

De lo que es natural al derroche

Andábamos en mi mesa de la playa haciendo cábalas, sobre si irnos o esperar un poco más. Gotas caían pero se podían soportar. Si aumentaban había que dar por hecho de que nos pondríamos chorreando.
Alguien se acerca por allí diciendo que esperaban a un camión de bomberos, para tirar una colmena de uno de los árboles del paseo. Nos acercamos a verla y efectivamente, era de un tamaño similar a una damajuana mediana, o sea que no llevaba allí un día ni dos.
No es mucho lo que tarda en llegar una dotación de bomberos, incluido un camión y una pick up. Dos de ellos se ponen unos trajes de castrar colmenas, sacan la manguera y de un cañazo destrozan la colmena y los restos caen abajo. Que no dudemos en llamar si tenemos un problema similar, nos dice, supongo que el jefe.
Una hora desde Paquera para venir y otra para volver. Combustible y demás gastos.
Por cierto uno de los bomberos al verme el cigarro en la mano, me advierte que las abejas acuden a los olores fuertes, a lo que le contesto que soy inmune contra ellas y contra las purrujas. Ya estoy hasta los cojones de ser un apestado.
Una vez vueltos a sentar en la mesa, los tertulianos, coinciden en su crítica: Toda la vida, para deshacernos de una colmena que podía ser peligrosa, hemos cogido una caña de bambú, le hemos liado un trapo viejo en la punta bañándolo con aceite o gasolina, y al llegar la noche las hemos quemado, no quedando ni una.
Por aquí se empieza.

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Fiesta de la patrona de Tambor y carrera de cintas a caballo

Hace algún tiempo que me avisaron que iban a ser las fiestas de la patrona del pueblo, María Auxiliadora. No veía claro que el que me lo decía me avisara, hasta que sonsacándole ya me dijo que iban a ser tres días de celebraciones, en el primero actos religiosos en la iglesia, en el segundo aparte de los mismos, marimba en Los Gitanos y el tercero como culminación de fiestas, carreras de cintas con caballos.
Por aquí es raro que alguien no tenga un celular con cámara fotográfica y de video incorporado, pero son pocos los que se entretienen en captar algún acontecimiento, más bien ninguno, por lo que estoy pensando que me están dando digamos la obligación de ser el cronista del pueblo.
Quizás con mi puta racha de desasosiego, me venga bien, porque hace que me fuerce a hacer algo en este aparato y no solo solitarios que encima no me sale ni uno.
El viernes estuve en mi playa, y cuando calculé que eran las siete, me acerqué por la iglesia y estuve gravando unos canticos, que la verdad es que estaban bonitos. Después vino una perorata y ya me fui. Yo en una iglesia. Cosas veredes.
Al día siguiente, no iba a repetir lo de la iglesia, y lo único que vi es que algunos/as fogueaban a los caballos preparándolos para las carreras de cintas. Por la noche había marimba en Los Gitanos, instrumento que me gusta bastante, pero no empezaría hasta tarde porque era la final de la liga entre el Heredia y el Cartago. El Cartago, hace más de cuarenta años que no la había ganado y tenía todos los números para conseguirlo. Hay una historia por aquí que los aficionados la última vez que la ganaron hicieron, se despelotaron en una iglesia y dios los castigo a que no la ganarían nunca más, y parece que se ha salido con la suya, porque la perdieron a los penaltis.
En definitiva no fui a ver la marimba porque aparte de ser tarde, la escasez de alumbrado en Los Gitanos, hace que no se puede gravar nada.

Llego el gran día, al menos para mí: Las carreras de cintas. Estaba anunciada para las tres de la tarde, pero esta vez no piqué. Me fui una o dos horas más tarde y aún no habían empezado. Hablé con uno de los caballistas y me estuvo explicando los pormenores, pinchos para coger las cintas, me llamó la atención, el poco diámetro del aro por el que tenían que pasarlo, y ya en las carreras la velocidad que le sacaban al caballo en tan poco espacio.
Reparto de premios y se acabaron las fiestas.

Han ocurrido más cosas. La verdad es que a la ardilla a pesar de ser un coñazo, le había tomado cariño. Cada vez iba paseando alejándose más. Ya casi era seguro que sabía que se encontraba en el palo mango que tenemos al lado. No era cuestión de tener la puerta cerrada porque esta casa ya de por si es calurosa. También es verdad que en cuando anochecía, entraba como una bala y subía a su nido entre la ropa y lo que tenía que ocurrir ocurrió, hace unos tres días desapareció. Cerca de aquí, en el Dos Lagartos, hay bastantes congéneres suyos, por lo que di por supuesto que ya estaba grandecita y habría ido a buscar a una hembra, pero en mis tertulias me dicen que dos casas más abajo llego una y los niños la han cogido. Hoy hemos estado a por ella y uno de ellos no vino a decir que demostráramos que era nuestra. No más pleitos, aunque tengo la esperanza de que se les escape y vuelva.
También después de muchas peripecias, he vuelto a conseguir que me habrán una cuenta en el banco. Por más que les explique que no iba a pedir un crédito, sino que iba a ingresar dinero, ellos se limitan a cumplir los protocolos.

Así dormía Mario su dosis de guaro.

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Essential Qualities Of A Professional Hypnotherapist (Madison rainy)

All those individuals who tend to face anxiety or depression can easily hire the services of an experienced hypnotherapist. The expert hypnotherapist will be competent to decrease the level of anxiety and depression from a person's life through some remedial measures. Nonetheless, some people have a propensity to think negative about hypnotherapy. Some individuals think that hypnotherapy is associated with witchcraft and black evil forces but there are genuine verifications that verify the positive legitimacy of this craft. Though, useful medicines and drugs are used to decrease depression and angst, another useful technique is hypnosis. People can bring anxiety and depression under control through useful hypnotherapy. Nevertheless, it is very essential to select the finest hypnotherapist for your anxiety and depression problems. You can easily unearth diverse professional hypnotherapists in Gold Coast area of Australia according to your prerequisite. The top hypnosis gold coast specialist is one who can decrease your depression, anxiety, and other mental difficulties within the shortest time. The selected hypnotherapist must have substantial amount of knowledge and necessary skills to perform diverse hypnotherapy sessions. He must be able to evaluate the current psychological difficulties of an individual in the most empathetic manner.

Hypnotherapy sessions are performed using intense concentration and relaxation techniques. The expert hypnotherapist must be able to focus on the given job in the most scrupulous manner. Any kind of disruption can easily counteract the very spirit of hypnotherapy. Moreover, the affected individual in fact goes into a condition of daze or hypnotized sleep. However, with the help from an experienced hypnotherapist, individuals can easily mediate deeper and highlight their focus on precise tasks and thoughts. Each and every movement will be temporarily shut down from the consciousness. The mind is really focused on affirmative psychological mental metaphors utilizing hypnotization techniques. It is very essential to examine your intention watchfully. What do you wish to attain through hypnotherapy must be the primary contemplation? Only then you can totally concentrate your mind using relaxation and imagery methods. The preferred relationship counselling gold coast specialist must try to analyze all your mental problems tolerantly and empathetically. The preferred hypnotherapist must show compassion towards an individual suffering from depression and anxiety. When a particular hypnotherapist is totally focused on an aspect, he is competent to eliminate all the obstructions scrupulously. The expert must be fully qualified and skilled in performing different forms of hypnotherapy sessions.

The affected individual's brain will be entirely open to different remedial tips. This is the exact point where a person can gain immediate access to remedial process slowly. This process can be very useful when you combine it with cognitive treatment (the most preferred medical depression curative technique). It will help patients to reduce sadness and anxiety. Through this mode, they can concentrate their mind, unwind, attain solutions and pursue useful suggestions provided by

Madison Rainy has written all the material for Reea. In this written article, He has penned about the hypnosis gold coast. He also explains about the relationship counselling gold coast so that every reader get's to know more about that. He loves to write on such topics besides writing poetry. For more information:
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Drug Rehabilitation programs and the helping centers (Gerri)

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Five Areas In Which You Can Benefit From Online Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

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How Counselling Services Can Make Your First Year Of College Easier (Caroline Bronte)

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What To Look For In An Online Counselling Service (Caroline Bronte)

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5 Reasons To Use Professional Counselling Services (Caroline Bronte)

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Europa, el cortijo de la señá Merkel

Berlín pide una nueva vuelta de tuerca a la reforma laboral en España y además, el semanario informa de que Merkel rechaza que el Banco Central Europeo (BCE) ponga en marcha un plan para que el crédito llegue a pequeñas y medianas empresas, tal y como ha sugerido el presidente del BCE, Mario Draghi.
Voy a tener que quitar las alertas que me avisan de las noticias seleccionadas por mí. A pesar de que de que por narices algo se me estará pegando de ese llamémosle pasotismo tico, el pura vida, y de que voy recuperándome bastante bien de mis crisis de ansiedad, el leer estas cosas, me saca de quicio.
Al igual que pienso que no fue Islero el que mato a Manolete, ni la sangre de la transfusión, sino el tabaco, hoy he pensado que los señoricos andaluces no son los únicos que tienen cortijos, el más grande de todos, lo tiene la señá Merkel, y se llama Europa.
Pido a los dioses que las elecciones alemanas sean pronto, porque tiene bien comprobado que los españoles aguantamos lo que nos echen y a base de putearnos, quiere ganarlas. Sigo sin comprender que los franceses se puedan jubilar a los sesenta años y a los españoles se nos exija los setenta. Y que traguemos.

