get out. At a boarding kennel, pets sleep in specially built structures that allow them to move around freely but offer no chance of escape.

The staff are also used to and trained to deal with all manner of escape attempts - even the most persistent Houdini would not be able to get out.

Pets are also made to feel comfortable - most kennels will allow you to bring their favourite toys or blankets so that the pets feel more at home. Kennels are often more comfortable for animals than their own homes.

In fact, people are sometimes a little put out because pets seem not to have missed them much at all. A number of animals begin to look at boarding as their own personal holiday and they have as much fun as you do.

Click here for more on pet resorts.

Grooming is part of dog care. If you have a pet and you are worried about your pet's care then you can go at Pet resorts Brisbane. We have the best resources and medicine to take care of your pet.
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Consult an expert orthodontist to avail of the best braces treatment in Fairfax VA (Gilber troy)

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.
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Exercising And Meditation Are Simple And Natural Ways To Escaping From Mental And Physical Fatigue (James Shane)

According to research it is revealed that an average human being works more than ever before. It is estimated that on an average people work 45 to 55 hours a week. The research also named the countries which population works the most while also mentioning the countries where people work the least number of hours a week. In this scenario it must also be considered that excess work would require great strength and maintenance of health. Due to stress related factors the human being falls pray to several types of physical and mental diseases. The life of a man is decreasing despite the fact that we have all the good scientific facilities available. This is mainly because men now work for more number of hours and focus more on earning money while set aside the requirements for maintaining his health.

Depression is one such medical ailment which is now the most common found disease in the world. This so called disease can be traced from the signs that are showed by the human beings. The symptoms include low moral and isolated opinion on every given matter, forced cheerful ness, separating from the rest of the people, skin diseases and low mood. This is often found in young people as they are the ones who are concerned with maintenance of their careers. When the signs or symptoms of depression are shown in an individual it is always better to get a check-up with the doctor. In such cases it is also advisable that a meeting with a psychologist shall be held. The factors that cause depressive attitude should be sorted out and then rooted out. For proper treatment of this illness it is necessary that the individual should show some self-confidence and must be able to self-motivate him or herself. The treatment of this illness requires consistency and depends upon the intensity of it, may be stretched to several days or weeks. For ADHD Dubai it can be safely said that the city can be relied upon. One more thing that could reduce this thing is the management of anger. Especially at work people shows sign of anger and frustration and there could be several reasons for this. Usually there are conflicting roles or an individual is smashed with a lot of quick work that needs to be done in short time span that results in stress and the person facing such situation lets out this stress by anger. If such stress is not let out then the person feels it on its own personality and therefore causes depressive attitude. For anger management Dubai city offers several services. One thing that tops the list of remedies is doing exercise and work out. One good exercise recommended to people by health experts is yoga. The exercise includes making some postures, doing meditation and breathing exercises that makes the person calm cool and composed. The era we live in requires us to take on several duties at the same time. This multi-tasking means that the individual needs to store some large amount of energy in it in order to diffuse all such responsibilities.

The research also named the countries which population works the most while also mentioning the countries where people work the least number of hours a week. This is mainly because men now work for more number of hours and focus more on earning money while set aside the requirements for maintaining his health. This so called disease can be traced from the signs that are showed by the human beings. The symptoms include low moral and isolated opinion on every given matter, forced cheerful ness, separating from the rest of the people, skin diseases and low mood. Having good healthy diet is also necessary in order to live a good life. Processing ...
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Renovación de cedula y nuevo viaje a Puntarenas

En el caso de la crisis (ruina) actual, poco se habla de la burocracia, y cuando a ella me refiero, para nada me estoy dirigiendo a los funcionarios. Es inconcebible, que para renovar mí cedula de residente en este país, se tarde un año, y aun no me fio, hasta que no la tenga en la mano.
Despertador a las cuatro de la mañana, viaje en carro hasta el ferry, travesía del Golfo de Nicoya, llegada a Puntarenas, taxi y a Migración. En realidad ni sabía que era un privilegiado, puesto que todos los que estaban allí, habían tenido que ir otro día anteriormente, solo para pedir cita. Yo, creo que dándole lastima al Funcionario/a (primero me dijo que estaría solucionado en tres meses, después en seis, y así) que había llamado por teléfono y que me dijo que me presentara, me lo había evitado. Solo verme me dijo que fuera a su mesa, pero no podía acabar la cosa ahí, me dijo que primero fuera a pagar una tasa al banco el cual todavía no había abierto y donde había unas colas terribles. Me puse en la más larga, hasta que un invalido me aviso que me mudara a la más pequeña. No sé si por ley, se hacen tres colas, la preferente es la de los inválidos, la segunda la de las personas mayores, y la tercera, digamos, la de la gente normal. Es de sentido común y de educación, pero lo último que recuerdo yo de España es de una embarazada que sube a un bus, a punto de dar a luz, y no levantarse ni dios para cederle el asiento.
No tengo muchos problemas para pagar, vuelvo a Migración, no estaba mi fulanito/a y veo que van llamando por números, cosa que yo no tenía. A la hora pregunto por él/ella y me dicen que está reunida con el jefe. Menuda reunión, desde las ocho hasta cerca de las doce. No podía fallar que me dijera que me faltaba otro documento, pero como digo se ve que le di lastima, ordenó todo, rellené un formulario y me dijo que pasara a otro cuarto donde me fotografiaron, me tomaron las huellas y la firma digital. La verdad es que estaba tan liado/a que no pude ni despedirme.
Justo el tiempo de graduarme la vista, comer y volver a tomar el ferry de las dos. Llegamos de noche.
Me habían dado un papel que decían que tenía que entregar en Correos cuanto antes, así que esta mañana, lo primero que hago es llegarme a Cóbano. El sistema no funciona, me dice el funcionario. Funcionará antes de cerrar. Cara de no sé, y a volver mañana a ver si funciona el dichoso sistema o no hay tanta prisa como me dijeron en Puntarenas.

Me queda el consuelo de haber visto una luna llena preciosa.

