Student Drug Testing
Student drug testing is performed in four phases, collecting, screening, confirming and reviewing. An administrator/collector will be appointed to collect the specimen from students, which is sent for screening. Here the specimen will be tested to detect the drug metabolites. If the test results positive, a physician will confirm it by retesting the specimen. In certain cases, drug testing will be performed at the collection spot and the results will be revealed in few minutes.
Student Drug Testing Significance
The main objective of student drug testing is to prevent the adolescents from starting drug usage. It recognizes the drug abusers in the initial stage and enables the counselors and parents to help them to stop abusing.
* Students are high-risk groups: In a recent survey of SAMHSA in 2007, teenagers and young adults are the high-risk groups of drug abusers. This shows the necessity of drug testing for students. Therefore with no alternative drug testing for students is a high priority.
* Early Intervention: Early interference identifies drug-abused students and helps their parents and counselors to support the student from getting out of the problem.
* Improves Educational Quality: Drug abusing has many disruptions such as, behavioral problems, absentism, illness, etc that disables learning process. Drug abusing hinders students to ruin their studies.
* Emphasizing The Motto: Drug testing for students can emphasize its motto to say no for drugs. In addition it stresses the need of drug-free environment, which is essential to avoid drug abuse.
With the above information we can know the importance of conducting drug testing for students. It helps in discouraging drug abuse among the students and gives a valid reason to 'say no' for drugs.

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