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Mejenga en Tambor y falta de imaginación en los inmigrantes

Me encontraba en la mesa de mi playa, y pensaba en los inmigrantes españoles en Costa Rica. Se vienen, unos revalidando sus estudios, la mayoría docentes, y otra gran parte arriban con la esperanza de poner un negocio de hostelería. No son datos estadísticos, más bien es lo que he percibido de todos los que se acercan por primera vez a la página de Facebook y mientras observaba, en la hora azul del día, los cambios de color que iban tomando las nubes y sacaba alguna fotografía, mi mente me iba diciendo: ¡Que poca imaginación!
Me puse como ejercicio, pensar en algo distinto.
A mi lado se jugaba una mejenga. Primero diré lo que se entiende por mejenga por estas latitudes: Partido informal de futbol, usualmente jugado en plazas abiertas o en la calle, por aquí en la playa, sin número fijo de jugadores, aunque también tienen sus reglas. En Costa Rica, el deporte nacional no es el futbol, sino la mejenga. Todas las tardes se forma una en la playa junto al sitio donde me siento, con grave peligro para mis gafas. Vienen desde Pánica, recorriendo unos siete kilómetros, andando, en bici y los más afortunados en moto. Otros desde el muelle.
Es mucho lo que he observado a estos chavales. No tienen ningún sentido de equipo, en los tiros a puerta son un desastre, para ellos lo importante es el regateo y hacer su numerito especial. Hace poco vi una jugada que me dejo anonadado: Un chaval que llevaba la bola, se encara a un enemigo, la coge con ambos pies, se la hecha a la espalda y corre hacia la portería, donde termina de doblarse con lo que la bola sale hacia adelante y marca gol. Rápidamente me vino a la cabeza Zidane, con aquel pase que hacia girando sobre el esférico y dándole la espalda al contrario. Estos chavales, algunos no tanto, disfrutan inventando. Tengo la certeza de que no todo en el futbol está inventado.
Ejercicio resuelto: Te vienes como ojeador y con uno que le lleves al Barcelona o al Real Madrid, ya has resuelto tu vida.
Conozco a una tica que estudio veterinaria en España. Ahora trabaja en un estudio sobre un extraño virus en los delfines. Pensé eso le correspondía a los Biólogos. Costa Rica vive más bien de su biodiversidad. Quizás sea otra idea.

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Cumpleaños de Vane y de Vero y matanza de una chancha

En realidad el asunto comienza dos días o tres antes del cumpleaños propiamente dicho. Que yo sepa se dan dos viajes a La Esperanza. El primero a tratar la compra del chancho, que luego resulto ser cancha. Segundo con un remolque a por ella, pero por tal autopista, el remolque se escoña, así que al siguiente, reparación del remolque y traída del pobre animal. Según me cuentan la velocidad a la vuelta es de un promedio de 10 Km/h.
La chancha entra en capilla, y al día siguiente a las seis de la mañana ajusticiamiento y preparación de lo que serían los interiores, sesos, hígado y demás con una salsa que estaba riquísima.
Viaje a la playa a por leña y sobre las cuatro de la tarde preparación de la fiesta propiamente dicha: mesas, asientos, colocación de bebidas duras y a hacer un fuego en el que se prepararía lo que es la carne propiamente dicha. Conjeturas sobre si llovería o no, cosa que al final llueve, razón por lo que hay que trasladar el fuego bajo techo.

Ya todo preparado a ducharnos y a vestirnos de fiesta. Estaba anunciada para las siete, pero ya van llegando invitados.
Llega Miguel con su equipo de música y lo instala, hay que animar la fiesta. Ya a esta hora había algunos estómagos, más llenos de Imperial que de carne.
La verdad es que no esperaba tanta gente. La chancha pesaba unos sesenta kilos (1.400 colones el kilo) o sea que supongo que lo que es carne no faltará. Aparte de la cerveza había bastantes botellas de Guaro, ron, whisky y otras. Hay quien prepara una sangría.
Algunos se animan a bailar aunque son los menos.
Llega el apagado de las velas y la verdad es que a partir de aquí la mayoría de los invitados se van yendo, aunque llegan los rezagados.
Al menos yo a las diez de la noche, me voy a la piltra.
Día siguiente: Recogida de basuras. Fregado de cacharros, baldeo, y hasta el año que viene.

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How to Fight Alcohol Abuse at Workplace? (Drugteststrips)

Alcohol abuse at workplace costs businesses millions of dollars every year in the form of lost productivity, absenteeism and medical treatment. With respect to employees, alcoholism results in various issues at workplace, like poor performance, negative morale, health issues, etc.

If you look into the statistics by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the year 2011, 64.3% of full-time employed adults aged 18 or older were using alcohol. These numbers are really high.

In order to fight alcoholism at workplace, as an employer, you need to take measures to keep a close check on employees abusing alcohol. Let's see how.

Make 'use of alcohol' as against employer's laws:

As an employer, improving the productivity of your employees is a goal for you to achieve. This becomes a reality when your employees are not involved or influenced by alcohol or other illicit drugs at workplace. As a matter of rule, make 'use of alcohol' as against the practices at workplace. By this, it will be easy for you to implement the norms as a policy measure.

Create awareness of the policy:

Let your employees know that your company is not going to be lenient with those in the workforce who use alcohol. As an administrative measure, this should be taken into account immediately. Send inter office memos to employees in this regard. Let them be aware of the consequence, including formal notifying, warning, or in the extreme case termination of employment. Make sure these go via proper channels at the organizational level.

Educate employees:

Alcohol use at workplace causes many issues which ultimately results in decline in productivity of workforce. Educate your employees regarding the benefits. Formulate an employee assistance program for the purpose. Include benefits like getting free counseling within the organization, referring to outside counselors if required, taking care of dependents, etc. This will prompt the affected employees to avail the benefits.

Identify alcohol abusing employees:

In view of this, monitor and document regularly the behavior, performance, attendance and any misconduct with co-workers until you get a strong clue that the employees are under the influence of alcohol. Look out for a confirmatory indication that the employee is under the influence of alcohol at workplace. Once identified, refer the employee for counseling.

Make alcohol testing mandatory:

Before you take the extreme step to remove the employee from the organization, it is sensible to conduct alcohol test using test kits. These include breathalyzers, urine test, blood test, hair test or saliva test. These kits are safe, accurate, fast and reliable. Make sure that the alcohol testing policy you pursue is in compliance with the state laws.

Like any other intoxicating substance, alcohol affects the overall productivity of the employees. Employers should be very careful in handling alcohol abusing employees, so that it does not affect their productivity.

Drug test kits from are reliable, affordable and FDA approved. Our thc test strip is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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How Drug Testing Acts As a Deterrent Against Workplace Drug Abuse? (Drugteststrips)

Workplace drug abuse has become a major concern for many organizations across the United States. Apart from reducing productivity of drug abusing employees and increasing the instances of causalities, drug abuse at workplace negatively impacts the company's morale as good employees start leaving the company to avoid drug abusing colleagues.

To avoid such situations every organization should follow an effective drug testing program to ensure safe, healthy and productive working environment. Read this article to understand how an effective drug testing program in place acts as a deterrent against workplace drug abuse.

Employers need to conduct effective drug testing programs:

Employers might stay aloof from the fact that the employee is under the influence of drugs, as long as it does not interfere in performing his regular duties. However, it becomes a matter of concern when the employee's performance drops, which leads to increased number of sick leaves, frequently coming late to workplace, inadequate grooming, increasing number of errors in work, lack of coordination and cooperation at workplace, aggressiveness, etc.