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If My Child Has ADHD, Do I Have It? (Cathryn Harper)

Your child has just been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and your struggling to understand how she developed it. The first question that comes to your mind, "does this mean that I, or my spouse, gave it to her?" The question of whether or not a parent of a child with ADHD has the same condition is a reasonable question without a definitive answer. The reality is that there are several different proposed causes of ADHD , and genetic links are still yet to be determined.

In fact, one popular belief is that there is an external cause such as a lack of certain vitamins or essential fatty acids,e.g. good fats that we need to eat. Something as simple as a lack of choline caused by cutting out egg yolks, can trigger symptoms of ADHD. A deficiency of DHA (a fat found most abundantly in fish like salmon, catfish, or any other fatty fish such as sardines and anchovies) can cause several problems with the brain and nerves. These are just two examples of potential nutrient deficiencies that can cause ADHD-like symptoms.

While most studies have focused on treatments rather than cause, more formal studies are being conducted to determine a genetic link to ADHD. There are some promising results in identifying deleted or duplicated sequences of DNA in children with the disorder. However, these results are considered only a starting point, and are far from helping identify specific diagnostic tests or treatments. For a parent concerned about having the disorder, the only way to determine this clearly would be to consult a qualified physician, and to undertake treatment once they are diagnosed. If the treatments result in a positive outcome there is further proof that you, the parent of an ADHD child, have the disorder as well.

Many adults do have ADD or ADHD and while they currently make up a smaller market for pharmacological treatments than children, it is becoming clear that adults are being prescribed drugs more frequently than before. For example, Methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta, Daytrana, and Methylin) is the most widely prescribed stimulant drug in the United States, rivaling all other countries. It has been proven to be highly effective for treating ADD and ADHD. Most of this is prescribed to children 16 years of age and younger, then ages 17-21 and finally to adults. Many parents are taking the same ADHD medications as their children. This is nothing to be embarrassed about because adult ADHD is real. And perhaps parents who are becoming educated about the symptoms their children are experiencing are beginning to recognize the symptoms in themselves.

It would be more reasonable to assume that you don't have the same attention disorder as your child, unless you are experiencing symptoms that would lead you to believe that you do. As mentioned before, this diagnosis should be made by a skilled psychiatrist or doctor of psychology before jumping to any conclusions or blaming yourself for the fact that your beloved child is struggling. Find a support group, the experiences of others are invaluable, and may help you find the right treatments for you and your child.

Wiley-Blackwell (2009, January 7). Genetic Determinants of ADHD Examined (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, January 7)

Cathryn is a working mother of three. A self-professed health and fitness nut, Cathryn loves to research and write about health and wellness related topics. For more professional information you can visit at
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Benefits of Staying Away From Drugs of Abuse (Drugteststrips)

It's a known fact that illicit drugs are harmful to health, but even after knowing the fact millions of individuals throughout the world use illicit drugs. Using illicit drugs is an unhealthy habit and it makes a person addicted to it. If taken regularly, over a long period, it may cause various health issues that may be harmful to the body or mind.

Statistics show that, drug abuse is a common health issue across the United States. According to National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), in 2011, 22.5 million people that is 8.7% of Americans aged 12 years or older are under the influence of illicit drugs.

These statistics are really alarming. It's time that we make people aware of the harmful effects of illicit drugs and get them out of the dreadful situation by spreading awareness on the benefits of staying away from drugs.

For people who have started taking drugs and for those who are addicted to drugs, this article will help in making the right choice and being courageous to say 'no' to drugs.

Benefits of staying away from drugs:

*Less physical and psychological problems and longevity

Drugs make your life miserable. You will face diverse physical and psychological problems or even death. If you choose a healthy lifestyle, away from drugs, you will see yourself enjoying your life. A healthy life will enhance your longevity.

*Strong family relationships

Your 'no drugs life' strengthens family relationships. There will be a good rapport and support among the members of your family. As a healthy individual, you will be the role model to others in your family, especially your younger siblings.

*Social respect

An individual using drugs is never appreciated or looked upon by the society. By staying away from drugs you will have respect among the community as responsible, responsive and sensible person in the society.

*Economic stability

If you are addicted to drugs, you want them all the time, which means you need money to buy them. In a way, you are spending yours and your parent's hard earned money into something which is not worth. Thus, by staying away from such habits you can have better economic stability as well as quality life.

*Staying away from drugs leads to a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle helps you to increase your longevity. On the other hand use of illicit drugs brings in misery. It will ruin your physical and mental health. Thus becomes an obstacle to a healthy lifestyle. By staying away from drugs, you can lead a healthy long life.

Staying away from illicit drugs is an effective technique to reach diverse goals in life. Whether it is improvement in academics, career, relationship, or social esteem, this technique would prove you powerful. Have confidence in yourself. Devote your energy to execute. Happy and healthy drug-free life! is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Marijuana testing from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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Eleven Ways to Reduce Hypertension (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)

Some people consider hypertension as a disease of the century. Most of people are affected from this and It is the leading cause of death in the world. However, it will be possible to reduce blood pressure with simple gestures, beneficial to your health. So we are showing you some effective tips to get out of hypertension.

1. Fat - By changing your diet, you can reduce your blood pressure. Limit consumption of red meat, sugar and foods high in animal fats. Opt for a diet based on fruits and vegetables, white meats, fish, whole grains and nuts. You will get permanent results.

2. Salt - Limit daily intake of salt. This condiment promotes hypertension. Do not put salt on the table, but also know that salt is present in many foods, including canned, several cheeses, mustard and biscuits, among others. Make sure the labeling of products that you consume. Here you will find information on the salt content of the foods you enjoy.

3. Potassium - bananas, broccoli, asparagus, spinach and legumes are rich in potassium. However, potassium is essential for muscle contractions, including those of the heart muscle. In addition, this component also reduce the risk of stroke. Think about it when you go to market.

4. Blood pressure - Blood pressure is unstable. Your daily activities, your emotional state and your environment can affect your blood pressure. Using a sphygmomanometer quality, you will be able to determine the times of day when it is higher. In addition, many people are stressed when they go to the doctor. Data so obtained by the health care professional may be distorted.

