Drug abuse has many negative effects on the abuser, which include, physical, mental, social and financial. Drug abuse is dangerous not only for the abusers, it also poses a great threat to others around them. Therefore it is very important to identify and help them to stay away from drugs. One of the easiest ways of identifying drug abusers is by using drug detection tests. There are many drug testing kits available in the market, of which integrated E-Z test cups are considered as one of the best options to identify the drug abusers.
Many people including parents, school administrators and employers prefer E-Z test cups to detect the drug abusers because they are easy to handle, efficient to conduct on-site, cost effective and accurate. Many people choose it over the other testing methods because its eliminates urine handling and donor tampering. Integrated E-Z test cups provide accurate and quick results too.
Integrated E-Z test cups can detect the elevated levels of multiple drugs at a shot, using a single sample. They can detect combination of different drugs such as Cocaine, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Marijuana(THC)
Opiates, Phencyclidine, Barbiturate, Benzodiazepine, Methadone, Ecstasy, Oxycodone and Buprenorphine.
Process of the test
The process of conducting the integrated E-Z test cups to identify the drug abusers is very simple. Anybody without any training can administer this test. The suspect himself fills urine in a test cup and replaces a cap firmly. The administer just has to insert a key provided. Within minutes, results will appear on the test card. Results are generally taken after five minutes.
Interpretation of results
Reading the results using integrated E-Z test cups is as easy as using it. For a positive result (if there are any elevated levels of illicit drug), you will observe a red line in the control region and the test region will be empty (no line). For a negative result, two lines will appear on the test card. One in the control region and another in test region. If there is no line in the control region, the result of the test can be considered as invalid. If the result is positive, Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) tests should be used to confirm the result.
The above mentioned advantages make integrated E-Z test cups very popular among the administers to conduct drug testing. However, there are many shady companies offering low quality test cups. Therefore, one should be very careful while purchasing integrated E-Z test cups. One should always choose FDA approved test cups, which provide 95% to 98% accurate results just within minutes. Remember, they should be set to the SAMSHA Cut-off levels also.

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