During such situation, it is necessary for the employer to be sensible and undertake measures such as conducting regular i.e., scheduled or random drug testing. Conducting scheduled drug testing is likely to be helpful for newly joined employees. But for the existing employees, as they come to know the scheduled period for drug tests, they may get smart to go unaffected by such tests. For them random drug testing is often recommended. In random drug testing, the date and the persons who are going to be tested are not known beforehand.

With such drug tests the suspected employee will have a chance to make necessary corrections in terms of drug using behavior, that is, to get rid of influence of drugs. The employer, however, should make sure that there is strong ground to suspect the employee.

Employers should also make sure that they are in compliance with state laws with regard to workplace drug testing. The provisions of law vary across states. Your employees may bring cases of litigation against you, if they feel that your organization has breached their privacy.

Drug test kits are suitable to test employees:

In order to conduct a successful drug testing program the employers should use reliable drug test kits that not only show accurate results but also are convenient for on-site drug testing. They can use drug test kits such as urine drug test kits and saliva drug test kits. These kits are cost effective, fast, simple, safe, accurate and above all convenient to conduct drug tests at workplace.

Urine drug test kits can be used to detect drugs like marijuana, cocaine, opium, methamphetamine, benzodiazepines and the like. Saliva drug test kits can be used to test amphetamine, opiates, cocaine, methamphetamine, THC and other metabolites. Based on the drug abuse pattern in the workplace employers can choose either single or multi-panel drug test strips/cups.

Drug testing acts as a deterrent against drug use:

Drug testing at workplace is likely to check the influence of illicit drugs among employees. Also it gives a strong message to the employees that working under the influence of drugs is highly unacceptable. It, thus, increases the fear of losing job in them and acts as a deterrent against such behavior, as there is a fear of getting caught.

This way employers can establish a drug-free workplace. Employees are, therefore, better focused and hence become more productive. Further, it also improves employee-employer relationship as the employer might reward the non-abusers, as a policy measure.

Drug testing at workplace is likely to help the organizations maintain a healthy, safe and drug-free environment. Such organizations will have optimal employee productivity and reduced medical treatment costs. is an online store offering reliable, easy to use and FDA approved marijuana drug test kits at affordable prices. Thc test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine.
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Renovación residencia. Después de un año lo conseguí

Ha pasado más de un año para renovar la cedula de residencia en este país. También es verdad que estuve en España más tiempo del permitido por la ley, no por mi gusto, sino porque me operaron tres veces de la vejiga y más cosas que no vienen al caso, pero una vez entregados los documentos que lo justificaban, me dijeron que pasados tres meses la obtendría si eran aceptados. Pedí un justificante de la entrega y la verdad es que no he tenido problemas, pero en vez de tres meses el tiempo ha sido el que ha sido.
Si hago esta entrada, aparte de recordatorio, es porque posiblemente la meta en la página de Facebook . Son muchos los españoles que aun residen en España que dan por hecho que lo de venirse a trabajar es coser y cantar. Repito lo que dije en otra entrada que nos dijeron en Migración: Para estar legal en el país, solo se pueden coger uno de estos tres caminos: Casarse con una tica, tener un hijo tico, o tener contrato de trabajo (con los dos primeros casos, se puede obtener la residencia, con el último no). Si das con los mismos abogados que di yo, te dirán que es fácil y probablemente te estafaran.
Me he entretenido en buscar en mi antiguo blog lo que anoté sobre todas las putadas que me hicieron no solo en Migración, sino los abogados, e incluso La Embajada de España.
Poco a poco iré poniéndole enlaces para que puedas dirigirte a lo escrito en su día, mientras tanto, copia cualquiera de ellas y pégala en el casillero que hay en la parte de arriba del todo, y dar en la lupa.

Certificado de renta. Enésima vez a Puntarenas a por la cedula de residencia.
Renovación de cedula y nuevo viaje a Puntarenas
Vuelta a Puntarenas. Hay que ser más tico para soportar a la burocracia
Segundo viaje a Puntarenas para renovación de residencia
Viaje a San José a la Embajada de España. Certificado de Antecedentes Penales
Pasó un mes desde que llegué a Costa Rica
Obtener residencia en Costa Rica II. Ya tengo la
Los otros inmigrantes también sufren. Costarricenses
Problemas de residencia y cuasi riña del Negro con
Un año de estancia en Costa Rica. Reflexiones
Obtener residencia en Costa Rica. Aviso para navegantes
Mi residencia en Costa rica. El cuento de nunca acabar
A la tercera la vencida. Conocer san José
Mi viaje a San José
Embajada española en Costa Rica… ¡Que desastre!
Embajadas españolas. Película de terror
Agilizando mi residencia y contestando a una/un

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Prevent Drug Abuse at Schools Using Random Drug Testing (Drugteststrips)

The influence of illicit drugs is widespread among students. A study conducted by National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse in 2012 shows that 17% of students at high school, which is equivalent to 2.8 million of high school students were abusing drugs during school hours. Such trend is likely to cause damage to the health of a large section of prospective citizens of the country.

It is, therefore, the responsibility of all sections of society, especially schools, to check and control this menace by taking preventive measure. Random drug testing is said to be one of the effective method that could help schools to control drug abuse among students. Read this article to know about random drug testing at schools and its effectiveness.

Educational institutions need to maintain drug free environment:

*It is the responsibility of schools to create and maintain a drug free environment in their premises to safeguard students. For this, school authorities need to declare drug free environment as one of the standards under relevant academic policies. Of course, they need to request parents, students, guardians, community and government level people, for their support.

*Schools should make students aware of the issue of illicit drug use and their harmful consequences on health, family and finances. They should emphasize on spreading the message among students as a matter of rule and should also make them aware of the steps to be taken by authorities, such as make parents know, or expulsion from the school.

Conduct random drug tests:

*To combat drug influence among students, schools need to conduct random drug testing. In random drug testing students are not sure when they are going to be tested because the dates are not known beforehand. Thus, it deters students from using drugs for fear of being detected.

*Using random drug testing is likely to lead students to focus on academic chores. It makes them abide by the rules as required. Random drug testing is an effective way to root out drug influence from schools. It is likely to be a disincentive for those who are going to try drugs. Further, it enables school authorities to detect drug influence on a student, in the beginning state. This will make it easy for them to take necessary and immediate steps before things go beyond control.

*By this, students are likely to lead a healthy life and are focused on academics, which helps them in getting good career opportunities.

Use reliable drug test kits:

To enforce random drug testing, using reliable drug testing kits is highly essential. The kits which you choose would provide accurate results which helps you take right decisions. Drug tests kits are available in different kinds depending on the test specimen used. These kits are safe, simple, cost effective, fast and have been made as per SAMHSA standards.

Influence of illicit drugs among high schoolers makes it dangerous not only to the students there, but also to the families and society as a whole. Random drug testing in schools has been declared constitutional By Supreme Court in 2002. Schools can, therefore, use random drug testing as an effective tool against the influence of illicit drugs. is an online store offering reliable and FDA approved drug test kits at affordable prices. Marijuana drug test from is a simple to administer dip-and-read test designed to detect marijuana use in urine. Our nicotine testing kit is a device used for the detection of cotinine in human urine.
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Certificado de renta. Enésima vez a Puntarenas a por la cedula de residencia.