5. Exercises - Move! Walk at least thirty minutes per day. Cycling or swimming a few times a week. Physical exercise helps soften blood vessels. Your blood pressure will decrease significantly and you can reduce your medication.

6. Coffee and tea - Moderate your consumption of coffee and tea. Caffeine stimulate brain activity and blood pressure. Some studies show, others contradict this assertion. So be careful and limit your two cups daily consumption of coffee and tea.

7. Smoking - Quitting smoking will also help reduce your blood pressure. From your first breath, your blood vessels constrict. Your pressure increases. This continues for several tens of minutes after turning off your butt. If you suffer from hypertension, tobacco cessation is an important step to improve your physical condition and your health.

8. Alcohol - same time, you will reduce your intake of alcoholic beverages. Certainly one to two drinks per day for women and three drinks for men have a beneficial effect on the heart and arteries. However, if you eat more, your blood pressure will increase. In addition, alcohol interferes with the medicines prescribed to relieve hypertension.

9. Sleep - The human body needs sleep to function well. By shortening your nights repeatedly, because of your work or your libations night, you may raise your blood pressure. While needs vary from one person to another and from one stage of life to another, every human being needs seven to eight hours of sleep per day. In addition, your body will relax and be more alert for work or leisure.

10. Weight - Control your weight. Each kilo less reduces the risk of blood pressure and, consequently, the necessary medication to reduce hypertension. Three or four pounds can therefore make a difference. Obese people should make an additional effort to achieve a healthy weight.

11. Stress - Reduce stress. Each element Stress affects your blood pressure. Take the time to live. Limit as much as possible, external aggression that may increase your blood pressure. Of course, you'll need to make efforts to reduce the impact of stress on your life, but it's worth the effort.

You're better equipped to fight hypertension. For now avoid this condition, more common in people 50 years and older. Will reduce at the same time the risk of stroke and heart problems. Healthy!

Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Health Tips for Hypertention
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When Sleep is a Monster: 7 Tips to Help with Childhood Insomnia (Cathryn Harper)

Nobody likes a cranky kid, especially parents, but when kids do not get the sleep they need to function well, it is not a pretty picture. Tired, accident prone, moody and depressed, insomniac kids go sleepwalking through their days, which can affect them both academically and socially.

Treating insomnia in children requires an overall assessment. The symptoms could be primary, without an unidentified additional cause; or secondary, due to an underlying disease or condition. Symptoms may also be acute, e.g. short-lived, from a few days to a few weeks; or chronic, showing up three or more nights each week for months on end.

Causes can be many and varied, but finding the cause is a giant step toward finding a solution. If the cause is something critical, such as autism, Asperger's, or a neurodevelopmental or bipolar disorder, treating the disorder should help. If such conditions are ruled out, the likely causes include stress, medication side effects, asthma, allergy, or eczema, which require some treatment to bring relief to both the condition as well as the sleep patterns.

Regardless of the underlying cause, there are steps that parents can take to help get their children, and themselves, some much needed rest:

Have your child evaluated. Parents should start with their child's pediatrician. He or she may in turn recommend following up with specialists to help diagnose an underlying condition, or a sleep specialist who can undertake a sleep study of your child .

Monitor your child's diet. Cola, or energy drinks, contain large amounts of caffeine and sugar, which may affect a child's ability to relax and fall asleep. Bedtime snacks should be light and healthy. Water should be the drink of choice, but warm milk or herbal tea with honey work well, too.

Keep them in regular sleeping schedules. Try to keep their sleep routine consistent and simple. Have them prepare for bed at the same time each evening and begin relaxing activities like reading, prior to falling asleep.

Darken the room. Many children want to leave the lights on when they go to sleep. But studies show that a lighted room contributes to sleep issues. Get them a night-light or put their lights on a dimmer switch, so that they don't have to be in pitch darkness.

Turn off and tune out. Finding a relaxing evening activity that everyone can join in at night prior to snooze time. Activities that stimulate the senses, like video games and TV should be shut down a few hours before bed. White noise machines are available on the market that can supply a consistent soothing background noise.

Minimize stress. Many parents almost laugh when asked whether their children might be experiencing stress, but kids take a large number of cues from parents, and if parents are worried, it is a sure bet that many kids are as well. Look around for sources of stress in your child's life, and try to imagine things from his or her point of view. Things that seem inconsequential to you might be overwhelming to a child . Talking with your child about things like an upcoming test or a bully at school can go along way to calm their fears.

Make them feel secure. For younger children choose a trusted stuffed animal as the "worry dog." Have your child whisper his concerns to the dog while you listen, and keep the stuffed animal by their side during the night. Some psychiatrists have found that writing a personal fairy tale for the child, including familiar toys, friends, family, and places, using warm, heavy, relaxed and secure imagery, is helpful. Reading such fantasy tales before bedtime for a week or more is sometimes all that is needed.

Cathryn is a working mother of three. A self-professed health and fitness nut, Cathryn loves to research and write about health and wellness related topics. For more professional information you can visit at
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Get the benefit of massage therapy in Arlington (Romeoo Workar)

The massage therapy is the best to reduce pain, depression as well as the physical and mental problem of the body. The professional of the arlington massage therapist gives the proper views of the massage therapy. They can easily face the problem chronic pain and the other body problem.

Massage medical aid is somewhat intimate as way as natural healing modalities go. Sadly, there's no manner around this truth. The atmosphere could also be skilled, however as a result of this can be such an active occupation, some uncomfortable or embarrassing things might arise.

Choose the perfect massage therapist:
Today the working pressure is high every person is very busy and feels the physical and mental problem during the full time job. Here we will discuss how to choose the perfect massage therapist. The solution of this question is firstly you should choose the doctors, chiropractors and the professionals.

The massage therapy is the best way to improve your body postures. The work schedule of the therapist is different from each other some of the therapist works in hand but few of them are work with machines and used the medical equipmements.

