What are Benzodiazepines?
Benzodiazepines, commonly called as 'benzos' are known to be hypnotic drugs and brain tranquilizers. These central nervous system depressants are generally prescribed to treat sleep disorders, anxiety, acute stress reactions, panic attacks and convulsions. This drug is available in many forms with various strengths. Benzodiazepines in any form are found to be highly toxic and addictive, so they should be used only as prescribed.
The main centers of action of Benzodiazepines in the human body are cells of nervous system. Benzodiazepines are involved in the augmentation of a specific neuro transmitter called GABA (gamma - aminobutyric acid). GABA is an inhibitor hormone, which passes from one cell to another transmitting the message to reduce the activity of a particular process. As benzodiazepines increase the activity of these hormones, the overall brain activity is slowed down.
Effects of abuse
Benzodiazepines are found to act on the neural activities of the human body. As these are found to control the activities of nervous system, the person abusing the drug is prone to suffer from mental and personality disorders. It is also found that some symptoms of Benzodiazepine drug abuse are non - specific and may relate to any part of the body. Some of the effects of this drug abuse on the human body are:
Difficulty in breathing
Over sedation (drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, lack of coordination, confusion)
Deep or permanent coma
Apart from the above effects, Benzodiazepine drug abuse is also found to create severe personality disorders such as suicidal tendencies, depression, aggressive behavior which includes violent behavior, physical abuse, assaults, homicides and many anti-social activities at home and at workplace.
The effects of Benzodiazepines does not stop with the above list, more drastic effects are found when taken with other addictive drugs like opiates, hypnotics, anti-depressants, etc. making the individual more tolerant and dependent to other drugs, finally leading to fatality.
Importance of drug testing
Early detection of drug abuse is necessary as it is difficult for an individual to withdraw the drug use after a certain period of time. Some of the symptoms associated with chronic abuse withdrawal are insomnia, gastric troubles, irritability, delirium, tremors and seizures. Apart from these, forceful withdrawal may also develop suicidal tendencies in abuser.
The number and the severity of ill effects of Benzodiazepines on the body are not easy to analyze. Hence, it is on the part of the individual and his companions to go for the early detection of drug through testing. This helps in avoiding the serious consequences associated with the prolonged usage of drug. It is especially necessary to conduct Benzodiazepine drug tests at workplaces and homes to identify drug abusing employees or teens. In many cases drug tests are found to be life savers. Hence, it is necessary to conduct a drug test immediately on identifying the symptoms of drug abuse.
Types of testing
Various types of drug tests are conducted to detect the drug abusers. These drug tests help in identifying the elevated levels of Bezodiazepines and their metabolites in any given sample. The most commonly used samples for conducting Benzodiazepine drug test are saliva, hair and urine. The drug tests can be conducted in laboratories or on-site (home or workplace) by using drug test kits.
Drug tests in laboratories
The drug tests conducted in laboratories are highly accurate. These tests not only detect the presence of Benzodiazepines and their metabolites, but also detect the levels of drug abuse by analyzing the sample. The laboratories can use any sample like saliva, blood, urine or hair for identifying the drug presence.
Drug tests using testing kits
Various drug testing kits are available in the market making it easy for the people to conduct the test at their convenience. Unlike laboratory tests, they can be conducted at any place and at any time. These drug test kits are very useful for employers and for parents for conducting onsite drug tests, in regard with the easy collection of sample. These drug testing kits are inexpensive as well as accurate.
Benzodiazepine drug abuse is found to be chronic drug abuse of all. Creating awareness about the negative effects and the methods to control this drug abuse is the only way to combat this problem. Early rectification of this problem will help in establishing a good society with high values.

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