Con esta parece que son dos las veces que doy por hecho que ya tenía la cedula de residente en este país, y sigo sin tenerla. Me llaman de Migración de Puntarenas, diciendo que tengo que entregar un certificado de lo que cobro, porque si viene una inspección y se dan cuenta de que falta, me la pueden retirar.
Decía la última vez que escribí sobre este tema: Me habían dado un papel que decían que tenía que entregar en Correos cuanto antes, así que esta mañana, lo primero que hago es llegarme a Cóbano. El sistema no funciona, me dice el funcionario. ¿Funcionará antes de cerrar? Cara de no sé, y a volver mañana a ver si funciona el dichoso sistema o no hay tanta prisa como me dijeron en Puntarenas. Pues bien al otro día el sistema seguía sin funcionar y me hizo un recibí a mano.
Dos cosas por resolver: el entregar el certificado que me pedian y que el dichoso sistema hubiera funcionado, así que me decidí a resolver el que podía que era el de llevar el papel a Puntarenas, y con esta son tropecientas las veces que voy a dicha ciudad para el mismo tema. Las primeras veces, me encantaba. Me recordaba a Cádiz, aunque sabía que no lo era por el sabor de sus viviendas, muchas de ellas con su arquitectura colonial. Carlos Cano comparaba a Cádiz con la Habana. Si hay alguna ciudad que se le parezca es Puntarenas.
Vienen conmigo Vanessa y Jose. Querían salir en el ferry de las cinco y media a lo que les digo que ni loco, así que lo hacemos en el de las nueve. Una vez allí, lo primero, comprarle un regalillo al funcionario/a, que no teniendo culpa del sistema, tengo que reconocer que se ha portado todo lo bien que ha podido conmigo. Me pide la cedula, y le doy la vieja, cara de sorpresa porque daba por hecho que ya tenía la nueva. De todas formas me aconseja que haga un escrito a Migración, solicitándole que me cambien la residencia como pensionado, por la de permanente, cosa que al parecer se puede hacer a partir de los tres años de serlo, con lo que me evitaré mucho papeleo.
Ya con seguridad que nos habíamos perdido el ferry de las once, así que a esperar al de las dos.
Ni puñetera idea de cómo había perdido las gafas que me traje de repuesto, así que la vez anterior, me volví a graduar la vista, y a la semana o por ahí, alguien me las trajo. Eran unas gafas progresivas, pero cuando me las probé, de lejos veía bien, pero lo que es leer o usar la computadora, ni torta, por lo que me llego a la óptica nuevamente. Mi estado de ánimo negativo, me decía que me tendría que joder con ellas, pero no, reconocieron su error, y que vuelva dentro de una semana (las tienen que mandar a San José).
Me siento en una especie de soda que había entrada de un comercio y me tomo un café. Vanessa y Jose no paran de visitar tiendas, pero yo a pesar de ir con las “figueres”, me duelen los pies. Al final voy con ellos a más de uno.
Comida en un lugar que solo sirven pollo frito, taxi y a ir recogiendo las cosas compradas y vuelta al ferry. Llegué destrozado, aunque eso sí, me fui para mi playa.

La verdad es que me entretuve tomando algunos videos que dieran una idea de lo que era Puntarenas y por la noche los armé.
Esta mañana he sufrido toda la ansiedad que me tragué ayer.
Le estoy tomando manía a esta ciudad.

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The gripping of Arlington massage therapist superb (ross taylar)

Massage medical care is somewhat intimate as so much as natural healing modalities go. Sadly, there's no approach around this truth. The surroundings is also skilled, however as a result of this can be such an active occupation, some uncomfortable things might arise. Work of the arlington massage therapist to make a calming, safe surroundings and a gratifying expertise for the shopper. It up to the shopper to specific their needs or wants in a very skilled manner so the professional person will offer their service in a very snug manner.

Maintaining Boundaries - shoppers have a large number of reasons for obtaining a massage. Several want to alleviate stress and relax. Others receive regular massages to stay their body healthy, improve their vary of motion and enhance blood circulation. In spite of their reasoning, a massage healer should respect the client's boundaries. They have to additionally create their own boundaries clear to the shopper. Whereas therapeutic massages are a naturally sensual expertise, they're not meant to be sexual in any approach. Whether or not the shopper is feminine or male, the healer is needed to handle any sexually aggressive or suggestive comments in a very skilled approach.

The client must understand that such requests are inappropriate. At the same time, a practitioner cannot assume that certain body parts can be touched. They must be certain the client is comfortable throughout the massage. It is absolutely inappropriate to touch the genital area during the massage session. Clients should not expect the massage therapist in arlington va to touch them in a sexual manner and the therapist should not be touching the client in a sexual manner. Not only would this present ethical and legal issues, but it also destroys the trust between the client and therapist. Seasoned massage therapists understand how to avert any uncomfortable sexual advances made by a client.

A delicate warning is usually all that's required to induce the purpose across. However, the healer ought to ne'er be afraid to create the purpose illustrious with an additional aggressive warning or motion down the session altogether. Generally the contact is accidental. During this case, the healer ought to apologize and acknowledge the client's discomfort. Are consumer goods very optional? A consumer ought to feel snug throughout their massage. The number of consumer goods worn is usually dependent upon the kind of massage the consumer is obtaining. It's not uncommon for those receiving a full body massage to be fully undressed. Processing ...
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Los Dolores menstruales dejaron ya de ser un problema

Los Dolores menstruales dejaron ya de ser un problema

Dolores menstruales … Jugo, Royal Jelly y Heat Lotion

Como están todos, hoy voy a recomendarles un riquísimo alivio para las que padecemos dolores menstruales es lo más molesto y odioso del mundo porque nos tiene de un humor terrible pero esto nos ayuda muchísimo.

1.- Tomar el 1/4 de vaso de jugo de sábila Forever Aloe Vera Gel que es fantástico, pues como sabemos es desinflamatorio y que tal la panzita que nos queda heeee jajaja, además nos ayuda regulando nuestro sistema digestivo.

2.- Tomar tu pastillita de jalea real Forever Royal Jelly, además de que tiene un riquísimo sabor a naranja, nos sirve para estabilizar nuestro sistema nervioso y relajarnos durante esos días y no morder a nadie jajajaja, son ricas en trazas de proteina, minerales, vitaminas A,C,D, E y complejo B, aminoácidos esenciales y secundarios así que nos trae muchos más beneficios para la piel, memoria, sistema inmunologico y enegizante.

3.-Un delicioso masaje con Aloe Heat Lotion, es un relajante muscular a base de sábila con agentes calentadores, aplicamos una pequeña cantidad en el vientre con un masaje circular como giran las manesillas del reloj ayudará a desinflamar y a mitigar el dolor. Puedes utilizarlo además por las noches antes de dormir en los hombros y cuello para un efecto relajante. Por sus efectos relajantes puedes utilizarlo para cualquier molestia muscular.

Relájate y disfruta tu día, sin dolor, ni estrés, ni mal humor

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What are the warning signs of a Stroke (Mark Lovell)

Stroke is the sudden loss of brain function caused by a blockage of an artery in the brain. Another cause of a stroke could be a blood clot in the brain. Some causes of this condition may be due to high blood pressure, also known as hypertension, excessive alcohol intake, smoking, and poor diet; also, there is a strong hereditary link. It is vital to know the warning signs of a stroke in order to catch it early. The following list complied by Palo Alto Home Care Assistance outlines several stroke warning signs.

Some warning signs of a stroke are sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm or leg. It can be intermittent or all at once. A sudden loss of vision is a key sign in stroke onset. Also, a dimming of vision could be a potential warning sign of stroke. The dimming may be very subtle at first then it progresses to the point where a person needs more lighting to see things such as the print in a book or the newspaper.

Difficulty speaking is another warning. It may be slurred speech heard by others. It may or may not be noticed by the person. It may feel as if the tongue is too fat or thick. People listening to the speech will have difficulty understanding what the person is saying. The person having the stroke may not realize that people can't understand what they are saying.

Another sign of a stroke is sudden falling. This can be from a change in the person's gait. Or, it can be from dizziness and fainting caused by the stroke symptoms. If you notice any of these signs in your elderly loved one then consult your Palo Alto In-Home Care Assistance caregiver or your health care provider.

A person having a stroke may exhibit one or several of the above mentioned symptoms at once. Sometimes the signs come and go. For example, a person may have trouble grasping, say a coffee cup, and then they are fine. They have numbness or a "thick" tongue and write it off as sleeping with their mouth open.

Usually the symptoms such as numbness, weakness, or paralysis are on one side of the body. A right handed person usually experiences symptoms on the right side of the body. A left handed person can experience the symptoms on either side of the body.
If any signs of these symptoms in a person are noticed then its time to call Palo Alto Stroke Care. The faster a person gets treatment the more likely the damage from a stroke can be limited or reversed.

If you notice any stoke symptoms in your elderly loved one then consult your Palo Alto In-Home Care Assistance caregiver or your health care provider.
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What To Look For In An Online Counsellor (Caroline Bronte)

In this day and age you can get anything online. Gone are the days of visiting the market or the mall for your purchases. You can buy cars, groceries, clothes, pets, and anything else you desire on the internet. Recently, people have also started to turn to the internet for their counselling needs. Online counselling is a convenient and confidential way to get the help you need from the comfort of your own home. Imagine how therapeutic it would feel to place a simple phone call from your couch and get a 50 minute counselling session. That vision is now a reality. Due to the impersonal nature of the internet, however, you may be wary about hiring someone whom you have never met. To get the most out of your counselling sessions, you should find a trained and experienced counsellor who will help you improve your life. Here are some things to look for in an online counsellor.