There are so many medical benefits of the arlington massage therapist. We will discuss sequentially Health specialists and professionals estimate that up to ninety % of illness is stress-related. The consequences of stress will have an effect on several systems of the body from the central system nervous, the muscular system, the genital system, the system respiratory, the cardiovascular and many more.

The massage therapy is the effective way to reduce the stress and get relax for long time. Therapeutic massage also can facilitate specifically address several chronic health problems. Regular bodywork can: alleviate low-back pain, correct imbalance and poor posture and improve vary of motion.

Prenatal massage should be done by massage therapist in arlington va they regularly guide of the pregnant women and suggest to the exercise which is more useful during the pregnancy. For athletesregular massage is the compulsory component because they work physical in the ground. The other benefits are increase the flexibility of body and boost the energy in your body.

If you feels the physical and mental problem during the full time job or other health problem massage therapist in arlington va is the best choice for you. They properly guide you with free medical expenses and give you the proper suggestions of the massage therapy.

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What you should Know about Mood Disorder Cure (Naomi Warmate-Igwe)

Before we delve into mood disorder cure, it is important that we first analyze what mood disorder really is. This is said to a sort of mental health problem and is also referred to as depressive disorder. It is a condition that occurs in anyone, both adults and children. Although there is no specific cause of this disorder, it is mainly attributed to imbalance in given brain chemicals which are identified as neurotransmitters. In most cases, this condition is somewhat connected to terminal medical condition, life events and substance abuse.

This does not mean that a slight change in mood should set the alarm clocks ringing; it is natural to experience mood changes. However, in a situation where this mood change lasts longer than necessary and begins interfering with the sufferer's daily activities, depressive disorder has set in and the best thing to be done is to seek for help. Some of the symptoms characterizing the condition includes but not limited to feelings of helplessness, overwhelming sadness, guilt feelings, extreme fatigue, constantly feeling irritated and suicidal thoughts. The moment these symptoms show up, it becomes necessary for steps to be taken towards undertaking mood disorder treatment.

There are also other times when mood disorders are accompanied by elevated mood which could lead to heightened arousal and extreme level of energy in the individual. In such case, the feeling last longer than it should and when severe, negatively affects every other activity in the person's daily living. The particular type of depression treatment to be settled for is usually determined by the evaluation carried out by a medical professional. Based on this, there are options of cognitive therapy, use of medications, lifestyle modification and behavioral therapy to handle cases of mood disorder.

Some of the common forms of depression cure and treatments include:

* Antidepressant medication for improved moods.
* Antipsychotic medication for improvement of altered perceptions and disordered though pattern.
* Cognitive behavioral therapy to take care of behavior and thought patterns.
* Family therapy which is geared towards developing support and understanding from family members.
* Group therapy
* Hospitalization for treatment of coexisting medical conditions and severe complications.
* Mood-stabilizing medications

There are cases where certain mood disorder patients would not respond to any medical mood disorder cure and in this case, it becomes necessary to try other types of treatment. This is where electroconvulsive therapy as a mood disorder treatment comes in. For those suffering from seasonal affective mood disorder, light therapy is an option of cure for their condition. Other complementary treatments that would help individuals suffering from depressive disorder include massage therapy, Yoga and acupuncture. Effectively taking part in social activities, getting enough sleep, exercising often and sharing one's feelings about his or her condition with a confidant also goes a long way to improve the sufferer's mood.

Finally, for effective mood disorder treatment, it is important that the person suffering from such condition understands his or her condition and the underlying causes. This way, such persons are able to hold unto firm starting points from which they can work towards improving their moods.

I am an experienced freelance SEO writer and active blogger in various niches including home improvement, interior d?cor/design, health, fitness, personal finance, real estate, fashion, SEO, Affiliate marketing, beauty, legal, stocks/commodity trading, insurance etc. If your writing needs include website content, articles, blog posts, press releases, product description, sales copy, report, e-books and newsletters, I am the perfect match for it. I currently work on virtual workers' sites like Elance, Guru and Vworker where I have maintained good ratings under the username, Chizy.
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Primera tormenta 2013 en Tambor de Puntarenas

Después de lo que ya parecía ser una sequía, llega la primera tormenta a Tambor.
Ellos se habían acostado tarde, por lo que no esperaba ningún acontecimiento especial esta mañana, pero cuando se van desperezando, Jose dice de ir a algún sitio. No estaba muy claro ni a donde iban a ir, pero me apunto para ver si salgo de esta puñetera apatía.

Primero vamos al muelle y no había ni un alma. Bueno en realidad había un pescador encarnando los anzuelos para salir a pescar.

Decidimos irnos a Tangomar, y paramos en la casa de Olga [la macha (la rubia)]. Nos ofrece un fresco y vemos todos los inventos que está haciendo alrededor de la misma, desde una tortuga muerta, caracolas y piedras raras. También vamos a ver otros lotes que están en venta.

Por fin bajamos a la playa y baño que te crió. Hacía tiempo que no lo hacía.
Cerca estaban Toro y Chamwich (no sé cómo se escribe pero al menos así lo pronuncian), buceando para coger langostas y cambutes. No sé si tendrá más suerte que las otras noches, que llevaba más de ocho kilos de langostas y no pudo vender ni una.
Vuelta, comemos, y hay quien se echa un poco. Yo ya estaba pensando en ducharme para irme a la playa cuando se viene una buena tormenta encima.

Aunque según las estadísticas, a los históricos de este mes no le corresponde ni un litro, para eso están, para fallar.
De una forma o de otra, el invierno se está acercando, y yo lo prefiero a este calor, que más que calor, es la humedad que hay en el ambiente.

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Detox Program Heals Stress And Improve Self Esteem (Suzanna Kauai)

We are dwelling in the era of competitive world where everybody is trying to dominate each other. In this situation, entire environment becomes competitive. People spending life in this kind of environment, start feeling stressed and their emotions and feelings also become stressful. As we know, stress not only hamper mentally but physically as well. It impacts our entire thought process, emotions and feelings.

