Understand how it develops
The very first step to keep yourself away from substance abuse is to be aware of "how actually one develops this habit". This habit in most of the cases is unconsciously developed. By the time a person realizes that he is addicted to a drug, the damage is already done. And this damage is entirely irrevocable. Hence, it is wise on part of an individual to be proactive and understand the actual cause of this problem and prevent the habit before it develops. The basic reasons for getting into drug addiction include mental illness, work pressure, depression, bad company, temptation, etc.
Avoid temptations and peer pressure
This is the major cause for drug addiction, as temptation and peer pressure are very hard to overcome. These are the probable motivators for substance abuse for any individual. Drugs make the individual habituated to them. This tunes the mind of the drug abuser towards it and the temptation to abuse it regularly starts immediately.
Another aspect that affects drug abuse is peer pressure. This is very common among teens. Most teens, even adult drug abusers provoke others to abuse drugs. They tend to tease the persons who refuse to abuse, which makes the non-abusers to take up drugs in order to fit into the crowd. It is very hard to overcome peer pressure, it needs great courage to say 'NO' and stand by your own principles.
Stay away from substance abuse hangouts
One of the best ways to turn away from drug abuse is to stay from the substance abuse hangouts. They are the potential starters for drug abuse in a society. These places encourage temptation and peer pressure will be high. Avoiding these hangouts will be of great help in preventing and overcoming the drug abuse. Especially, it is very much useful in cases of out-of-city parties or rave parties.
Practice healthier living habits
The most positive way of turning away from substance abuse is to practice healthier lifestyle. Healthy living ensures good habits, mental strength, good health and most importantly averts the negative influence. Being a part of social activities, being in a good company, exercising physically and mentally, and good diet is a part of healthy lifestyle. Healthier lifestyle imparts positive energy and increase confidence to overcome any kind of wrong temptations.
Keep a balanced life
The main reason for developing drug addiction is lack of mental strength. An individual most often succumbs to pressures associated with life and work. These pressures result in imbalances leading to addiction of drugs. One of the best possible ways to ensure a well-balanced life is to be in a good company. This enhances the positive outlook on life which leads to good mental health. Hence, for a good living one needs to balance all the phases of his/her life well, which results in ultimate happiness, thus depriving from the negative habits.
Staying away from drug abuse may sound impossible, but nothing is impossible before strong determination and will power. All the above points provide a clear understanding on how to deal with the problem of substance abuse. Hence, by concentrating on these aspects, one can lead a healthy and happier life.

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