One important aspect of online counselling is confidentiality. In order for counselling to be effective, you must feel safe. This means you feel comfortable talking about anything you desire and about any person in your life. If you are struggling in your marriage, you need to feel confident that your counsellor will not tell your spouse the things you divulge during a counselling session. Good online counsellors will have a policy that includes 100 percent confidentiality regardless of the subject matter. When you are looking for a counsellor, be sure to ask them about their policy of confidentiality. If you do not feel comfortable with their answer, look somewhere else.

A second essential aspect of online counselling is honesty. Counsellors are often better at helping you than family members or friends because they tell the truth in all situations, even if the truth is something that you do not want to hear. Good friends do not make good counsellors because they will most likely try to spare your feelings. If you are going to improve your life, however, you need someone who will be honest with you. A good online counsellor will not only accept you for who you are, but also will be honest with you at all times.

If you are still unsure about online counselling, look for a counsellor who will give you a free consultation before you make a paid commitment. In a few short minutes you will get a feel for your online counsellor and how the program works. If you feel safe, comfortable, and confident in your counsellor after your free consultation, you should consider signing up for more sessions.

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Successful Personal Coaching With Telephone Counselling (Caroline Bronte)

Successful personal counselling depends upon the safety of an important and trustworthy relationship in which an individual feels that they can safely talk through their problems and deal with the trials of life. Through a personal counsellor or life coach, a person can become more self aware by talking through their issues in a non-threatening environment where they feel listened to and gently coached. Though it may sometimes be difficult to find a personal coach near you that you feel comfortable with, there are actually many professional counsellors these days who are offering their services through telephone counselling or skype sessions, so you are free to choose someone you are most comfortable with no matter where you live.

With the help of a life coach, individuals find that they can get in touch with their own personal resources to help them get through problems by finding their own solutions. This happens with support and understanding from a good counsellor whether in person, through Skype counselling sessions or telephone counselling sessions. With the right help and a thoughtful and experienced life coach, the person receiving help will be able to work towards a more fulfilling, happy and joyful life.

Generally telephone counselling sessions are approximately 50 minutes long and are held at the same time and place each week. It is helpful to attend one session with your chosen life coach before you decide whether or not to commit to more. After your initial session, if you are happy with what your life coach has talked through with you, setting up a commitment to at least 6 sessions is helpful in making sure you can see some progress from the consistency of your counselling work.

There are several things to look for in a good counsellor or life coach. You want to find someone who will accept you for who you are and not try to change you. They need to be honest with you and listen to your concerns carefully. Watch for signs from your counsellor such as seeing if they are responding appropriately to your comments and seem to be really understanding what you are saying.

A good counsellor or life coach will let you talk somewhat open endedly about whatever is on your mind and ask you appropriate questions to help you come to your own conclusions. They won't jump in and start telling you what you should or shouldn't do or make judgements about your choices. You don't ever want to feel like what you are doing or saying in your telephone counselling sessions will become general or public knowledge, so most importantly, you want to make sure that everything you discuss with your life coach is 100% confidential.

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How Can you Take Care of Your Brain ? (Vaibhav Kumar Aggarwal)

A walking time bomb. An image of type 2 diabetes, or adult onset diabetes you get when you become familiar with the disaster caused by the body. Once you know the risks, they are easier to get motivated to fight. Start with even the daily walk.

Diabetes, Blood Glucose, Arterial Disease, Heart, Brain

A diabetic stroke may be more likely than the other, as high blood sugar is bad for your blood vessels. Cerebral vascular blockages or leaks can be prevented by taking care of the sugar balance, as well as taking care of your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


High blood sugar levels damage the tiny capillaries, which can result in macular retinal ill, retinopathy. A diabetic must therefore be examined regularly to detect changes. Good glycemic control can prevent retinopathy, or at least slow it down.

Mouth and Teeth

Bacteria thrive in fresh, because diabetes may be more sensitive to oral diseases. Oral hygiene and regular dental visits should therefore be adhered to. Teeth lurk mm. inflammation of the gums, the fastening tissue diseases, and in particular the decay at the gum line. In addition, diabetic oral mucous membranes dry out, and he can become a burning mouth, fungal infections, or lichen planus.


Metabolic syndrome and high levels of bad LDL cholesterol are a huge burden on the heart: the risk of having a heart attack is high. Coronary artery disease in diabetic patients is common and has a poorer prognosis than the other. Physical activity for half an hour a day reduces the risk.


Diabetic nephropathy is kidney threat. It is a condition in which excess protein is excreted in the urine. In the long term it can lead to kidney failure and need dialysis. Nephropathy in the treatment of primary focus is on blood sugar and low blood pressure.


Talking about fatty liver, when the liver cells accumulate high levels of fat. Fatty liver impair insulin sensitivity and raise blood glucose levels. It can lead to liver cirrhosis and liver transplantation need, it also increases the cardiovascular risk. Fatty liver treatment is not medicine, but even a small weight loss improves liver tests.

Belly Fat

Some of the extra calories accumulate probably for genetic reasons, the abdominal cavity, talking about the waist obesity or apple obesity. For such people more likely to develop metabolic syndrome. The good news is that losing weight fat loss, first at the waist.


The insulin-producing islet cells of the pancreas are located. Type 2 diabetes, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin to cope, but it will never run out completely, such as type 1 diabetes. Insulin treatment has significant benefits in both forms of diabetes.


High blood sugar levels damage the nervous system and the peripheral nervous system may trigger the disease, neuropathy. It causes pains and numbness, especially in the legs, but also diarrhea or vomiting, dizziness, impotence and pineoireita. Sugar control in addition to caring for the patient will benefit from the avoidance of tobacco and alcohol.


Regular exercise increases insulin sensitivity in muscle tissue and the sugar consumption as well as improve the metabolic syndrome associated with disturbances in lipid metabolism. In addition, exercise helps weight loss and lowers blood pressure.


Foot ulcers are a common problem for people with diabetes that results from the legs of the load and the weakened tissue fluid circulation. Leg position errors, abrasions and fungal infections should be treated well. The legs of ischemia can trigger peripheral arterial disease.

A Good Treatment Steps-

1. Make a half-hour long walk every day. Ask a friend to join.
2. Eat a snack of fruit or a cup of berries.
3. If you smoke, get support to quit.
4. Switch to skimmed milk, bread fat soft cheese and a lighter or low-fat cold cuts.
5. Check bought bread salt content, low salinity is the salt of less than 0.7 g / 100 g.
6. Think about what is important and what you can give.
7. Enter the time you found in the nearby.8 Give thanks, encouragement and care.
8. Enjoy the beautiful Finnish nature whenever you can.

Vaibhav Aggarwal is CEO VabSearch Technologies. He has over 12 year of experience in article writing, internet marketing trend, like ORM, Online Branding, SEO, SMO, Google analytic. He start his own project on health industry of India MyDoc. It's an platform to connect Indian doctors & health specialists each other. For more update click here: Psychiatry Doctors in India
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Something is wrong with me (magdy galal)

Do you feel sad, and Depression comes causeless? Then feel joy and ecstasy, also happen without any known reason? And while begin recuperation your activity and vital, the depression storm again!
Do you find yourself wandering between pink fantasy, and the maximum severity of melancholy realism?
Do you feel alienated among the closest people? Peculiar and other can't understand you?
Find yourself intelligent, energetic, ambitious and friendly, and also have same much of idiocy, frustration, nervousness and hatred!
If answer Yes

Then the closest probability you are a mental patient. Specifically one of those has bipolar disorder illness.
And who writes these words, one of them.

I'm someone. 25 years old. Studying civil engineering and barely will graduate. I am in final year of the university.

One day while browsing the Internet, read an article of an intellectual talking about existential question, religion and god. Went to comments on the article, one of those took about personal life of the intellectual and gave an explanation to this question; why he committed suicide? Where the thinker called Ismail Adham had committed suicide plunging himself into the river!
Said I think his suicide because of depression passed at one of setback shifts that related to bipolar disorder illness, and references to his friend story who was suffering from same bipolar disorder illness and committed suicide by taking an increased dosage of sedatives.