In research it's been proven that, our thought is the product of our emotions and feelings. Our emotions and feelings impact our thought process constantly. According to the law of attraction, whatever we are feeling or thinking today is creating our life. If you are feeling stressed, more stress would be manifested in your life. It means, you are requesting for more stress in your life. Whether you believe it or not but behind the scene, you are the only victim for all your stress and misery. In other words, visualization has a great impact in our everyday's life and the kind of images we are holding in our mind, will soon be manifested in our life. So, the point here is that, we need to understand the laws of the nature, which impacts our life on the regular interval but we are unknown. In today's throat cut competitive environment we must know how to manage stress. We have developed a kit by which one can alter their thought process. It helps you to change your emotions and feelings. You just need to go through the kit on the regular basis. Besides, you can join our online training program to get the actual benefits.

Now the question is how to manage stress with emotional detox program? eliminates stress from your life and makes you feel good. They have professional trainer and motivator who train your mind and shift replace your bad thoughts which causes stress in your mind. They teach you- positive thinking , feel good , stay fit , manage time, relax, take a break, socialize, laugh often, take care of your finances.

Self esteem plays great role in our daily life. It's most important aspect of our life which ensures the happiness and prosperity in our life.

Now the question is that what are the ways to improve self esteem with emotional detox program? provides you several ways to improve self esteem. We have professionals providing training for improving self esteem. Once you register for our program, we assess current status of your mind and then train your mind to improve self esteem. We train you to Recognize your strengths, Accept compliments, Do the things that you love to do, Exercise, Always be positive, Accept yourself, Stop your negative self talk, Surround yourself with people who support you.

Our detox program heal your thought process and replace negative thoughts with positive. We train you how to manage stress and ways to improve self esteem through our detox program which is quite useful and beneficial. So, if you are facing emotional imbalances or want any other kinds of healing, this program can be truly helpful to you.

Suzanna Kennedy is an Author, speaker, master teacher and transformational expert. She is the Founder and Director of Reality Crafting Institute, who teach how to manage stress . She is being with bruce lipton on different ways to improve self esteem of a person and get relief from stresses.
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Signs and symptoms of depression (

Like all other ailments originating in the mind and staying there -many ailments originate in the mind and manifest on the body and are grouped under psychosomatic disorders -depression is difficult to recognize and classify in easy ways. Often, signs and symptoms in a person who has depression take many years to show up. Even to spot this, it takes quite a lot of effort, and the people recognizing it in a person newly should have known that person for a long time to notice differences that are tangible.

Symptoms have to be looked for carefully

Many mental disorders are a little difficult to detect. This is especially true of depression, because we all have it to some or another extent at various points of time in our lives. We all go through rough patches, many times over day-to-day matters. When we have an argument with our spouse for instance, we feel low for a while. We are all prone to mood swings over small matters a lot of times. This being the case; it is a little difficult to identify depression as an ailment. A person with disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia is a lot easier to identify than one with depression.

Look for some signs

Lack of interest in day-to-day activities could be one of the first signs of a depressed mind. The person in whom depression is setting in has a difficulty in maintaining interest in small things. If you asked that person to pluck vegetables from your garden, he would probably take two or three attempts at completing the job. In between; he could probably be disturbed by thoughts of a past incident or of an impending danger, usually assumed. It could be that even as he is plucking vegetables, he could be thinking of what to do if his boss fired him today.

Too tired to be entertained

Persistent lack of motivation is another sign of depression. Most people would find diversions like movies, shopping or driving invigorating. But in the depressed person; these are very unpleasant tasks that he has to be forced into doing. It takes a lot of persuasion and cajoling to get the person to do simple things like doing the laundry. People with depression also have very low sexual appetite. A partner can use this parameter to find out if the person has depression. Any noticeable dip in drive, without another noticeable factor, could be an indicator of depression.

Spotting early is better

Depression is best treated when it is detected earlier on. As we saw; it is not very easy to identify depression quickly, because it seldom sets in overnight, unless in cases of extreme shock, such as death of a loved one or some other tragedy. It is important to keep looking out for changes in behavior.

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How to Say No to Drugs When Offered? (Drugteststrips)

People who are used to illicit substances were once non-users and normal. They have been pushed to the state of addiction probably because they could not resist the temptation when influenced by others to try drugs.

Saying 'no' in such a situation might not be that easy, at the same time, is it that difficult. It is a challenge. It requires courage to stand-up to your decision. It doesn't matter what your friends or anyone who are influenced by the abuse think of you, once you have made up your mind you need stick to your decision. This article focuses on how to say 'no' to drugs when you are offered.

Simply say "no thanks"

If someone offers you illicit drugs, say "no thanks". It is one of the best ways to avoid the offer. You need to do it to keep yourself away from problems that cannot be fixed. You need to realize this before it is too late. Otherwise, you will land in trouble.

Give a strong reason:

A good excuse to get away from the situation is to give them a strong reason if anyone offers you illicit substances: tell them your parents will hate you for it or just make an excuse saying that you have to leave as you have an important assignment to complete at home.

Ignore the situation or walk away:

Drug abusers will try to tempt you, but don't get influenced by them. To avoid them, either ignore the situation or walk away, by doing so your friends may not like it.

Make friendship with those who are supportive and those who understand your choices and won't force you to try drugs. The bottom line is to stay away from a situation where such people gather.

Hang out with friends not involved in drug abuse:

Try to hang out with friends who do not use drugs to avoid situations where these substances will be offered to you. Choose friends who stand up for your values and encourage in making good choices for healthy living, because a true friend will genuinely care for you and your health.

Keep yourself busy in one or other activity, which diverts you away from those who are substance abusers.

There is no substitute for hard work:

Whether it is your academics, your job or doing anything as a hobby, you need to chalk out a plan and go ahead accordingly. You might see one say, "Using drugs leads you to success fast". Ignore such advice. Have conviction in your personal integrity, work hard and don't fool yourself.

Stay focused and be alert:

You might be in high school. Along with this, you might also be compelled to work for pocket money. If it is practically the case, be focused on your studies as well as the job. Your parents and family might pin hope on you as an emerging successful individual and make them happy. Denying the offer of drugs will make things much easier for you to reach goal.

