Problems at school or work
Unhealthy habits such as substance abuse create many problems at school or workplace. Youth addicted to drugs or alcohol miss their classes regularly. Sudden drop in grades and quitting the extracurricular activities are some of the consequences of substance abuse in students. In the same way, substance abuse among employees results in frequent absenteeism and poor performance at work. Many of them will be involved in accidents at workplaces. Thereby, it affects the career of the substance abuser.
Neglect grooming
Change in the physical appearance is one of the characteristics of substance abusers. They neglect the regular grooming activities such as brushing hair, showering, and so on as their priorities shift to the constant need for the drug. Drug abuse therefore affects their personal hygiene. It is also associated with many health issues.
Health issues
Some of the health effects among the substance abusing people include irritability, change in weight, lack or excessive amount of energy, impaired coordination, raising heartbeat etc. The functions of various important organs such as brain, heart, lungs, liver, and others get impaired. Strokes, lung or bronchial disorders, cardiovascular diseases, and mental disorders are some of the major health issues related to the substance abuse. The dangerous health effects due to long-term practice of this unhealthy habit may also result in death of the abuser.
Unhealthy lifestyle
The practice of substance abuse entertains an unhealthy lifestyle. Drug abusers may be involved in use of infected needles, smoking, ignore diet and exercise which may lead to several serious health effects. Many physical as well as psychological effects arise due to frequent use of illegal drugs.
Physical characteristics
Certain physical signs and symptoms help detect the substance abusers. They are red eyes, large or small pupils, unusual skin color, runny nose, bags under eyes, frequent sore throats, puffy face, frequent bruises from falls etc. Needle marks on the body are a clear indication of substance abuse. Certain skin abscesses may be formed due to the needle marks making it much easy to identify them.
Behavioral changes
Many changes in behavior and attitude are observed among the drug abusers. Certain typical behavioral alterations and characteristics of substance abusers include decrease in work performance, hanging out with new friends, sudden personality changes, and mood swings. They also prefer to spend longer time in self-imposed isolation. They often tend to lie when questioned regarding their activities and whereabouts. They are more prone to anger, irritation, and violence. Suicidal thoughts and inability to control temper or anger are the indications of drug addiction.
Involvement in crime
The most serious characteristic of substance abusers is their involvement in crime related activities. They may steal money or other valuables from home or workplace. Out of anger, they may get into violent activities including fighting with friends or family members and may even attempt to kill others. This affects the abuser as well as others in the society.
If you find any of the above mentioned characteristics in your family members, friends, children employees or any other person, you need to first confirm that they are involved in substance abuse. You need to realize that early drug abusers using right drug detection tools such as drug testing kits help in implementing necessary treatment measures at a right time.

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