I silence a moment, realized the answer on the deep confusion inside me. This idea haunts me for years. Why always thinks about suicide? Why more times find the suicide as sanctuary and optimal choice for me? Without reason or really problem I lost any desire to live? Why spent more of my thinking searching for suicide method?
Accidentally I known the answer now, as a comfort I felt that I got an answer on confusion question, but it is a disappointment, I'm mental ill!
I went Google and search illness, results began showing, many pages talking about illness, causes, symptoms and treatments. Persons write them complaint, some of them know that they have bipolar disorder illness and others don't know. Woman talks about her troubled life with husband who accuse her that she aborted their fetus. Another suffered woman wonders; my husband accuses me spying on him for intelligence agency! A person writing about his friend went to down himself in sea within his car

Did I one of them having bipolar disorder illness? Yes!
Did its treatments happen to me? Through reading bipolar disorder treatments, yes
I had read many articles related to the illness and be sure that I have bipolar disorder, and founded the symptoms such mania or depression have been passed.

For long time I triad forgetting that I have bipolar disorder illness, I don't know why! May be thought that forgetting will make me don't feel bipolar disorder symptoms! It was silly belief, I lived with bipolar disorder symptoms gain and again, I can't deceive my self, but I never told any one about my illness.

Now, I decided to write about my self. My journey, my dramatic changes life, ups and downs is a novel

With blogging I will make each article as short story, think I have the ability to write as literature, after ending my stories will combines all in novel, because I see my life contains many unexpected and dramatic events on an intellectual level, human and social, my study, relation to religion, my family and the only love. All this were turning points and will produce special novel.
I am Fyodor Dostoyevsky

If I prevented my tongue talks to rounded people, but will allow my pin talk, I will leave a free area about suffering
It will be nice get other whose have bipolar disorder illness, and my results to deal with the illness. I hope help all and share with them our experiences and lives, as is known that communication between mental ills is an important method to treatment, particularly people have bipolar disorder illness because they feel foreignness and introversion, where others can't understand us.

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Adrenal Fatigue: A 21st Century Dis-ease (Holly Mullin)

Adrenal Fatigue: A 21st Century Dis-ease

in Healthy Living
by Holly E. Mullin

The Adrenals are 2 round glands which sit above the kidneys, located just under the bottom of the ribs, about 3-4 inches apart.

These small but perfectly formed glands play the most important role in our relationship to, our experience of and our coping mechanisms when it comes to stress.
They produce a number of hormones essential to life, the central nervous system and in particular the fight/flight/freeze response.

The hormones produced by the adrenals include: adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, cortisol, estrogens, testosterone, progesterone, and DHEA.

These hormones regulate many of the bodies activities, and most relevant here, adrenaline and cortisol which, as a branch of the sympathetic autonomic nervous system, is activated in our response to any threat: stress.

Physiologically what occurs during this activation to stressful stimuli, is an increased production of glucose or sugar in the blood which raises the blood pressure and produces an increase of energy to the extremities of the body, the muscles, which primes the system ready to run away or fight back.

Symptoms of Low Adrenals are:

Extreme Tiredness/Exhaustion
Difficulty sleeping or sleep too much
Poor circulation
Poor digestion
Low blood pressure
Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycaemic)
Apathy / Depression
Low self asteem
Low stamina
Low sex drive
Muscle weakness
Joint aches & pains
Tendency to constipation
Low immune response to fight infection
Extreme thirst and / or urination
And more
The main causes for Adrenal Fatigue can be:

Excessive Stress: High levels of any number of recurring stressors can have a depleting effect on our adrenal glands. Physical stress from chemical toxicity and pollutants, especially when coupled with poor nutrition, has a physically depleting effect on the adrenals. As well as mental, emotional or spiritual stress which may come from family, relationships or work related issues. Excessive stimulation, especially for children, working too hard and fast-paced, fear-based, high-stress lifestyles are also common causes. Other stressors, especially living in cities, can be noise, mobile phones, electromagnetic pollution, microwaves, televisions, and computers which all give off strong electrical fields and disrupt our own natural electromagnetic field.

Nutritional Deficiencies: Another common cause is poor nutrition. The body requires far greater levels of adequate nutrition when under high levels of stress. A diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein can have a very depleting effect on already over worked adrenal glands. Most diets are deficient in foods which nourish the adrenals. These include B-complex vitamins, vitamin A, C & E, manganese, zinc, chromium, selenium and other trace minerals. The growing of foods, preparation and transportation all add to the level of nutrition our foods hold. Most soil is depleted of essential trace minerals and further processing and refinement of foods leaves our food at an all time low, nutritionally.

Stimulants: Stimulants are sited as one of the main causes to damage adrenal glands. Coffee, sugar and alcohol are among the most common stimulants which literally "whip" the adrenals of their vital hormonal activity. Legal and recreational drugs or stimulants also play a part in forcing our adrenals to over-perform at inappropriate times both day and night. Other over-stimulating behaviours such as anger, rage, arguing, worrying, loud music, and even movies with high levels of suspense or fear can affect over-worked adrenals negatively. In fact, any "thrilling" activity from over exerting exercise to sex addiction, which creates a temporary "high", can force the adrenals to over-produce and secret hormones when they should be resting. Over time this weakens the adrenal glands and leads to fatigue and eventually burnout.

Stimulant use can also be as a result of adrenal burn-out: Stimulants often look very appealing to those who are in a state of adrenal burnout already. These stimulants act to lift a person in a state of burnout for a short amount of time, allowing them to feel better temporarily. This is what adds to addictive behaviours and why often it can be so difficult to break these habits. It is safe to say that most people with an addiction to anything including cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, sex, anger and legal or recreational drugs has some level of adrenal insufficiency.

Other causes can be:

Toxic or Chemical Overload

Chronic Infections

An unhealthy response to stress

If you think you are suffering from any or all of the above, then you might like to know what you can do to improve on this depleted state.
The first and best step in to start with a detoxification process.
A simple yang based diet (70 - 80% cooked veg, 15% protein, 7-8% complex carbs, 5% good fats. 0% simple carbs - fruits, fruit juices, sugar, 0% wheat products, 0% refined/fast food)
6 or 7 mineral supplements. You may consider hair mineral analysis.
Lots of rest
Regular relaxation and meditation daily.
Shifts in your mental attitude: forgiveness, letting go, positive attitude, gratitude, spirituality and prayer all speed up the healing greatly.

Read more of Holly Mullins Material :

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La hipertensión arterial es un factor importante de riesgo a la hora de padecer problemas cardiovasculares. Para mantener alejada esta dolencia, es importante modificar algunos de nuestros hábitos.
Es uno de los trastornos que peores consecuencias puede acarrear para nuestra salud y, sin embargo, no siempre se le concede la importancia que realmente tiene. Es primordial, por lo tanto, controlar sus cifras con frecuencia y, en el caso de que sean más altas de lo aconsejable, hacer todo lo que esté en nuestra mano para bajarlos.

Cuando hablamos de presión nos referimos a la que ejerce la sangre sobre las arterias para que éstas la lleven hacia los distintos órganos del cuerpo. La presión máxima se obtiene en cada contracción del corazón y la mínima, con cada relajación.

Cuando esta presión es demasiado elevada (hipertensión) el corazón debe aumentar su masa muscular para responder a ese sobreesfuerzo. Este incremento muscular eleva el riesgo de sufrir insuficiencia cardíaca, angina de pecho y arritmias. Además, favorece el depósito de placas de colesterol en las arterias y la formación de trombos que, a su vez, pueden producir infarto de miocardio o cerebral. Cuando la hipertensión es muy grave puede, incluso, dilatar las paredes de la aorta (aneurisma) o, incluso, romperlas. También de sufrir problemas renales, alteraciones de la visión y disfunción eréctil en los hombres.