Life is great:

Save your life from getting influenced by doing drugs. Those offering these substances might say, "Life is bland". They are false. It is none of their business to intervene in your life. It is solely you who is to make your life by refusing drugs. Be resolute and steer clear of such things. Remember, drugs will spoil your life. It will be hellish. Using drugs will bring in misery to your parents and family who love and care for you a lot.

These points will help you tackle situations where one may tempt you to try illicit substances. To get influenced by them is pretty easy. However, you prove to be a sensible one when you stand up to resist these attempts to make you a prey to illicit substance abuse. Exercise caution and stay cool; act according to the situation and stay firm by saying 'no' to drugs without hesitation. is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Marijuana drug test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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… y llegó nuevamente a Costa Rica

Todavía no le habíamos puesto la capota al Suzuki. Tampoco fue mucho lo que madrugamos puesto que cogíamos el ferry de las nueve. Travesía del golfo y digo de ir a buscar algunos libros. Buen cartel en la entrada de “Librería”, pero cuando me voy para la estantería donde ya había estado otras veces no veo ni uno. Le pregunto a la dependienta y me dice que ya no los venden. ¿Pero habrá algún otro sitio en Puntarenas que si lo hagan? Gesto de negativa y a joderse.
Continuamos camino.
Vanessa dice de parar en San Carlos. De verdad que pensaba en los libros así que le dije que sí. Total también teníamos que comer. Vanessa me lleva directamente a la casa de unos tíos suyos. La amabilidad con la que te acogen los ticos se sale de lo normal.
Ni que decir tiene que comimos allí. Un ceviche riquísimo y un casado de pollo. Le pregunto a la tía por una librería y nos orienta. No es que hubiera un gran surtido, pero por si acaso cojo cuatro.
Carretera. Me extrañaba ver todo tan verde, comparándolo con los alrededores de Tambor. Delante unos nubarrones negros, hasta que llego lo que tenía que llegar, la lluvia. Mientras íbamos a buena velocidad el parabrisas, nos protegía, pero al ponernos detrás de un camión, ducha que te crió.
Llegada al aeropuerto, y sorpresa, han abierto un restaurante en la espera de pasajeros. Antes no había ni donde sentarse.
Ya van las de no sé cuántas veces que el vuelo de Iberia se retrasa. Su llegada era a las tres menos veinte y no lo hace hasta las tres y media.
Llega Jose con un buen equipaje y nuevamente al carro. Le digo que conduzca el, pero toda la noche en autobús desde Granada a Madrid, mas once horas de avión, y dice que no durmió nada asi que es para estar agotado. Desde que salimos sigue la lluvia y Jose que se había sentado en el asiento trasero no estaba nada protegido así que a ponerse chorreando.
Menos mal que en Puntarenas no llovía, pero por la mierda del retraso del avión perdimos el ferry de las cinco así que a esperar el de las ocho y media.
Se tumbó en la cubierta y se quedó frito.
Por fin llegada a casa.
Que todo vaya bien.

El viaje no fue como para tomar muchas imágenes.

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How Marijuana Abuse Affects the Human Body and Brain? (Drugteststrips)

Marijuana is one of the commonly abused illegal drugs in the United States. Many people ignorant of its harmful effects are initiating and continuing marijuana abuse. It affects a person's mind and body including the vital organs like the heart, lungs, and kidneys.

This article intends to throw some light on short and long-term effects of marijuana to help people stay away from it.

Short-term effects:

*Distorted sensory perception: Marijuana contains THC, a chemical that disturbs the optimal function of important senses such as vision, hearing and touch, by causing drastic changes in function of the brain. This results in the slowdown in responses such as seeing, hearing and touching.

It also leads to poor concentration and significant fall in problem solving and judging abilities.

*Increased heart rate: One of the common physical effect of marijuana abuse us increased heart rate. It leads to increased risk of a heart attack by 20% to 100% (Source: NIH, USA) within three hours of consumption.

*Poor memory and lack of coordination: Memory is impaired as THC in marijuana changes the normal course of processing information by brain. Thinking and judging abilities are hit. It also causes loss of coordination between sensory and reflex actions.

Long-term effects:

*Respiratory problems: Marijuana damages the respiratory tract and parts therein that save the body from harmful microbes inhaled. This causes decline in immunity because of inability of the cells to combat bacteria and other microbes. This results in high risk of pneumonia, tuberculosis and other diseases.

*Decreases reproductive hormones: The drug causes harmful effect on reproductive organs in the body. The amount of reproductive hormones declines. There will be lower sperm counts, their quality being suboptimal in men and erratic menstrual cycles in women. This results in weakening of reproductive ability.

*Anxiety and depression: Marijuana leads to severe conditions such as excessive fear, anxiety and depression.

*Impaired memory and learning: THC in marijuana alters the functioning of the brain. As brain is the organ reflecting all the normal activities involving intellect, the short and long-term effects are serious. Long-term marijuana abuse badly impairs critical skills such as memory and learning. The effect is worse if the person has any psychological disorder or is elderly.

*Cancer: Marijuana induces cancerous growth of cells in parts like lungs and others. It is 70% more potent than tobacco in enhancing cancer (Source: NIH, USA).

Now that you are aware of the harmful effects marijuana, make sure that you stay away from this harmful substance.

Drug Test Strips is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug testing kits at affordable prices. Our marijuana test strip is a rapid urine screening test. This marijuana test strips is easy to use and can be performed without the use of an instrument.
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5 Tips to Stay Healthy in Stress (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)

When a lot has happened in your life, how fun or annoying it is, it creates stress. Positive stress energizes while negative stress affects your health. However, in both cases for heavy body and mind. Adrenaline keeps you on your feet but you are not unlimited volume. Stress will always narrowing. Flex your muscles to, your breathing is shallow, you respond quickly and abruptly or sleeping. Everyone reacts differently to stress. The causes of stress are not all equal. Where a stress gets the idea of ??a backpack trip through Nepal, the other can not wait until the time is up. What does work are the following tips-

1. Get Plenty of Rest- Although you exciting days sometimes difficult to sleep or rest you still sleeping off by lying. Write down what you want to do and try to distract your mind from a maelstrom. There are several relaxation on the internet that you can do.