Presión arterial normal
MÁXIMA: entre 120-129 mmHg.
MÍNIMA: entre 80 y 84 mmHg.
Presión arterial normal-alta
MÁXIMA: entre 130-139 mmHg.
MÍNIMA: entre 85-89 mmHg.
Hipertensión grado 1
MÁXIMA: entre 140-159 mmHg.
MÍNIMA: entre 90-99 mmHg.
Hipertensión grado 2
MÁXIMA: entre 160-179 mmHg
MÍNIMA: entre 100-109 mmHg
Hipertensión grado 3
MÁXIMA: más de 180 mmHg
MÍNIMA: más de 110 mmHg

Sean cuales sean nuestros valores de tensión arterial, es importante conocer los factores que más pueden elevarlos, así como los que nos ayudan a mantenerlos en unos límites aceptables.
Dejar de fumar
Según los especialistas, los efectos beneficiosos que obtenemos al dejar de fumar son superiores a los que proporciona cualquier fármaco contra la hipertensión. No hay que olvidar que el tabaco aumenta la presión arterial y la frecuencia cardíaca.
Consumo moderado de alcohol
El consumo moderado de alcohol (un vaso de vino al día en las comidas como máximo) resulta aceptable, pero si superamos este límite corremos el riesgo de que aumente la presión arterial y, como consecuencia, se experimenten alteraciones muy perjudiciales en el corazón y otros órganos.
Evitar el sobrepeso
Las personas obesas tienen un riesgo entre dos y tres veces mayor de sufrir hipertensión, ya que la presión arterial aumenta de forma proporcional al peso (más de la mitad de las personas obesas son hipertensas). Adelgazar de forma gradual es una medida que permite, por sí sola, reducir la tensión de forma considerable. En ocasiones, la pérdida del 10% del peso total corporal puede corregir el problema sin necesidad de recurrir al tratamiento farmacológico.
Hacer ejercicio
Además de reducir la presión arterial, el deporte practicado de forma regular aumenta la masa muscular, ayuda a controlar el peso y mejora la salud cardiovascular. Cualquier actividad física resulta eficaz (caminar un mínimo de media hora al día, ir en bicicleta, correr, etc.), con tal que se practique un mínimo de tres días por semana.
Comer de forma adecuada
Seguir una dieta cardiosaludable, rica en frutas, verduras, legumbres, frutos secos, pan y otros cereales, pescado y carne de ave (en lugar de carnes rojas) nos ayudarán a mantener nuestra tensión en unos niveles aceptables.
Todas las personas, tanto si son hipertensas como si no, deben disminuir el consumo de sal y de los alimentos que la contengan. En su lugar, se aconseja aderezar los platos con especias, hierbas aromáticas, zumo de limón, ajo, cebolla, etc. También es importante reducir el consumo de alimentos que contengan sal en gran cantidad como los embutidos, los precocinados, los aperitivos salados, los ahumados, las conservas, los salazones, etc.
Comer alimentos ricos en potasio. Este mineral regula los niveles de tensión arterial. Lo encontrarás en las legumbres, los futos secos, el plátano, las acelgas, las alcachofas...
Controlar las grasas saturadas presentes en las carnes rojas, los embutidos, la bollería industrial, los precocinados, los lácteos enteros, etc. Sustituye estos alimentos por carne magra, pollo y pescado cocinados al horno, a la plancha o al vapor.

Sobre la tensión arterial circulan muchas creencias que son completamente falsas, a continuación abordamos y desmitificamos ideas falsas como las siguientes:
"Si se sufre hipertensión, no se puede tomar café". No se ha comprobado que el café cause hipertensión. Si no hay ninguna otra contraindicación, los hipertensos pueden beber entre una y tres tazas diarias.
"Si se toman fármacos contra la hipertensión, no hace falta comer sin sal". Esto es totalmente falso, ya que, incluso las personas que tienen los valores correctos, deben tener cuidado con el consumo de este condimento. En el caso de las personas hipertensas, es imprescindible que sigan los consejos dietéticos de su médico. Hay que tener en cuenta, además, que la medicación es más efectiva si se reduce la sal.
"Es peligroso tener la tensión descompensada". El hecho de que los valores de las presiones mínima y máxima estén próximos no es tan relevante como se piensa. Según los expertos, lo realmente importante es que estén dentro de los niveles recomendados (140/90 mmHg.)
"Se puede interrumpir el tratamiento cuando la tensión se normalice". Algunas personas abandonan o reducen la medicación porque se encuentran bien o porque sus valores empiezan a ser correctos. Esto es un error, ya que nunca hay que dejar de tomarla sin que el médico lo autorice.

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Si te cuesta moldear el pelo a tu gusto, se encrespa al menor atisbo de humedad o se enreda en cuanto se levanta un poco de viento, haz que siente la cabeza con la ayuda de estos consejos.
Las melenas rizadas, los cabellos gruesos y los teñidos, más porosos por naturaleza, son los más vulnerables al efecto de la humedad del ambiente.
Cómo lavarlo
La clave está en mantener el pelo hidratado empleando una línea de champú y acondicionador nutritivo o de efecto reparador si es que tu melena requiere cuidados intensivos. Recuerda que cuanto más poroso esté el cabello (por la edad, la falta de hidratación, etc.), más fácilmente absorbe la humedad. ¿Te lo notas seco y áspero al tacto? Repara los estragos con una mascarilla para cabellos castigados.
Cómo secarlo
Para evitar que el pelo se hinche nada más pisar la calle, no salgas de casa (ni te vayas a dormir) con el cabello mojado. Retira el exceso de humedad con una toalla y sécatelo a la temperatura más baja posible.
Peine: ¿cuál te viene al pelo?
Los fabricados en materiales naturales -madera, carey, etc.-son los más respetuosos con el pelo. Elígelo de púas anchas y separadas en caso de cabello rizados.
Producto estrella
Las espumas, geleslacas, etc.- de efecto "antifrizz" suavizan la superficie del cabello a la vez que lo impermeabilizan del exterior.
Remedio de urgencia
No intentes acomodar los pelitos encrespados en forma de "halo" alrededor de la cabeza con laca -reseca aún más el cabello-. Devuélvelos a su sitio usando un acondicionador sin aclarado o un poco de cera.
Una excelente loción natural, que fija el cabello y lo aísla de la humedad, es la que se obtiene hirviendo en medio litro de agua una cucharada de aceite de almendras y tres de lino. Filtra a los 20 minutos y viértelo sobre un frasco. Aplica sobre todo el largo del cabello como si se tratara de un acondicionador sin aclarado.

No hay cabello que se libre de los fenómenos electroestáticos, pero los más sensibles son los finos.
Cómo lavarlo
Utiliza un champú redensificante, que aporte grosor al pelo y más peso la melena.
Cómo secarlo
Los secadores iónicos serán tu arma de combate más eficaz, ya que neutralizan las cargas eléctricas. Si utilizas planchas para alisar el pelo, opta por las que emiten iones negativos o las que tienen placas de cerámica recubiertas de aluminio y titanio.
Peine: ¿cuál te viene al pelo?
Los que mejor previenen que el pelo se "dispare" son los peines de carbono, cerámica y madera. Evita, en cambio, los de plástico.
El producto estrella
Los esprays de protección antiestática, que se aplican después de la ducha o sobre el cabello seco forman una película protectora hidratante que ayuda a reducir la electricidad estática.
Remedio de urgencia
Rocía el gorro o el sombrero, la solapa del abrigo, el interior del casco, etc., con uno de esos esprays y verás como, cuando te los saques, no se moverá ni un pelo de su lugar.

El secreto para desenredar el pelo sin tirones y fijar el peinado sin complicaciones está en mantenerlo suave y flexible.
Cómo lavarlo
Utiliza un champú y un acondicionador antirrotura, sella las puntas con un sérum protector y facilita el desenredado recurriendo a un agua de peinado.
Cómo secarlo
Aunque lo mejor es secarlo al aire, si no tienes más remedio que echar mano del secador o la plancha aplica sobre el pelo un protector térmico.
Peine: ¿cuál te viene al pelo?
Los de púas flexibles son los más adecuados. Ármate de paciencia y desenreda el pelo mechón a mechón, empezando por los extremos y subiendo hasta la raíz.
Remedio de urgencia
Si tienes el pelo largo y se ha levantado mucho viento, harás muy bien en introducirlo por debajo del abrigo.

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Afecta a la mayoría de las mujeres y es la principal causa de las fracturas óseas que se producen después de los 40 años. Una dieta rica en calcio y seguir unos hábitos sanos nos ayudará a prevenir su aparición.
Aunque no lo parezca, los huesos son tejidos vivos. Su alimento son los minerales que obtenemos a través de la dieta. Nutrientes como, sobre todo, el calcio hacen que los huesos se mantengan fuertes y resistentes. Si la cantidad que tomamos al día es insuficiente, el hueso pierde densidad, apareciendo lo que conocemos como osteoporosis.

Hay personas que son más propensas que otras a sufrir esta dolencia. Pertenecer al sexo femenino es uno de los aspectos más determinantes (el 80% de los afectados son mujeres), sobre todo al llegar a la menopausia, pero no es el único.
Haber seguido durante más de tres meses un tratamiento con corticoesteroides aumenta las posibilidades de padecer osteoporosis.
Las personas que han sufrido una fractura ósea después de los 40 años tienen un riesgo dos veces mayor.
Si los padres (especialmente, la madre) han padecido problemas de osteoporosis, es probable que los hijos los sufran también.
Fumar acelera la eliminación de calcio por orina y disminuye la producción de estrógenos, dos factores que actúan muy negativamente sobre la salud de los huesos, sobre todo en el caso de la mujer.