2. Stay well and healthy eating- If you are tired earlier to grab sugary snacks that give energy. This works very temporary and your blood sugar will fluctuate a lot from what you do makes tired. Regular food gives your body energy throughout the day. Do not skip meals. Breakfast with plenty of protein, boil for a few days, leave messages at work delivery, snack tomatoes, carrots and ginger give a nice byte between.

3. Keep Moving- Stress hormones accumulate in your body. In addition, your head is full of thoughts. Time for physical activity for body and mind into balance. Sweat does remind you again that you have a body. When your muscles to work down you feel a lot better afterward. Also brings movement (preferably in the open air) more in the here and now which soothes your mind. Walking lunch, cycling to the supermarket, a bus stop earlier trips or you can dance also at least 30 minutes per day.

4. Do Something Fun with Others- Social contacts are good for your health, really. If you experience stress you tend to get your seclusion. Do not. What you get out of friendship: fun, adventure, insight, support, a listening ear or just eating together is vitalizing for you and others. Have you just moved or you want to make new friends, please visit a local fan club. This is no joke, fan clubs exist everywhere in the Netherlands and abroad. Disinterested people come for an hour a week to positive energy to share and support each other either.

5. Keep in Mind Which You do It All- This will give you the strength and inspiration to continue. Know what you want to achieve or what is really important to you. How big or small your needs are. You can pretty busy with things that others of your desire but is that good for you? Priorities, your own needs is really important and keep dreaming are some ingredients that make your life meaningful.

Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Psychiatrist in India
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Choosing the Right Home Drug Test Kits to Detect Teen Drug Abuse (Drugteststrips)

Teen drug abuse is a big challenge for the society. It affects teens' health and career. To make them stay away from illicit drugs, home drug test kits are effective. You can use these test kits to detect the abuse and prevent it. There are different kinds of kits for the purpose. Choose one depending on the test sample you are going to use - urine, saliva or hair. This article discusses some categories of home drug test kits and how they are useful.

Urine drug test kits:

The method of testing urine for presence of drug is comparatively more popular because it is easy and is of low cost. You can use a single kit for up to 10 different types of drugs. A small urine sample of the teen is required to conduct the test.

These kits are accurate and have sound scientific foundation. However, they can be manipulated while collecting sample, unless you are personally present. To enforce drug-free surrounding on your teens, these home drug test kits are the most convenient. You can use these kits to detect presence of drugs up to three days after usage.

Saliva drug test kits:

Saliva drug test kits are easy to use and the results are immediate. These test kits are less manipulative but can detect presence of substances used one or two days before testing. As the sample collected is direct, there is no fear of manipulating/adulterating test samples. When your teen kid is back from a party, if you suspect him of using drugs, you can use these test kits.

Hair drug test kits:

Hair drug testing kits show accurate results. While using these kits, there is little chance of adulteration. These kits detect presence of drugs in the system up to 90 days after usage. If you suspect your teen of drug abuse, but are not sure, use these kits. These test kits are more expensive than saliva and urine test kits. You need to collect a sample of hair and send it to the designated test lab. Thus, it takes a few days to get test results.

Alcohol Breathalyzers:

Breathalyzers are useful in enforcing a no-alcohol environment at home. These are accurate and reliable. You could use these kits when your teen comes from a party, from teammates or friends. You can know the results immediately. These test kits are inexpensive and user-friendly. You can advise and warn your teen that you do not tolerate alcohol use and want to enforce it.

To carry out the test your teen has to blow into the kit and the result is indicated by the measure of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) and is shown in percentage numbers ranging from 0.2% to 0.8% BAC.

FDA cleared drug test kits are reliable:

When purchasing home drug test kits for teens, make sure that they are FDA cleared, because such kits are validated as safe, effective, reliable and results are fast and accurate.

As a responsible parent, you need to enforce substance-free environment at home to make sure it is contributing to the all-round development of your teen. Keeping this in mind, choose a set of test kits depending on the convenience to use, availability and situation at home.

Drug Test Strips is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug testing kits at affordable prices. Our marijuana drug test kit is a rapid urine screening test. This marijuana testing kit is easy to use and can be performed without the use of an instrument.
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The link between depression and cosmetics (

At first glance, these two may seem like strange bedfellows. Is a link between two seemingly disparate and unrelated things like cosmetics and depression imaginary and outlandish? On the surface, it does appear so, but scratch a little, and you will be surprised at how apparently completely unconnected points can be joined to make a line.

Why do women wear cosmetics? This question is as na?ve as asking why children play. There should be not more than a microscopic ratio of women on this entire planet who say they do not care whether they look good or not. Man being an incurable, perpetual voyeur and admirer of beauty; nothing gives women more joy than appearing attractive to men.

Cosmetic procedures are not the answer
What happens when this very quality turns against them? What happens when milk turns into poison or when the fence eats the crop? This is exactly the problem with many cosmetics, especially so when it relates to cosmetic procedures. Psychologists draw a link between depression and cosmetics in a number of ways.

It is known that just like many people shop to fight depressive moods; many women dress up and wear cosmetics purely to hide their insecurities. In cultures that attach extreme importance to physical looks and beauty; women assume that they are worthless when they don't appear attractive.

Looking good=feeling good for many
We all know that beauty is supremely subjective, but the desire to look good isn't. Women who think that looking good is a means to attracting men (many men too fuel this belief because they feel powerful when they are seen with good looking women) resort to a myriad of ways by which to look good. For countless women, looking good is the only means to appealing to the man they want.

When things go wrong...
Many women, especially those who are overtly obsessed with physical appearance, try to improve their looks through means such as surgery. Many a time; these surgical procedures serve their limited purpose. But on a few occasions; they turn against the person too. When surgical procedures go awry; the results can turn out to be disastrous.

This is where depression can set in. When what they perceive as the only means to achieving their goal goes haywire; the only hope is dashed. Many such women have been driven to the depths of depression and unreasonable self-pity. Several have even committed suicides because of this self-obsession.

Woman is much more than an object of beauty

It is only when people realize that beauty is after all skin deep that such extreme cases can be prevented. Beauty is purely personal and in the eye of the beholder, and a woman can prove her worth in a number of ways other than looking superficially good. Beauty comes from within, it is said. The sooner men and women realize that women can be loved despite their flawed eyebrow or less than perfect nose; the better it will be for such people.

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Un adiós como consecuencia de la crisis provocada por las ratas de alcantarillado

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Engaging with Others made easy through Hypnotherapy (Neil S Harris)

Having concerns engaging with others is also know or social anxiety disorder as it is more commonly known, is one of the most common forms of anxiety disorders. It refers to the fear of being judged or being watched due to one's low confidence and insecurity. This extreme fear that others might negatively evaluate you may devastatingly affect a person's everyday life. People who suffer from this condition usually also suffer from depression and suicidal tendencies. They have lower educational attainment and are unable to keep their job. They are also more abusive of drugs and alcohol and are more likely to remain single. Some physical and emotional symptoms include shaking hands and body, stuttering, excessive sweating, over-blushing, difficulty in speaking aloud, and nausea. There is also the constant feeling of being watched by everyone and the fear of being embarrassed.

No one is born with this condition. It is usually triggered by past traumas or unpleasant experiences. With the use of advanced hypnotherapy techniques and with the help of a skilled hypnotherapist, Social Anxiety can be effectively treated. No one has to live with it if they do not want to. Hypnotherapy is effective in treating social anxiety for the following reasons:

Hypnotherapy digs deeper into the problem by accessing the subconscious. It eventually helps the person understand why he/she is suffering from that condition. This is more effective than medications like anti-depressants prescribed by doctors. Anti-depressants usually only gives short term relief. As soon as the medication is stopped, the problem returns because the root cause of the problem was not treated.

Hypnotherapy for various types of social phobia focuses one's thoughts on the positive, eradicating the negative ones. Hypnosis changes a person's pessimistic self-image. This is done by helping the social phobic challenge the undesirable thoughts and beliefs linked to one's social phobia. A more positive and productive perspective is established when the individual has stepped away from negative feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. This promotes a sense of self which is more relaxed and balanced.

Many practitioners coming from different fields do believe that hypnotherapy provides the best treatment for social anxiety disorder but hardest part for most is admitting they have a problem. Of course, it is important to consult a mental health professional first in order to get the right diagnosis. Hypnotherapy does not subject any patient at any risk because it is done in a clinical setting.

We are offering best hypnotherapy service in London at Harley Street. We have qualified hypnotherapist team who are dedicated to helping you in weight loss, social anxiety disorder like social phobia, people phobia and fear of people, stop smoking without risk. We are providing you best result in weight loss and other social anxiety disorder problem without side effects.
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Practical Treatments for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Cathryn Harper)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a recognized and common condition. With the levels of stress that most of us face every day, it is no wonder that this disorder could easily develop. It is good to know that it is a medical condition that can be practically treated with medications and/ or psychotherapy. The primary symptoms associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) are tension, inability to relax and persistent worrying over matters that don't call for any extreme concern. Any person with GAD will find it difficult to control the symptoms. It is as if there is a roller coaster of anxiety running through the mind at all times and it will not stop unless the person experiencing these symptoms can find quiet isolation. Other symptoms that accompany this disorder are difficulty concentration, being easily startled, chronic irritability which could lead to drug seeking behavior, general restlessness and insomnia (Hoffman SG, 2008).

The most practical approach to treating GAD is a combination of cognitive therapy and medication. Cognitive therapy is a way or re-training the brain to react to certain stimuli in a healthy manner. For example, if the sound of a dog barking induces a panic attack, the therapist would work with someone to discover what triggers this reaction. These triggers set off a chemical cascade in the brain that induces anxiety. By discovering the thoughts that cause the anxious reaction, the cognitive therapist is then able to help re-route the thinking process to eliminate the sensation of anxiety and panic. Often, by the time a person has reached the doctor's office for this problem, it is necessary to use medication to alleviate the symptoms and protect the body from the dangers of chronic stress.

Currently, the primary pharmacological treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is a class of drugs called SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake inhibitors). These medications have been proven to be the best treatment for GAD. They increase the levels of a neurotransmitter (a chemical that facilitates a specific electrical impulse in the brain) called serotonin. When there is enough serotonin in our brains, we feel content, confident, trusting and safe. When serotonin is deficient, we feel scared, worried, shy and insecure (Pollack MH, 2008 ). SSRIs have been proven effective in countless studies. These include medications such as fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft) and citalopram (Celexa), among many others. When someone has remained on one of these medications for 6-8 months, they may be taken off of the medication to determine if it is still needed. The only drawback to SSRIs is the time it takes for them to demonstrate any benefit. This could take 4-6weeks before any results are perceived.

In the interim, drugs known as benzodiazepines are prescribed for short-term relief until the SSRI begins to work and the cognitive therapy starts to show results. These drugs are immediately effective within less than an hour. Alprazolam (Xanax), lorazepam (Ativan) and oxazepam (Serax) are some of the commonly prescribed benzodiazepines. These are the most effective medications for anxiety disorders, but they are highly addictive, so doctors usually prescribe a small amount until other treatments begin to help.

All of this is good news. Psychiatrists around the world have a plan to treat GAD. You don't have to live with this problem or be afraid of treatments.

Hoffman SG, S. J. (2008). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adult anxiety disorders: a meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry , 69;621-632 [Pub Med].

Pollack MH, K. G. (2008 ). The Pharmacology of Anxiety Disorders. Massachusets General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry , Chapter 41.

Cathryn is a working mother of three. A self-professed health and fitness nut, Cathryn loves to research and write about health and wellness related topics. For more professional information please visit at
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