La osteoporosis es una enfermedad silenciosa, ya que no produce ningún tipo de molestias. Estas señales te ayudarán a detectarla.
Dolor en la espalda
Cuando las molestias no cesan ni con el tiempo ni con el descanso, pueden deberse a la fractura de una o varias vértebras.
Deformidades en la columna
Tener la espalda encorvada, aunque sea ligeramente, puede hacernos sospechar su presencia.
Pérdida de talla
Cuando se sufren fracturas inadvertidas en las vértebras se produce una pérdida progresiva de altura.
Fracturas frecuentes
Sobre todo si tienen lugar después de los 40 años, pueden deberse a la porosidad excesiva de los huesos.

La mayoría de estudios demuestran que nuestra dieta es baja en calcio. ¿Cómo podemos estar seguros/as de tener una buena reserva de este mineral en nuestro organismo?
El consumo de calcio recomendado para un adulto oscilan entre los 1.000 y los 1.300 mg. al día. Para conseguirlo, procura que en tu dieta no falten ninguno de estos alimentos:
Lácteos. Debes tomar cuatro raciones al día.
Una ración es: un vaso de leche, dos yogures o 40 g. de queso.
Frutos secos. Son un excelente complemento a los lácteos. Las almendras son las que lo contienen en mayor cantidad (250 mg. de calcio por cada 100 gr.). Tomar un puñadito diario es una excelente garantía para disfrutar de una buena salud ósea.
Pescado. Las sardinas con espina y los mejillones son una muy buena reserva de este mineral. Por ello, se aconseja tomarlos tres veces por semana.
Legumbres. La soja, las judías y los garbanzos también contienen calcio, por ello, es importante que incluyas entre dos y tres raciones en tu dieta semanal.
Vitamina D, imprescindible
No sólo de calcio se nutren los huesos. La vitamina D también tiene una importancia crucial, ya que facilita que este mineral sea asimilado correctamente por el organismo. Son ricos en este nutriente el pescado azul, los huevos y la mantequilla, entre otros, aunque una de sus fuentes más importantes no está en la dieta. Tomar el sol diario (aproximadamente unos 10 minutos) también nos ayuda a conseguirla.
No te conviene
Hay algunos alimentos que actúan como "ladrones" de calcio. El consumo excesivo de café, alimentos ricos en grasas y azúcares, por ejemplo, puede desmineralizar los huesos. El alcohol y la sal hacen que se pierda calcio por la orina, por lo que también conviene evitarlos.

Además de la alimentación, hay una serie de factores que también influyen positivamente en tu salud ósea.
Ejercicio suave
El deporte contribuye a aumentar la densidad ósea. Para que resulte realmente eficaz, se debe practicar un ejercicio físico de resistencia (pesas, pilates, tenis, "footing"...) un mínimo de 45 minutos tres veces por semana. Evita los deportes que incluyan saltos e impactos, ya que elevan el riesgo de fracturas.
Mantén un peso adecuado
Estar muy delgada (menos de 45 kilos) debilita los huesos, pero pesar más de la cuenta los somete a un esfuerzo excesivo. Lo ideal, por lo tanto, es mantenernos en nuestro peso justo.
Sométete a revisiones periódicas
El riesgo de osteoporosis aumenta con la menopausia, como consecuencia del cese de la producción de estrógenos, unas hormonas que ejercen un efecto beneficioso sobre los huesos. A partir de ese momento (a partir de los 40 años, en mujeres con factores riesgo), se aconseja realizar una prueba llamada densitometría, que mesura la densidad ósea.

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10 Ways To Use Relaxation Techniques To Manage Your Relationship Stress (Boyd Rankin)

1. When you feel extremely stressed or you just had an argument, then go to a room alone and sit down on a sofa or a chair. Sit in an upright position. Then try relaxing your muscles, starting from your feet and moving upwards. When you are stressed your body starts producing chemicals that make our muscles tense. When you relax your muscles you send a signal to the brain that the situation is better now and there is no need for the intense stress.

2. Concentrate on something else rather than the reason that is causing the stress. Although it might seem hard to concentrate on something else when you have relationship problem but you won't succeed unless you try. Using step 1 relaxation technique will help you concentrate on relaxing your muscles rather than the stress.

3. Learn to use your hobbies as your solace. There comes a time in relationships when you just want to get away from your partner for a little while and spend some time on your own. It is important to have some hobbies that can do in your spare time which help you to relax.

4. Yoga is one of the best relaxation techniques today. It helps improve your health and teaches you many methods that you can use in your day to day life to feel better. If your partner is interested then both of you can join yoga classes together and learn the techniques to reduce the stress.

5. Relationships often get to a point when you feel like that there is nothing left in the relationship but fights and arguments. At such times there is very good way to reduce the stress and build your confidence in the relationship. All you have to do is close your eyes and think of the wonderful times you had with your partner. This will help your mind relax and will give you a reason to try to improve your relationship.

6. Aroma therapy is another popular technique used these days by many to reduce stress. Essential oils are used to alter the mood of a person in this therapy. You and your partner can do this together and once both of you are in a good and calm mood you can discuss many things that are difficult to discuss when stressed out.

7. You may have overlooked it all these years but one of the most effective techniques to reduce stress is touch therapy. If you are both stressed out due to some reason, then a simple touch from your loved one can create a lot of difference. Just holding hand with your partner sends a signal to the brain to reduce the stress. If not your partner, then a hug from your kids or parents can do the trick.

8. Breathing techniques are becoming more and more popular these days. They only take about five minutes to perform but can have a very good effect in stress reduction.

9. There are a lot of therapies available in the market that can be used to learn new ways to reduce stress. Mediation is one of those techniques that will always be popular because of its effectiveness. It teaches you to control your thoughts and help achieve a positive attitude towards life.

10. Exercises and healthy food are probably the most underrated stress reduction techniques. They help in many ways to reduce stress. If you can spare some time to run, jog, or swim everyday then you will see the difference yourself. Endurance training is also very effective. Healthy food is extremely important to maintain your health during stressful times.

Relaxation techniques might not find you the exact way to stop your relationship stress altogether, but they will help you reduce the stress that affects your physical and mental functioning. If you are able to reduce the stress and take control over your mind then you will be able to stop your relationship stress once and for all.

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Understanding Mental Illness (Leslie Gibbon)

Mental illness is an increasing problem in the United States as well as around the world. There are many different types of mental illnesses that are experienced, from depression to OCD to schizophrenia. Each of these types of mental conditions is going to require some very specific treatments in order to help control the problem. What are some of those treatments that may be available and what can you do if you or a loved one is suffering from mental illness and need some assistance?

The first thing for you to understand is the fact that mental illness is a clinical problem. If you are depressed or if you suffer from OCD, it is not a sign of weakness or something that needs to be swept under the carpet. Just as you would see a physician in order to get assistance if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you should also seek medical assistance if you have a mental issue. They will help you to see the various options that may be available, which could include taking medication or perhaps giving you the help needed to find a therapist that can assist with your condition.

In many cases of mental illness, you're going to be provided with medication which may be able to help. Most of those medications are going to alter your brain chemicals, perhaps by making some of those chemicals more active in the brain. Those chemicals include serotonin and dopamine, which are neurotransmitters that may be directly related to your issue. You must understand the way that these medications work and their potential side effects before you begin taking them. Being informed about the medication that you are taking will help you to make wise decisions and to report any problems that may exist to your physician. After all, many drugs that are taken for depression and anxiety may cause additional depression and the potential for suicidal thoughts. Make sure that you are aware of this in advance.

You should also be aware of the fact that there is not always going to be an effective medication for your condition. Although there are some drugs that are available as an OCD treatment, they are largely ineffective. Even if you do find a medication that helps you with OCD or any other mental condition, it is only a matter of treating the symptoms and is not actually treating the underlying condition. That is why a therapist is often recommended to help you to root out the problem that may be leading to your mental condition.

Mental issues can be caused by many different underlying conditions, including a change in your lifestyle or even an illness. When you have a problem with depression, OCD or any other mental issue, it's important for you to get prompt medical attention so that you are able to get to the root of the problem as quickly as possible. Although it is going to take some time for the issues to be resolved, it will be well worth the effort once you are able to overcome the mental issue and begin living your life again.

Leslie Gibons is the author of this article about better understanding mental illness. Leslie, a San Francisco therapist, has worked in this industry for some time and understands that not everyone fully recognizes mental illness as it should be.
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